World-class director in the entertainment industry

Chapter 687 Conspiracy and conspiracy 36 tricks

8 month 9 day.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Daqin Manor.


Qin Dong stood up, straightened his suit, and threw out a bank card:

"When you're bored, you can go shopping."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to touch Eva Green's face, and Qin Dong stepped out of the manor.

"Dajun, go to Warner headquarters."

The manor's convoy was already waiting. After getting in the car, Qin Dong reached out to pick up the newspaper that had been placed in the back seat, and gave instructions.

"Okay, Chairman."

[The anti-utopian movie (Divergent) is currently showing a good box office, and fans have responded enthusiastically. 】

[2500 million, 3200 million, for a movie that cost tens of millions of dollars, this box office figure is perfect, congratulations (divergent), congratulations to the heroine Elizabeth Olsen. 】

[It was released in North America for two days, with a box office of 5700 million and a global total of 1.38 million. 】

[Elizabeth Olsen, a newcomer in the film industry, has become an instant hit, congratulations to this lucky girl. 】

Facing the news in the newspaper, Qin Dong's expression remained unchanged.

The box office of [Divergent] is good, which is expected.

If it was Waterloo, then Qin Dong would have a discolored expression, which meant that he had made a mistake in his estimation.


Warner Bros. headquarters.

CEO's office.


"Please come in."

"Boss, move. Director Qin is here."

After the assistant heard the voice inside, he opened the door and immediately reported.

"Oh, invite me to my place immediately and ask Lisa to prepare coffee."

Barry Meyer said hastily upon hearing the words.

"Boss...Director Qin asked someone to lead the way to the meeting room, and I saw something wrong with his expression."

The assistant hesitated, and instead of responding, he said something that made Barry frown.


Barry Meyer frowned, then waved away the assistant.

Sitting in the seat and meditating.

Regarding Qin Dong's character, Barry thought he knew something about it.

The other party's attitude is obviously dissatisfied.

Why not satisfied?

Barry mused.

Thinking about the results of the first day of discussions last night, after dinner, the company's negotiation team reported to him.

On behalf of Qin Dong's agent, Martin, advocated that at least about 50 superhero copyrights should be obtained from DC.

As for Warner and DC, they are biting single digits, even the 10 lowest two digits are not willing.


Finally, Barry Meyer sighed, stood up, and walked towards the conference room.

Will Barry be willing to give away dozens of superhero copyrights under DC?Certainly not.

But if the negotiation with Qin Dong breaks down, Barry is even more unwilling to do so.

Without Qin Dong's help, the DC superhero movie universe will definitely be useless in the short term.

Only a fool would believe it if it was said that there was no play all the time.

If there is a show in a few years, Barry does not believe that other people can do it. For now, Barry believes that Qin Dong has this ability.

And Barry is almost 70 years old, and his tenure really cannot be too long.

At this age, sooner or later he will step down as the president of Warner.

At the last moment, Barry Meyer really wanted to make even more dazzling results.

When the time comes to retire, not only can you get the appreciation of many media around the world, but you can also get a generous retirement compensation from Warner's parent company.


Warner Conference Room.

"Director Qin."

"Good afternoon, Director Qin."

"Welcome to Warner again, Director Qin."

Qin Dong took a few bodyguards, opened the door and walked into the meeting room.

Looking at the surprised expressions of everyone, Qin Dong's face was expressionless.

After everyone in the room took the initiative to say hello, Qin Dong nodded lightly as a response.


After nodding one by one, Qin Dong walked towards the sofa in the corner of the meeting room, while reaching out to Martin to beckon him.

"How's it going?"

After sitting on the single sofa, Qin Dong asked.

"The other party still kills everyone's numbers. At present, there are at most 6, 8, and 9 superheroes, and even 10 superhero copyrights are not allowed to be discussed."

Martin followed, heard that there was no nonsense, and directly pointed out the gist.

Suddenly without knocking on the door, he entered the meeting room with great fanfare. Qin Dong, who showed off his indifferent face, had already shown his attitude.

Martin saw it, and naturally knew that Qin Dong was about to make a decision, so of course he wouldn't talk nonsense at the moment.

"very good."

Qin Dong nodded when he heard the words, and said so, with no expression on the surface.

Then, he just looked at the scenery outside the window and stopped talking.

He was waiting, waiting for a person to arrive.

"Haha...Qin, it's almost time for lunch. I've made a reservation at xx restaurant, let's go and taste it together?"

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

After a long silence, Barry Meyer's voice came from Qin Dong's ear.

"Oh, Barry, are there many positions?"

Qin Dong stood up, looked at Barry who strode into the meeting room, and asked with a smile:

"See my team members?"

"Their mission is done, I'm going to take them to lunch."

"The negotiating team is about to be disbanded."

"Is your location enough?"

Although Qin Dong spoke with a smile, but in Barry's ears, it was indeed the cold thunderous voice.

"Oh, no, Qin, why?"

"Aren't you still negotiating?"

"Why disband?"

After Barry's expression changed, he immediately pretended to be confused and asked.

At this time, everyone at the negotiating table in the room also stopped arguing with each other.

All the eyes looked over.

No matter how stupid they are, they feel something is wrong.

"Still talking?"

"Ha ha..."

After Qin Dong repeated, his eyes swept over everyone in the room.

