Lin Meili seemed to understand something, her face turned red to the base of her ears, and she spat:

"I said, don't you guys think of anything else?"

After she finished speaking, she glared at Yao Pingan, who was covering her mouth and giggling, and reprimanded: "Ping An, you have learned badly now."

"Haha, beautiful sister, I didn't learn bad things. I didn't understand what Lao Zhang was saying." Yao Pingan couldn't help laughing.

Lin Meili rolled her eyes and asked, "Then why are you laughing?"

"I...I suddenly thought of a funny joke."

Yao Ping'an's pale explanation caused another burst of laughter.

Lin Meili became angry from embarrassment: "Okay, then you can tell your joke, it just refreshes us."


Yao Ping'an had black lines on his face. How could he tell any jokes? The only jokes he knew were all colored.

"Say, aren't you telling a joke?" Lin Meili said coldly.

Yao Pingan cleared his throat, and began to speak bravely: "Once upon a time, a doctor opened a clinic, the first floor was for buying medicines, and the second floor was his consulting room.

He went fishing with his friends that day, and just after returning to the clinic, he heard that there was a patient upstairs who had been waiting for a long time.

In order not to delay seeing the doctor, he conveniently put the fish he caught in the washbasin at the door, and then hurried to the second floor to see the patient..."

Everyone was fascinated by listening, and the meeting room gradually became quiet.

Yao Pingan glanced at Lin Meili, who was concentrating on it, and continued: "Only on the second floor did he realize that the doctor was a young woman.

This woman has been feeling pain in her lower abdomen recently, so she wanted the doctor to show him.

The doctor started to feel her pulse, but in the middle of the pulse, he suddenly became worried about the fish on the first floor, fearing that the stray cats passing by would take his fish away.

So he shouted to the outside, look

The young woman was taken aback, thinking that he was talking to her, thinking why did the doctor ask such a private question, her face immediately turned red..."

Hearing this, everyone became nervous, looking forward to

Yao Ping'an paused for a moment, and continued in embarrassment: "I saw the woman blushing, and said in a low voice——no."

The conference room was quiet, everyone stared blankly at Yao Pingan, and Lin Meili was even more puzzled, obviously not understanding how funny this story was.

However, Zhang Hongjun was the first to react and grinned.

Immediately afterwards, several other men also reacted and laughed.

The room immediately became a sea of ​​joy, everyone was laughing crazily, only Lin Meili and a few little girls were still in a daze.

"Ping'an, your absolutely perfect..." Sun Tiecheng laughed until his stomach ached, and couldn't help giving Yao Ping'an a thumbs up.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" Lin Meili looked at the crowd blankly, her mind full of question marks.

Zhang Hongjun couldn't bear to see her make a fool of himself, so he moved closer to her and explained to her in a low voice.

After a while, Lin Meili's face turned red, she stared at Yao Ping'an and said:

"Yao Ping'an, do you still look like a boss? How can you tell... such a dirty joke in public?"

Yao Pingan said innocently: "I don't want to tell it either, you forced me to tell it..."

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and the workshop director ran in from the outside, and hurriedly said:

"Director, it's bad, the factory is on fire!"

Everyone was taken aback, and hurried to the window to look out, and sure enough, they saw thick smoke rising from several places in the factory area.

The workers in the factory have spontaneously picked up the fire extinguishers and started to put out the fire around them.

"Why are you still standing there, put out the fire quickly."

"Did the fire department call?"

Chaos in the meeting room

The group, all the executives ran out.

In the factory, there are warehouses and workshops.

Fortunately, the opening was about to begin, and the employees did not leave work. Thanks to the efforts of everyone, the fire was quickly extinguished.

Many executives and their employees began to check each fire point to prevent the fire from re-igniting.

After a while, the fire brigade also arrived.

With the professionals on board, the employees began clearing the cargo and equipment inside.

Looking at the busy workers and firefighters, Yao Ping'an's face was extremely ugly. Seeing that the production was about to start, he suddenly caught fire.

"Peace, should we call the police?" Lin Meili hesitated.

Yao Ping'an said with a sullen face, "Report! Just say someone set the fire!"

Lin Meili was surprised: "You already know who set the fire?"

Yao Pingan shook his head silently, and after a long time said:

"I can guess who it is, but there is no evidence, but... the fire must be man-made. Anyway, call the police first."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Yao Ping'an's face became more and more ugly, and the place caught fire at the same time. This situation was definitely man-made.

Besides, he didn't offend many people. Apart from Gao Qian, the only one who has the motivation to do this kind of thing is Zhongbang Pharmaceutical Factory.

Zhongbang Pharmaceutical Factory is a serious business, and should not use such low-level methods.

Reminiscent of Duan Feihu spending a huge sum of money to buy a medicinal material processing factory for the cooperation of the Ryan family, the person who set the fire almost doesn't have to think about it.

Besides Duan Feihu is Gao Qian!

Yao Ping'an's face was very ugly. He glanced at the time and found that it was already past seven in the morning, so he called Lin Yang.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up over there. Lin Yang's voice was dazed, apparently still awake: "Hey, why are you calling so early?"

"The pharmaceutical factory is on fire." Yao Ping'an said calmly.

"What did you say?"

Lin Yang suddenly sat up from the bed, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

"At the moment it looks like someone set the fire on fire."

"Made, who is so courageous?"

Lin Yang was so angry that he uttered obscenities, and said angrily, "Do you know who did it?"

Yao Pingan pondered: "There are currently two suspects, one is Gao Qian from the provincial capital..."

Hearing Gao Qian's name, Lin Yang's face showed a trace of solemnity, and he asked, "Where's the other one?"

"The other is Duan Feihu from Jinzhou."

"Well, I think it should be Duan Feihu..."

Yao Pingan was stunned for a moment, then asked doubtfully, "How do you know it's not Gao Qian?"

"Because Gao Qian wants face, even if he wants to deal with you, he won't use such dirty methods."

Lin Yang sighed, and continued: "Also...even if he did it, there is nothing we can do about it."

Yao Pingan took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and said calmly, "Well, I see, let's check Duan Feihu first."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, I'll find someone to investigate, tomorrow at the latest, and I will definitely give you the answer."

After Lin Yang finished speaking, he asked, "How is the pharmaceutical factory? Can it open on time?"

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