Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 120 She Strikes Like Lightning

When Xie Yunqian went back to Xining together at the end of September, she said on the way home that she would give Song Gangyi a surprise when they met next time.

After returning to Xining City, Song Gangyi kept asking Comrade Xie to come out to fulfill his promise, but the girl kept dodging and couldn't come out.

The girl also didn't agree to Song Gangyi's invitation to go back to school together. Song Gangyi felt uncomfortable being kept in the dark, and kept prying about the girl's surprise during the chat.

Today is the 7th, no matter how hard Xie Yunqian hides, she will come to school to prepare for class tomorrow, and sooner or later the two will meet on campus.

And just now, the girl also informed Song Gangyi that she had arrived at the school and was about to reveal the surprise.

"So, what kind of surprise are you talking about?" Song Gangyi thought on the way back after lunch.


Most high school students actually don't know what major they should study in the future.

The same is true for Xie Yunqian. Like others, when applying for the voluntary exam, she only cares about choosing a school and doesn't know how to choose a major.

For her, she only needs to complete the goal of being admitted to a good university.

But in the last period of the college entrance examination repeat class, she became interested in a boy in the class due to various factors.

He has excellent grades, is mature and self-disciplined, and has some sense of mystery.

This boy is outside the class group, and those who do not take the initiative to join the group naturally lack the attention of others, but when Xie Yunqian started to pay attention to him, he realized that he was like a gold mine hidden in the mountains. The more he dug, the more precious he was discovered.

Although everyone in the class knew that he was very close to another girl who was also very good in the class, and even had an actual relationship with her, Xie Yunqian couldn't restrain the urge to get to know him and get close to him.

There are only a few people who are particularly important to you in your life, and most of them are just passers-by.

If you meet someone who is 100% suitable for you, but you cannot be together because of your temporary timidity, shyness, reservedness, or various non-objective reasons, then after ten or twenty years, will you be together? Thinking of you at that time one night, you lacked that courage, that initiative?

Xie Yunqian racked her brains to join the relationship between the two who seemed to be a couple but not a couple, relying on the relationship with both parties to know the promise between them.

She was a little sad at first, because the woman is her best friend, and the boy and her best friend are indeed very close. They basically made an agreement to go to Shanghai Jiaotong University together, and the boy's current grades are gradually maintained at full Can go to the level of this nationally famous university.

She was a little happy again, her best friend was in another test center, and the boy was in the same test center with her, and the school that the boy applied for after the final test results happened to be her preferred college.

After the result came out, her best friend cried bitterly, and the seemingly beautiful campus agreement between her best friend and the boy just came to naught in the cruel reality.Although she was trying to comfort her girlfriends, why wasn't she secretly happy in her heart?

She and her boy are getting closer, but her major is business administration and the boy is software engineering.Although her freshman year was at the University Town Campus, when she was a sophomore, she had to move to Wushan Campus, which was tens of kilometers away.

'Does the distance between the two have to be separated because of this policy? ' thought the girl angrily looking at the school's policy after both majors came out.

By chance, she learned that Yangcheng University of Science and Technology has the opportunity to change majors. Unlike other schools that have to wait until the next semester, Yangcheng University of Technology can apply for the major transfer exam as soon as it is enrolled.

The classes diverted to this exam are all kinds of innovative classes, so the content of the exam is also very hard-core, and sufficient preparation is required to pass.

"I've worked so hard, so why not try again?" Xie Yunqian said to herself.

Xie Yunqian studies at home when others have various gatherings during the summer vacation; when others travel around in the summer vacation, Xie Yunqian studies at home;

In addition to the fact that I can't learn to breathe, and I go to learn to drive together in order to increase the time with the boy, the girl's life during the summer vacation is like preparing for the college entrance examination.

It's like she was studying hard to get into the guarantee college with the boy less than a hundred days before the college entrance examination.

As soon as he entered school, he applied for the professional transfer exam. Before waiting for the exam, he didn't even have time to come out and meet the boy.

The freshmen who entered the school this year, not only him, but also her went to the library or self-study room during military training.

Her painstaking efforts paid off, and after finishing the professional transfer exam, she left the classroom with her head held high, knowing that the dust had settled.

On the way back to the province by car together, she smiled and said to the boy that she would prepare a surprise for him, because it would not have much impact if said surprise in advance.

When Song Gangyi was walking back, he saw a girl walking towards him bathed in the sun.

He stopped slowly and watched the girl come hopping on tiptoes.

"We will be a professional from now on, student Song." Xie Yunqian stopped, put her hands behind her back, bent slightly and looked at Song Gangyi with a playful smile.

"?" Song Gangyi asked in confusion, he remembered correctly that Xie Yunqian and senior sister Wang Xiaoran were both students majoring in business administration.

"Hey!" Seeing that Song Gangyi was confused, the girl logged into her campus management system with her mobile phone, and showed her mobile phone to Song Gangyi.

"Name, Xie Yunqian. Major, software engineering excellence class." Song Gangyi read each word, and Song Gangyi asked with wide eyes: "Isn't your major business management?"

"Hmph, I'm a real student of software engineering now, and unlike you, I'm in the excellence class." Xie Yunqian said as she took back her phone.

Seeing that Song Gangyi was still puzzled, the girl smiled and explained that there was an examination application for changing majors at the beginning of the school. She applied as soon as she enrolled, and passed the examination successfully and successfully transferred to a software engineering (excellence class) student.

Song Gangyi also recalled that the class monitor repeatedly notified this information in the group chat when the semester started, but for Song Gangyi, his major was what he wanted.So just ignore it as useless information.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yunqian actually signed up and passed the quota smoothly.

Song Gangyi remembered that all the classes in the professional transfer exam were excellent classes and innovative classes. The people who took the exam together were all top students who had just come up from the hell of the college entrance examination. The difficulty of the exam can be imagined. Unexpectedly, Xie Yunqian could pass smoothly. She The effort put in can be imagined.

"You, why did you come to this major?" Song Gangyi asked.

The girl walking beside Song Gangyi stopped, turned around and pinned her hair, and said with a smile, "What else could it be for? It's not for you. How could I pass the exam?"

On October 2011, 10, Song Gangyi felt a girl attacking him like lightning.

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