Laughing at the end:

"There's no need to talk anymore."

"Barry, you Warner think I'm here to beg for food, right?"

"The reward you give makes me look down on it at all."

After finishing speaking in a cold voice, Qin Dong turned to Martin and said:

"Martin, take someone with me."

"Bringing you to dinner, I have worked so hard on your team for two days, so I have to reward you no matter what."

After finishing speaking, Qin Dong walked out.

"Qin, Qin...don't do this, my friend."

Barry Meyer hastily blocked the way to prevent Qin Dong from leaving:

"Speak up if you have something to say, Qin."

"For my sake, let's talk again."

No matter what Barry said, he couldn't let Qin Dong just leave.

If you go like this, then there is no room for maneuver.

"Director Qin, the negotiations are all yours."

"Director Qin, it's only been a day and a half of negotiations. We still need to take our time with this little time."

"Director Qin..."

Warner and the people under his DC also spoke quickly at this moment.

It is true that I am reluctant to give away the superhero copyright.

But I don't want to break up the negotiation with Qin Dong. Even people with dark hearts know that they want to create a superhero movie universe comparable to Marvel next door. Looking at the entertainment industry, there are really not many people who are sure of this.

For several years, Warner and DC have not been idle, and they have been inviting insiders everywhere for the past few years.

From big-name directors to gold-medal producers, etc., they are all invited.

It's a pity that the bigger the brand, the less daring to take on this burden easily.

No one is sure, so he would rather not pick it up than break his golden body.

"Talk about what?"

"What else can I talk to you about?"


Qin Dong glanced coldly at the group of people who spoke, stretched out his fingers, and went one by one:

"You, this group of people, have been confined in your own circle."

"You still think you are the superheroes of DC, and you are still the boss of the comics industry as always."

"You think you have a big hand."

"Unfortunately, in my opinion, you are very self-righteous."

Seeing the ugly faces of a group of people being reprimanded, with anger all over their cheeks, Qin Dong sneered:

"Yo...what's the matter? Are you not convinced?"

"It's okay to go out and walk around."

"I can say bluntly, in my opinion, in the eyes of most people in North America, and in the eyes of most people in the world..."

"Marvel's superheroes are more familiar to most people in the world."

"Marvel's superhero movies have more fans around the world."

"What about your DC?"

"In addition to [Superman], [Batman], tell me, the third superhero name."

"Tell me, what's your name?"

Qin Dong's words may be true or exaggerated.

Whether it is true or not, there are always people who are not convinced.

At least Warner and its DC employees heard that many people were not convinced.

It's a pity that Qin Dong didn't give them a chance to reply after seeing it.

Turning to look at Barry, he said:

"Barry, I'm sorry, our cooperation this time is void."

"I'm very disappointed that Warner and its DC management personnel seem to have not stepped out of the glory of the 80s and [-]s DCs in the last century."

"They still think that it was decades ago, when DC's [Superman] and [Batman] caused a sensation all over the world."

After finishing speaking, Qin Dong showed a clear sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"It's a pity that I and everyone I know think that the era of superheroes belongs to Marvel."

"And what is DC? Sorry, many people around the world don't know."

Stretching out his hand and pressing on Barry Meyer's shoulder, Qin Dong's voice was much too high, and he said in a deep voice:

"I thought that Warner's top executives were all far-sighted like you, Barry."

"Unfortunately, I was wrong."

"If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have pulled your companies together to acquire Marvel's lost superhero copyrights."

"I should have bought them all myself."

"After all, in my opinion, Marvel's superheroes, no matter what line of characters they are, are more promising and more fan-friendly than 99.9 percent of DC superheroes."

"I wanted everyone to work together and make a fortune together."

"Now, it seems I was wrong."

"Barry, DC's single-digit superhero copyright, this is your Warner humiliating me."


At the end, Qin Dong glanced at Warner and DC people again with cold eyes, and cursed angrily:

"If I knew that I won the copyrights of a dozen heroes of Marvel last year, I would have paid more."

"A dozen Marvel superhero copyrights, in my opinion, are far more valuable than DC's 50 superhero copyrights."


Looking extremely angry, Qin Dong finally cursed a few words.

Patting Barry Meyer on the shoulder, he walked outside.


Martin waved to his men.

Without saying a second word, he took the lead and followed Qin Dong to the outside.


Barry Meyer opened his mouth, trying to call out, but he didn't have the face to call out.

Want to wave goodbye, but have no face to do it.

Qin Dong's sudden anger caught Barry off guard.

But the scheming Barry, on the contrary, felt some kind of negotiating skills from Qin Dong's abnormal behavior.


In the end, only Warner himself was left in the conference room. After a long silence, Barry looked at the people in the room and asked softly:

"DC used to be the boss of the comic book industry."

"In the movie industry, DC's [Superman] and [Batman] are also superheroes with the most fans in the world."

"You guys can really be proud, and you can always think so."

"Today's matter, Director Qin's words..."

"Convey it to the parent company yourself."

"The future development of DC, you people decide for yourself."

"Tell the parent company that I won't interfere with DC's affairs, you can play whatever you want."

"I wish you and DC can crush Marvel as soon as possible."

After speaking, Barry Meyer walked out of the meeting room.

Until he returned to his president's office... Barry, who was sitting on a chair, suddenly had a relaxed smile on his face.

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