World-class director in the entertainment industry

Chapter 683 President Warner Calling for Help

8 month 7 day.

Huaxia Grand Theater.

[Divergent] World Premiere.

"Lotus, you are so beautiful today, I like your look."

On the car heading to the Huaxia Grand Theater, Qin Dong looked at the two women on the left and the right, and smiled and praised the woman on the right in his native language.

"Thank you. It's a great honor for me to still be able to fall into Director Qin's eyes."

Li Lianhua's icy face suddenly smiled like a flower, but the words meant something.

"How come, you are so beautiful, and your figure is also very good, of course you have attracted my attention."

Qin Dong understands what a woman means.

Hearing this, his eyes scanned the woman's whole body presumptuously.

In order to walk the [Divergent] red carpet and show up in front of the global media, today's Li Lianhua is very well dressed.

The shining pearl necklace on the neck, coupled with the dress that exposed more than half of the headlights, put on a glamorous style of makeup.

Although in Qin Dong's eyes, this woman's appearance is not the super beautiful type, nor is it the kind of charming and coquettish appearance that makes men unbearable, but she does have her own unique temperament.

With glamorous makeup and all her hair tied up, she looks even more sassy.

This woman does not belong to the type that is stunning at first glance, but the type that gets better the longer you look at it.

Occasionally taste it, there is also a unique taste.

"There are still people here, you two, maybe they can speak English?"

The woman sitting on Qin Dong's left couldn't help it because she couldn't understand Chinese.

What's more, this Chinese woman cannot be allowed to monopolize Qin Dong.

So he opened his mouth quickly and interrupted the private chat between the two of them.

"Oh, Elizabeth, you have big breasts, but you don't have a big heart..."

Qin Dong showed a playful smile, turned his eyes to the left, glanced at Elizabeth Olsen's chest, and said with a meaningful smile.

As the unique protagonist of [Divergent], this is a big heroine movie, and the heroine is the only protagonist. Of course, Elizabeth Olsen will walk the red carpet with Qin Dong.

Everything is for the news, for exposure, and for the box office of [Divergent].

Today is the premiere of [Divergent], so Qin Dong had to come.

Why are you stuck in Los Angeles for so long?Qin Dong is for today.

If it weren't for the need to support the movies produced by his own company, Qin Dong would have already returned to China to accompany Sisi who was waiting to give birth.

The difference between the movie "Divergent" and "The Hunger Games" lies in the fame of the heroine.

In March, a few days before the Oscars, [The Hunger Games] was released globally, but Qin Dong did not attend.

That's because Jennifer Lawrence, the heroine of "The Hunger Games", has already been nominated for this year's Oscar for Best Actress by virtue of the literary film "Silver Line Behind the Dark Clouds" released last year.

It can be regarded as attracting the attention of the media.

In addition, Qin Dong had already said hello, and both CAA and Warner were willing to help Jennifer compete for this year's Oscar for Best Actress.

So Qin Dong is not worried about the box office of [The Hunger Games].

And the result was the same. Only a few days after [The Hunger Games] was released worldwide, the Oscars were held. Jennifer Lawrence won the Best Actress award in one fell swoop, becoming the youngest actress in the history of the Oscars.

The instant exposure skyrocketed, and the box office of [The Hunger Games], which had only been released for a few days, also increased steadily, complementing each other perfectly.

But [Divergent] will not work.

It is also the leading heroine movie, the only protagonist of "Divergent", Elizabeth Olsen, most of her current fame is concentrated on her scandal with Qin Dong.

If you want to talk about the other party's works, I'm sorry, but at present, it is basically equivalent to nothing.

Well, if the small supporting roles in [Mission Impossible 4] are counted as a work, then there is a work.

Elizabeth Olsen in this life, because of Qin Dong's early appearance, did not appear in several literary films in her previous life.

As for the [Crimson Witch] in [Avengers 2] that made this woman so famous and popular, I'm sorry, it's gone in this life.

Although this movie is still being filmed, according to Marvel's forecast, the movie will be released around next summer.

However, there are already other candidates for the role of [Scarlet Witch] in the play.

Because of Qin Dong's appearance, Marvel's parent company, Disney, is now hostile to Qin Dong.

It is also because [Divergent] is a world-renowned utopian novel, and the film adaptation belongs to a series of movies. As the only protagonist of [Divergent], Elizabeth Olsen is destined not to be a small supporting role to cheer for others.

This is something caa can't bear, because Martin Bob, the president of caa, believes in Qin Dong's vision.

Therefore, I firmly believe that the "Divergent" series of movies can make Elizabeth Olsen one of the representative female stars of the new generation, and her status will definitely not be low.



"Director Qin, Director Qin..."

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth..."

"Li Lianhua..."

Fans know everything.

Except for some true fans, many of them are fakes hired by money.

In order to make the scene not ugly.

[Divergent] The actors in this movie are very different from their previous lives.

The heroine was changed, replaced by Elizabeth Olsen.

The villain female boss has also been changed, no need for [Jack's Shredded Meat], replaced by [Gorilla Lover] Naomi Watts.

Female doctors with Asian appearance don't need [mixed race maggie

q], replaced by Li Lianhua.

These three important roles were decided by Qin Dong himself.

The other actors were also chosen by caa first.

Therefore, the actors in this movie are basically completely different from their previous lives.

