Warner Films Headquarters Building.

meeting room.

It was full of people at this time.

"Barry, what's the topic of today's meeting?"

Someone asked.

"Wow, Kurt, you're still so impatient."

In the most important position in the meeting room, Barry Meyer sat there safely. Hearing this, he glanced at the person who asked the question and said something helplessly.

If most people in the room dared to ask such a question, Barry would definitely fly into a rage.

But Kurt who asked the question was no longer in this list.

Not only Kurt, but also several others in the room.

These people are not Warner's management, these people are representatives of Warner's board of directors.

Some directors came in person, and some were representatives sent by directors.

"End the meeting early, so I can get away early, there is a beautiful woman waiting for me..."

With a big belly, Kurt, who looked 50 or [-] years old, said happily, not caring what other people meant.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's start."

Barry Meyer nodded with a smile, glanced at everyone in the conference room, and found that everything that should be there had arrived, so he said to a man in his 30s standing beside him:


"Okay, President."

Trent Terry, as Warner's assistant to the president, had already communicated with Barry before the meeting and received Barry's instructions.

At this time, he turned to the people in the room and said:

"Before starting the topic of today's meeting, there is some news that needs to be known to all directors and executives."

"The first news: Last year, Universal decided to restart the classic series [Jurassic Dinosaurs]."

"At that time, Universal found Dong. Qin, the world's new super director."

"The two have reached a ladder-type global box office sharing director contract."

"Director Qin is not only the director, screenwriter, and producer of the restarted version of [Jurassic Dinosaurs]... Even the special effects of this sci-fi blockbuster are all produced by the company under Director Qin."

"Before today, Warner got news..."

"Director Qin has produced some special effects clips, and after watching it around the world, he gave it a high evaluation."

"Even Universal President Adam regretted signing the global box office sharing contract."

"At present, Universal believes that the special effects of this movie are extremely perfect, and the plot is also very good."

"If there are no accidents, this movie can probably earn Director Qin several hundred million dollars in director's salary."

"The second news: [Fury Road], which was released for half a month, currently has a global box office of 6.3 million."

"The director of this movie is also director Dong Qin."


A loud bang.

Trent Terry, who had just finished speaking, was taken aback.

"Except for the surprise of the first news, the second news you mentioned, isn't this Fake known to everyone?"

"Is it necessary to waste everyone's time repeating?"

Board member Cook mocked in a very dissatisfied tone.

The loud noise just now was the sound of him hitting the table.

"Besides, what does these two pieces of news have to do with today's meeting?"

"Yeah, the movie [Fury Road] is still in theaters. As long as you read the newspaper frequently, you can see the box office statistics at a glance."

"Director Qin is one of the few super directors in the world after all, so his films are naturally worthy of attention."

"Well, what's more, the movie [Fury Road] has our Warner's investment, and even the global distribution is our Warner's. Is it necessary to introduce it again?"

Cook's words caused everyone in the room to nod and complain, and suddenly became noisy.

Well known things, need to repeat?

No need.


Barry Meyer frowned and snorted coldly.

The house suddenly became quiet.

As the president of Warner who has been in charge of Warner for decades, Barry still has a lot of prestige.

Even members of the board of directors have to give face.

Seeing the room quiet down, Barry Meyer glanced around and said in person:

"The issues discussed in today's meeting are not new ones, but old ones."

"The two things I asked Trent to introduce are definitely related to today's topic."

"I'm not old enough to be so confused..."

Everyone in the room remained silent, and no one interrupted this time.

Barry is very satisfied with his prestige, and he can still suppress the people below.

"Director Qin, now...his movies...box office...and the relationship with our Warner..."

"His script...his vision..."

"Look at Disney's Marvel...Marvel's superhero movies...box office...movie universe...global fans..."

"And our Warner DC...[Green Lantern] box office...[Superman: Man of Steel]..."

"Tell me, you all tell me..."

"Five years have passed, where is our DC movie universe, our superhero universe movie belonging to Warner?"

Barry Meyer's face became colder as he spoke, his eyes coldly glanced at the people below:

"Last year, Director Qin did not refuse Warner's invitation, and made his request."

"It was you who jointly rejected his proposal."

"You think [Superman: Man of Steel] could be the beginning of a new DC superhero movie universe, what's the result?"

"The movie was released this year, with a global box office of 6.68 million, which seems to be pretty good."

"But thinking about the 2.25 million cost of this movie, I can barely say that the movie box office has earned back the cost. If you want to make money from this movie, you can only count on offline discs, and the copyright is profitable."

"This is [Superman], our Warner's superhero, and the superhero with the world's largest fans, far surpassing all kinds of Marvel superheroes."

"The result is just this little box office, and the word of mouth is very mediocre."

"Now, everyone is talking about, how should our Warner Bros. superhero movie universe go on?"

"Everyone expresses their own opinions...I want to hear everyone's opinions."

For Barry Meyer, these few years have been a torment for him.

