"Old fox..."

Seeing the door of the room being closed, Robert Iger, who was still annoyed just now, immediately calmed down.

After sitting down, he took a sip of coffee and whispered a word.

After a pause, he took out a mobile phone from his body and typed a word: "yes...".

After seeing this text message sent, Robert stood up, went to the window, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and watched the lively scene of the red carpet ceremony in the Dolby Theater in the distance.


"You said you have no grudges, you are the mouth of Donald Duck, you are worthy of being a member of Disney."

Outside the door, Barry Meyer walked towards the elevator with a mocking expression on his face.

For Robert's dead duck, he is a little bit contemptuous.

Regarding what the president of Disney said just now, what is the favor, what is the favor of the Disney board of directors, what is the small Oscar for the best foreign language film, what is the exchange for the Oscar for best picture, best director and other awards, what is the profit made to let Huaner participate , These words, this kind of thing, Barry just listened to it.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and no one can fool anyone.

Barry has been the president of Warner for many years. Although Robert has only been the president of Disney for 13 years, he has been working at Disney for decades.

Everyone has been dealing with each other for too long, and who doesn't know who.


"Barry, you're finally here."

Martin was in another room and waited for a long time before he heard a knock on the door.

"Martin, I came to you as soon as I finished chatting with Robert..."

The person outside the door was Barry Meyer, who was talking to the president of Disney just now, and he complained slightly as he walked into the room.

Barry, who took the elevator just now, did not leave the Hilton Hotel, but came to the floor where Martin was.

"Go to my place another day. I have a bottle of red wine from [-] at home. How about it?"

Martin closed the door, followed Barry, sat down in the living room of the room, and made an offer that no one could refuse.

"It was in [-]? Wow, Martin, you are such an old fox. You have such a good thing and you are only now saying, no, tonight, at most tomorrow night, I will go to your house to drink..."

Sure enough, Barry's eyes lit up, and even the expression on his face changed, and he urged him impatiently.

"No problem, whenever you want, Barry, get down to business, what does Robert mean?"

Martin nodded and agreed without any hesitation, and then asked questions immediately.

"Martin, just now Robert told me...he said..."

"That's all..."

"So Martin, what I'm curious about is whether there is a feud between Qin and Robert, or Qin and Disney? I feel that Robert is very determined and wants to prevent Qin from winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film today... "

Barry's expression turned serious when he heard the words, and he had to be serious when talking about business. He paused, as if trying to organize his words, before speaking.

Tell Martin the part of the conversation with the president of Disney that can be said, and finally ask a question.

Although Barry, oh, you can also say that Warner, when dealing with Qin Dong, and Martin, caa and Qin Dong, the time is about the same.

But Barry knew that about Qin Dong, Martin, the president of CAA, and Huaxia Qin's agent, was the one who knew Qin best, that's why Barry asked this question.

"...no, Barry, after your text message was sent to me, I wondered whether Robert and Disney wanted to prevent Qin from winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film because of a holiday..."

Upon hearing this, Martin shook his head slowly, and began to speak:

"So before you came, I kept thinking, even made a lot of phone calls, and inquired about the news in the circle, and confirmed that Qin and Disney, including Disney's president Robert Iger, have never had any grievances between them , and didn’t even have any dealings.”

"Qin's only move in Hollywood is the lawsuit, you know, about that pervert Harvey, there are two actors and one director, only these few people have trouble with Qin, the others and the company have never had anything to do with Qin Holiday."

"Barry, help me analyze it too. Why is this? Why did Robert intervene, or did he suddenly intervene now that the awards ceremony is about to be held in an hour?"

Regarding Barry's question, Martin had already thought about it, but he couldn't figure out where the problem was, so he asked with an expression of asking for advice.

"That's weird..."

Barry also showed doubts when he heard the words, his brows were slightly frowned and he began to think.

The Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, this kind of award, among the many Oscar awards, is actually not the top award. As the president of Warner, Barry actually doesn’t value this small award, even the Best Picture Award, Best Director Award, Best Film Award, and Best Film Award. In fact, Barry didn't care too much about the most important awards for the male and female protagonists.

Barry was happy that Warner's film won the award, but Barry didn't care if it didn't win.

As long as Warner's movies make money, it's fine. Awards, what is that, Barry is very disdainful.

But because it is related to Qin Dong, Qin Dong values ​​this award, wants to win it, and puts a lot of effort into it, and as Qin Dong's manager Martin, who is also the signing company's CAA, also puts a lot of effort into these things. Seeing it in his eyes, and also received a call from Qin Dong, he understood Qin Dong's determination for this award, so Barry and Warner also worked hard for this Best Foreign Language Film Award a few months ago.

So when Robert proposed to exchange several Oscars for the best foreign language film award, Barry didn't agree, because he didn't care about the awards, and you gave all the Oscars to Warner, and Barry felt that was the case.

When Robert proposed that Warner could enter the second film, which would be equivalent to giving Warner millions to tens of millions of dollars in free money, Barry still refused.

Compared with millions, or tens of millions of dollars, compared with falling out with Qin, the world's super director today, in Barry's view, the gain outweighs the loss.

In the past few years, Warner has invested in several of Qin Dong's global releases, and Warner has always been one of the distributors. A few movies have allowed Warner to earn a profit of more than [-] million US dollars, idiot Will agree to Robert's proposal.

Therefore, Robert took out the threat that Warner's board of directors cared about Barry on the surface, but actually poked at it secretly. Barry was worried on the surface, but in fact he dismissed it in his heart and didn't care at all.

Unless Warner's board of directors are all fools and pig-headed, they wouldn't blame Barry after getting the news. Barry even guessed that Warner's board of directors would pretend not to know when they knew about it, and would never ask Barry about this matter.

The moment Barry completely rejected Robert, it meant that Barry and Warner were firmly standing by Qin Dong's side at this Oscar and today's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

"The two parties have no festivities, but Disney would rather spend millions, or even tens of millions of dollars, to stop Qin, just for a mere Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, which is not a heavyweight award. Although Disney or Speaking of Robert as the president is just talking about it, it is impossible to really spend so much money for such a small award, but Robert's tone seems to be very determined...It means that Robert or Disney's attitude towards Qin is indeed true. is hostile."

Barry thought about it, and said it out of the way, let Martin analyze it together.

After all, although Warner also contributed this time, but not as much as CAA.

The president of Warner, Barry, has a good relationship with Qin Dong, but he is still not as close as the president of CAA, Martin, and Qin Dong.

What's more, Martin, as Qin Dong's manager, knows more about Qin Dong and understands Qin Dong better. Barry feels that Martin's analysis results are better than his.

Barry and Warner promised Qin Dong that if he wanted to help Qin Dong win the award, then Barry had to put his heart into it, otherwise it would be three or two hours away from cashing in. Now, he suddenly failed. Qin Dong is good, this is something only a fool would do.

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