Yang Huanhuan and Yang Lele were dumbfounded when they walked out of the villa. Although the villa area is not far from the commercial center in the western suburbs, there is still a distance, and there are no taxis passing by.

Think about it, people who live in the villa area basically have a car, who would take a taxi here?

They had no choice but to call a special car on the taxi app.

It cost more than 60 yuan to take a special car to the city, which made the sisters feel bad.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have asked Brother Pingan to send it off." Yang Lele said aggrievedly.

Yang Huanhuan glared at her, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? If you ask him to see you off, you owe someone a favor."

"I owe you what you owe..."

"You still say!"

Yang Huanhuan frowned and said, "Let's go quickly, Wang Chao and the others are waiting impatiently."

"Yo, our sisters are here."

The classmates were reunited in a small restaurant. When they arrived, all those classmates were there.

When he was in school, Wang Chao had been chasing Yang Lele all the time, and when he saw them coming, he quickly got up to greet them.

Several classmates had a good impression of both of them. As soon as the two of them entered the room, they immediately became the focus of everyone.

"What are you going to do after graduation?"

"Just find a company and do it first. It's so hard to find a job these days. It would be nice to find a place."

Classmate Li He glanced at Wang Chao and said with a smile, "Then why not work in Wang Chao's company."

Yang Lele was surprised: "Wang Chao, your family still has a company?"

"There is a small company." Wang Chao said modestly.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, if their family is really just a small company, can he buy a BMW right after graduation?"

Li He pursed his lips, as if to expose his shortcomings, but in fact he deliberately showed off for him.

"That car didn't cost much."

Wang Chao spoke very modestly, but the complacency on his face was particularly obvious.

Yang Huan laughed and said, "Okay, you're driving a BMW so soon?"

"Haha, my dad bought it. I'm a gnawing old man." Wang Chao smiled, but his eyes fell on Yang Lele.

Li He winked at Yang Lele and said, "Lele, why don't you hurry up, our Young Master Wang is very sought after."

"Yeah, why don't you hurry up?"

"He doesn't like men. If he wants to like men, I'll clean myself up and send him to bed right now."

Yang Lele rolled her eyes and snorted coldly: "Go to hell, don't talk about nasty jokes."

"Haha, this is not a dirty joke..."

A group of people had a meal laughing and laughing, during the meal they talked about a lot of interesting things in school, which aroused everyone's emotion.

After eating, everyone went to ktv to play for a while, and then they left separately.

"Where do you live now? Shall I take you back?" Wang Chao didn't drink the whole time, just waiting for this opportunity.

Yang Huanhuan wanted to refuse, but thought it would cost another 60 yuan to go back to the villa, so she turned to her sister and asked her to make a decision.

Yang Lele had a great time today and was in the right mood, so Dang even agreed.

After Wang Chao asked for the address, he couldn't help but be taken aback: "Do you live in a villa?"

Yang Lele knew what he was thinking, and explained: "The villa was rented by my elder brother in a village, and the two of us rented it for a few days."


Wang Chao nodded dubiously, and led the two of them to the parking lot.

After he pressed the key switch, a BMW [-] Series immediately flashed its lights a few times.

Yang Lele immediately said: "This car is so beautiful."

"Haha, I spent more than 30 yuan. I just picked up the car yesterday. The license plate hasn't been put on yet. I ran with the license plate on it."

"Can you open it for me?"

Wang Chao was taken aback for a moment, then asked in a daze, "Do you have a driver's license?"

"Of course I have, but this girl got her driver's license last year." Yang Lele said proudly.

Wang Chao was a little hesitant, but seeing Yang Lele's expectant eyes, thinking that he could use this to get closer and maybe get her into bed, so he nodded and said:

"Okay, then you can drive, but you must slow down, the commercial insurance of this car has not yet taken effect, and now there is only one strong insurance."

"Haha, you are so kind!" Yang Lele laughed happily.

Yang Huanhuan was a little worried and said, "Lele, why not let Wang Chao drive it..."

"It's okay, let Lele drive, you won't be afraid of bumping into it." Wang Chao said very grandly.

Yang Lele became even happier when she heard it, and said carelessly: "Don't worry, my driving skills are good."

You have a fart car skills!

Yang Huanhuan was so angry that she rolled her eyes. The two of them were together all day long. Ever since she got her driver's license, she hadn't seen her sister drive a car.

Where did she get her driving skills?

She wanted to persuade him again, but seeing that Wang Chao had said that, she didn't want to be disappointed, so she could only advise:

"Then drive slowly, this is a new car, don't get hit by it."

"Oh, don't worry, get in the car quickly." Yang Lele said, opened the car door and got in the driver's seat.

Wang Chao smiled and greeted: "Let's go, Huanhuan, let's get in the car and see how Lele's driving skills are."

"Okay." Yang Huanhuan sighed helplessly, and got into the car with some trepidation.

Seeing Yang Lele get into the main driver, Wang Chao couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

His family is a small business owner, if he hadn't acted aggressively in front of Yang Lele to improve his impression in the other party's mind, he would really be reluctant to buy such a good car.

The car was automatic, Yang Lele didn't bother to drive the car out of the parking lot, causing Wang Chao to fart a lot.

Yang Lele became even more proud, and drove the car onto the road, heading for the villa area.

Yang Lele sat in the back row, feeling extremely nervous.

Seeing that the car had reached the western suburbs, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Lele, drive slowly."

Yang Lele said without turning her head: "Understood, just sit down."

"I didn't see it, Lele's driving skills are really good." Wang Chao complimented.

"That's right, don't you look at who this lady is?"

Yang Lele turned her head and smiled triumphantly, and blinked at Wang Chao.

Wang Chao was so fascinated that he giggled silly.

"Be careful!"

Yang Huanhuan suddenly screamed, startling the two people in the front row.

Wang Chao looked up and saw a black Volkswagen just turning left at the intersection ahead, and it was about to hit it.

His face suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: "Brake, step on the brake quickly."

Yang Lele also panicked, "Where is the brake..." ..

In desperation, Wang Chao directly pulled up the electronic handbrake next to him.

The BMW almost stopped again, but it just hit the tail of the Volkswagen.

The three quickly got out of the car to check, only to find that the front bumper of the BMW was broken, and a deep scratch was scratched on the tail of the Volkswagen.

When Wang Chao saw this, his face turned black. The new car was hit by Yang Lele, and he was naturally uncomfortable.

However, the car was hit by a goddess, and it would not cost much to repair the car anyway, so he didn't say much, but smiled and comforted:

"Fortunately, it's just a scratch, and it won't cost a lot of money."

Both Yang Huanhuan and Yang Huanhuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay? I'm not good!"

The three looked back and found that it was the driver of the Volkswagen who spoke.

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