Among the giants of Hollywood, a different kind suddenly appeared, and Warner, who relied on fantasy films like "Harry Potter" to run rampant in the world, was suppressed and even surpassed by Disney in an instant.

Disney is an expert in cartoons, and there are not no live-action movies, but for Warner, Disney's live-action movies have not been Warner's opponents for decades.

In just a few short years, relying on Marvel's superhero movies, Disney caught up in an instant and overtook Warner.

This made Barry very tortured.


Big Apple.

Villa of the Daddario family.

"Ah...Really? Director Qin, he has taken a fancy to me by name and thinks I'm suitable for his movie?"

Alexandra Daddario jumped up and shouted excitedly.

Qin Dong's name is the focus of actors.

The news brought by the agent made Alexandra Daddario uncontrollably excited.

"Lala...be quiet, it's not that simple."

Mariana Estrada looked at the childlike Alexandra Daddario... very helpless.

Mingming is not young, but he often does childish things.

Simplicity is the label and true nature of Alexandra Daddario.

This girl is well protected, has a good tutor, has no bad habits, has no bad friends, well, she can't get in touch with such people, and even if she does, such people wouldn't dare to spoil Alexandra .

As Alexandra Daddario, who didn't join a big brokerage company, why wasn't she brought into trouble by the circle?

Mariana Estrada is very clear that, as a friend of the Daddario family, she knows the background of the family. This is why Mariana Estrada is willing to be Alexandra Daddario The reason for the Austrian broker.

"...Well, Anna, you speak and I listen."

After jumping around and being taught a lesson, Alexandra Daddario also found out what was wrong with her, stuck out her tongue, and sat down obediently.

"Lala... As your manager, as your family friend, your elder, I really don't want to hit you..."


Mariana Estrada was thinking about how to say it tactfully:

"You first acted in a movie 8 years ago, and now it has been 8 years."

"You may have participated in a large number of movies."

"But they are all small supporting roles, and the real heroine, there seem to be only two, except for the unreleased [Texas Chainsaw Massacre], the released [Persy Jackson] was a disastrous box office failure, the reputation is poor, and the sequel is completely hopeless gone."

"As for the TV series you star in..."

"I believe that Director Qin has never watched TV series, and he is not often in North America."

"So... It's hard for me to believe that Director Qin, the world's super director, actually likes your acting skills and thinks you are suitable for his movie."

Compared with the 27-year-old but still innocent Alexandra Daddario, Mariana Estrada is almost 50 years old. Her age and life experience tell her that this matter is definitely not so serious simple.

"So... Anna, what exactly are you trying to say? Tell me the conclusion..."

Alexandra wrinkled her small face and urged.

Baba talked, but I still didn't understand.

Alexandra said that she was very helpless, why do these people like to talk around corners.


Mariana Estrada's angry eyes widened when she heard the words, and her panting accelerated.

I really want to stand up and go over to give this silly boy a head.

"in conclusion..."

"The conclusion is that there are no such good things running in front of you."

"Think about Director Qin's reports, except for the high box office of his movies every time..."

"The scandal between him and countless Hollywood female stars."

"He's a globally recognized playboy."

"This kind of person suddenly finds you. Do you think your acting skills are very good? I think it's very ordinary."

"My acting skills are so-so, why are you looking for me?"

"Don't you understand yet?"

When the angry Mariana Estrada called, she said it bluntly.

It's just that my heart is still full of doubts.

[Motion. Qin is not a native, so it's fine if you don't know Lala. 】

[caa must understand, why did caa contact me this time? 】

[If my guess is true, I'm afraid that Lala's father might take a gun to go to Dong Qin to settle the score after he finds out. 】

As a friend of the Daddario family, Mariana Estrada is very familiar with Alexandra's parents.

They are all friends for many years.

Although Alexandra's father is not very powerful, he is always a little powerful.

At least for a foreigner, not a local person, this is especially true.

So Alexandra has been in the entertainment industry for many years, even though her career has not made much progress, she has not suffered from her own rules.

Apart from being clean and self-sufficient, the main reason here is the family background.

No one wants to get into trouble for no reason, and the same goes for the entertainment industry.

For a woman, to provoke a federal prosecutor, the head of the anti-terrorist department... This kind of price is too high, and people in the entertainment industry are very wise to choose to avoid Alexandra Daddario.

"Ah... Qin likes me?"

Alexandra didn't pay attention to other words, and heard that Qin Dong, a globally recognized playboy, seemed to have fallen in love with her, not her acting skills.

Joy, shyness, disbelief, disappointment, entanglement.

Wait for the emotions to emerge in an instant.

A 27-year-old girl, a simple girl's thoughts began to be confused, and her thoughts started to wander.

This girl, born in 1986, has a height of 173 centimeters, especially the f model of the headlights, which blinds people's eyes.

Maybe it's the stalwart of the f model, which makes this 27-year-old girl still very innocent, um, her head is a little small.


Mariana Estrada looked at the girl's expression and sighed in vain.

It is a kind of torture for the manager to bring a simple girl to the entertainment circle.

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