Needless to say about gangsters, the main reason is that moths appeared in the coal mine before the end of the new year. I heard that the gangsters formed a gang, which seemed to be wolves or dogs.

There are uniforms, and there are guys in their hands. These people are extremely arrogant. It is estimated that they drank too much on the day of the leader, and they just floated away. Some of them couldn't make it to the stage, but they also caused quite a stir.

The team directly dispatched to clean up this group of people, and this became a beginning. Needless to say, Xu Lingjun and the others, the higher-ups also paid attention to it, and launched a campaign to eliminate bastards, which was quite strict.

After the beginning of spring, Luo Zhifang took her son Gao Changgui to visit Xu Lingjun, and the work was settled, Luo Zhifang was very happy.I kept thanking Xu Lingjun for my benefactor.

Gao Changgui was still a little reluctant at first, after all, the bastards have all started to be eliminated, and the environment will be much better in the future.

"You, this matter can't be solved once or twice. The dog is most likely to be frightened by biting. You have been working in the cannery for two years, and you have learned a lot from the car. Besides, you will be fine after you go to work. You can also go to the market." Xu Lingjun persuaded him.

"Brother Xu, I'll report tomorrow, thank you!" Gao Changgui knew that Xu Lingjun was doing it for his own good. Is more turbulent.

In this way, Xu Lingjun and the others returned to a normal life until Chen Xiuzhu was about to give birth.

That's right, when Feng Limin's daughter-in-law Chen Xiuzhu gave birth, the dormitory building over the hotel had already been built, and Feng Limin, Li Jijun, and Wang Lei all shared a three-bedroom house.

After the Feng family got the letter, they were happy to show off everywhere, and their daughter-in-law was about to have a baby, so Feng Limin's two mothers wanted to come to Beijing to have a look, mainly to serve the confinement child.

The second needless to say, of course I want to see how their life is, so that I can show off when I go back.

"Mom, you're here! I told you I don't need anything here. Why are you carrying so many things?" Feng Limin came to the station, picked up the two mothers, and said while helping to carry things.

Originally, my wife had already made arrangements for the couple. If it was not convenient for people to come to my hometown, Xiuzhu would be confinement with her. There are many people in the family, so it is easy to take care of them.

Unexpectedly, I received a letter from my hometown a few days ago, saying that the two mothers would come over. Of course Feng Limin and Chen Xiuzhu were happy, and there was a scene where Feng Limin came to pick up the station.

"Well, these are all useful, and you have a ration of food here, so I can't eat your ration." Ye Yuqing glanced at his in-law Gan Qiuyue and said with a bit of a stick in his words.

"Look, I brought two old hens, which are not easy to buy. When Xiuzhu gives birth, I will give her nutrition. This woman is not easy. Giving birth is like walking around the king of hell. No relatives are around Not before."

Gan Qiuyue is not to be outdone, Xiuzhu is her own daughter, and giving birth to a child is a major event, and her mother usually waits on her during confinement, so she is afraid that her daughter will be wronged. . .

!There are such plots in many film and television dramas, that is, the mother-in-law and the mother are waiting together in front of the delivery room. When an emergency occurs, the doctor asks the guardian to protect the child, and the two mothers give completely opposite answers.

This is not a joke. The level of medical care at that time was not good enough. When encountering a serious bleeding or something, I really had to make a choice.

"That mother, let's get in the car first, and we'll talk when we go back." Feng Limin suddenly felt a headache when he saw this posture, it was obvious that the two mothers did not get along very well!

In fact, before he came to the capital, the two of them had a little quarrel. I remember that Xu Lingjun asked Feng Limin to go with him to the capital. Feng Limin happened to be in a relationship with Chen Xiuzhu. The Feng family was afraid that Chen Xiuzhu would affect their son's future, so they wanted them to separate. .

But the relationship between the two had been confirmed, and Feng Limin was obviously not happy about it. Chen Xiuzhu's family had nothing to do with their daughter. They were a ranch. If Feng Limin really broke off with Chen Xiuzhu, the Chen family would still be alive.

Fortunately, when Xu Lingjun found out, he simply asked both of them to come along and arranged jobs for them.

So the Feng family always had a sense of superiority.He felt that the old Chen family had been honored by their family. If there was no such thing, Feng Limin would definitely be able to marry a girl from the city, especially after Feng Limin became the director of the printing factory, the Feng family walked differently.

Of course, they knew that Xu Lingjun had given these things, and they brought a lot of things this time, many of which were prepared for Xu Lingjun, and wanted to thank Feng Limin for taking care of him.

The Chen family is actually quite helpless, they are the first team of the ranch, although the life of the first team cannot compare with the seventh team in the past two years, they are also very proud in the ranch.

Yes, my daughter's life will be better after joining Feng Limin, but when Xiuzhu marries your Feng family, she is the daughter-in-law of your Feng family, so you should treat her well.

How long has the daughter and son-in-law been in Beijing? Has the Chen family ever troubled the son-in-law?Or do I beg you to do something for the Chen family?

There is no *, none of these, then their Chen family can hold their heads high, and the girl can also hold her head high in your Feng family. It's just so stubborn, what the hell.

How could Feng Limin have thought of so many twists and turns. He and Chen Xiuzhu have a very good relationship. What happened first? It was actually on the bar.

At night, Chen Xiuzhu couldn't sleep for a long time. She was about to give birth, her belly was very big, she felt uncomfortable no matter how much she slept, her legs were swollen, and she had to go to work during the day.

In fact, Xu Lingjun also said that if you can't do it, you can ask for leave in advance, but others can insist, and she, Chen Xiuzhu, can also insist. Besides, she can't just rely on the factory director Xu being her husband's master to do something special. In Chen Xiuzhu's mind, the better the relationship, the better they will be Just do your job.

"Xiuzhu, I can't sleep! I'll get you some hot water to soak your feet!" Feng Limin got up and prepared to wash Xiuzhu's feet. Since Xiuzhu's belly got bigger, Feng Limin took care of many inconvenient things.

"Farewell. Don't go. It's not good for your mother to see it. It's not like you didn't hear it during dinner tonight. Your mother said something about me several times and thought I was hypocritical." Xiuzhu hurriedly stopped Feng Limin.

In fact, after the couple came to the capital, their thoughts and lives were different from before. They were more equal in their thoughts, they paid more attention to each other, and their lives tended to be more clean and tidy in the city.

They really didn't get used to the arrival of the two mothers. It wasn't that Xiuzhu blamed her mother-in-law, even her own mother was a little uncomfortable in terms of hygiene and living habits.

"How hypocritical, you have such a big belly, how can you wipe your body without my help, and after eating, that bowl, oops! I'll wash them after they fall asleep!" Feng Limin thought that his mother just washed them with water. It's over after flushing, the bowl still feels oily, thinking about using it tomorrow, Feng Limin can't stand it.

"Also, Li Min, if you can't do it, let my wife take our two mothers to the bathroom to take a bath tomorrow. Let's tear some cloth, and then let my wife make clothes for them." Xiuzhu looked at her husband and asked for his opinion.

Xiuzhu also felt that she was a bit hypocritical. She didn't feel it when she was on the ranch before, but she was still clean after arriving in the city, and she felt uncomfortable all over without taking a bath for a long time.

And when the two of their mothers came, that smell. .

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