"Naomi...Long time no see."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Taking Elizabeth Olsen and Li Lianhua through the red carpet and entering the theater, the first person Qin Dong saw was Naomi Watts.

"Yeah, long time no see."

Naomi Watts, dressed in a white dress, approached with a smile on her face, and gave Qin Dong a close-to-face kiss.

"You are so beautiful today."

When someone compliments him, he just opens his mouth, Qin Dong is very natural.

To be honest, this woman is really old.

I don't know if it's a physical problem, or if I didn't get those beauty injections or something.

Naomi Watts has a little more wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, a little more noticeable.

[Everyone can watch the movie starring Naomi Watts (Love Forever). 】

Although it is normal for a woman in her 40s to have many wrinkles, she should not belong to the entertainment industry.

In particular, Naomi Watts is also considered a first- and second-tier female star in Hollywood, and she has earned a lot of money in her career.

At least there is no shortage of money for those maintenance, the wrinkles should not be so obvious.

[Maybe it's a physical problem. 】

Qin Dong thought so in his heart.

Although Naomi Watts in front of Guyin has obvious wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, her skin is still in good condition.

However, this is a flaw in the entertainment industry, and it is destined that Naomi Watts will only be able to play the role of mother and grandma in the future.

Why many women in the entertainment industry can still play young female roles at the age of 40 or [-], the premise is that there should be no obvious traces of mothers on their faces.


"Qin, I wish your company's movie box office success."

"Barry, why are you here?"

Looking at Warner President Barry Meyer in front of him, Qin Dong stretched out his hand and shook it, then asked suspiciously.

The two parties have been dealing with each other for several years and are already very familiar with each other.

So at the world premiere of [Mad Max: Fury Road], Barry Meyer didn't attend at all.

You must know that in this movie, there is Warner's investment, and even the global distribution is also taken over by Warner.

And [Divergent] did not have a penny of Warner's investment, but there was a global distribution, but there were people who should not have appeared.

"I heard from Martin that after today, you will leave Hollywood and return to your country in a few days, and you won't come back for a few months."

Barry Meyer stretched out his hand to signal, and the two of them walked towards one corner while saying:

"I forgot to congratulate you, you are going to be a father soon."

"I think that's definitely a smart and sweet kid."

"Oh, thank you, I think it must be so."

Qin Dong nodded cheerfully.

My children must be excellent in all aspects.

Everyone who is a parent, or a parent-to-be, thinks so.

Well, those few people who have no love, forget it, they are not human, so naturally ignore them.

[Writing this, I think of some news, some videos, how those people who are not as good as animals treat children, disgusting, it’s really cheaper for those animals to die with a lightning strike. 】

"Yeah... you are so handsome and talented, and your children are bound to be the same."

Barry Meyer agreed with a smile on his face.

Praising children is the best way to get closer to a father.

This principle may be applicable to the whole world.

"You know, Marvel's influence is too great, which makes Warner, who owns DC, very passive."

"And as the president of Warner, I am under a lot of pressure."

"Qin, I need your help."

In the corner, Barry said with a serious face:

"Since I met you, I have seen your every move and your talent for all to see."

"Those whores on the board of directors thought that any one person could pull up DC to resist Marvel."

"And now, after a few years, these sons of bitches are finally letting go."

"They're finally waking up to reality."

Speaking of Warner's board of directors, Barry Meyer cursed in a low voice.

These sons of bitches know how to ask for this and that. The key is that something went wrong, and it was Barry Meyer who used him as a shield. Who made Barry the president of Warner sit?

Over the past few years, a [Green Arrow] hit the market, and a [Superman: Man of Steel] box office, word of mouth are average.

"Those sons of a bitch wanted to make another [Batman v Superman], I was so angry that I threw a tantrum at the board meeting, alarmed the parent company, and was able to calm down."

"Now, after discussions with the parent company, they have decided to approve my choice."

"Tomorrow, you and Martin can come to Warner."

"We both formally negotiated the contract."

"I hope, Qin, you can help me in the final stage of my leadership of Warner..."

"Let DC become an existence comparable to Marvel, so that I can retire honorably."

In the end, Barry Meyer held Qin Dong's hand tightly, his eyes full of distress signals.

Sitting on DC, the boss of the comics industry, Warner was originally the only existence to replace Disney's current position.

However, the reality is that Marvel, the second child in the comics industry, started out as an imitation of DC, but it is calling the wind and rain all over the world.

And Disney, which acquired Marvel, overtook Warner in an instant, and Marvel crushed DC. This is the reality.

As Warner's leader and president, Barry Meyer, as Marvel's superhero movies become more and more popular around the world, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger every day.

If it weren't for wooing Qin Dong and investing in every movie of Qin Dong's, Warner's performance would be very good.

It is estimated that Warner's parent company has long held Barry accountable.

Without Qin Dong, it is estimated that Barry Meyer may not be able to hold the position of president now, even if he keeps it, he will not be able to hold it for a few years.

[Batman V Superman] This movie, if it is really made, is destined to be a blockbuster with word-of-mouth, box office, and both failures.

At that time, Barry Meyer will also abdicate.

"Okay, I promise you, see you tomorrow, Barry."

"It's just that, it may have disrupted my plan to go home and delayed my time to go home."

Qin Dong finally nodded and said what made Barry smile.

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