Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 127 Preparation

The word entrepreneurship has infinite magic power and can stimulate people's inner motivation.

Since Song Gangyi's rebirth, he has been walking the path he thinks is the safest.

Although it may seem absurd to repeat reading, this is the most capital-guaranteed investment.It only takes one year to change to a higher undergraduate degree, and the start is much higher than the original self.

Moreover, Song Gangyi had just returned from rebirth at that time. Although he had read countless novels and was still able to accept the bizarre things between rebirth, he was always apprehensive in his heart and felt that he would not be able to integrate into this world more than ten years ago.Choosing to repeat the study not only safely raised his lower limit, but also allowed him to transition and integrate into this world that is familiar but unfamiliar to him.

Writing novels is also a conservative way. There are only two kinds of online writers, those who make money and those who don’t.

But no money was lost.

Only relying on a computer and a network can create, the cost is almost zero, and all it takes is time and energy.

After one year, Song Gangyi has gained a lot, but he feels that he is very tired.

Because I know that these classmates will hardly meet again in the future, and they will basically not provide themselves with any help.He had almost zero social interaction in his high school repeat class.

In addition to studying, he spends time writing novels every day. Although the increasing balance in his account makes him full of joy, he feels that these things are boring, like a robot doing boring assembly line work every day.

He was full of excitement when he came back from rebirth, and it took him a year to calm down and integrate into this 'new' world, but then he lost most of his passion and drive.

He even felt that he had entered the life of middle-aged and old people. He could think of what he would basically do today when he opened his eyes every day, and he even knew that his life would revolve around some ordinary things in the next year or even years.

'Brother, I feel like everything is coming back. After Song Gangyi decided to start this project, he felt that his long-lost passion and drive returned to his body and limbs, as if there was infinite vitality rolling in his blood.

This is what makes entrepreneurship so fascinating.

"We have to solve one problem first, money." Chen Guangyi, who was determined to roll up his sleeves together, mentioned the core.

"Eldest young master is pulling like this, the money flowing out from a crack in his finger is enough for us to toss for a few years." Li Lingao couldn't change Zhang Chengtian's problem of yin and yang, and he was so angry that his chest was blocked by Zhang Chengtian's words just now.

"Old Gao, we are going to do a big business together. Before the business has even started, our team will have trouble. This will definitely not work." Before Zhang Chengtian could speak, Song Gangyi said.

He is aware of the relationship in the dormitory. Before, he always thought that he could see through or that he was detached, so he didn't think about coordinating the relationship in the dormitory.

But now that Song Gangyi knew that it was time for everyone to unite as one to get things done, he, like Chen Guangyi, must calm down the little spark in the team.

"Brother Tian, ​​I think that although you are relatively young, you are actually very mature. You are the first to stand up and want to do something together, so let's not make trouble because of such a trivial matter?" Song Gangyi looked at Zhang Chengtian and said, He wanted Zhang Chengtian to make a statement first.

Zhang Chengtian's eyes flickered after hearing this, and he stood up and said to Li Linggao, "Old Gao, we have been roommates for four years, and now we are going to start a business together. The relationship between us should be deeper. The past Let’s turn things around, I was wrong at the time.”

He pointed out that when he first came to university, he said all kinds of words that looked down on Guangdong Province, which made Li Linggao, who is from Guangdong Province, very unhappy and gradually caused conflicts.

"You." Li Linggao stared blankly at Zhang Chengtian's outstretched hand, but he still stretched out his hand to make peace and said, "Actually, I've made more mistakes. I can't control my mouth and want to piss people off."

"Okay, we finally became brothers, let's turn over this little goosebump." Chen Guangyi was the happiest person. As soon as he came to the dormitory, he found that the roommates in the dormitory were awkward. This made him the most enthusiastic about team spirit. uncomfortable.

Originally, he wanted Song Gangyi to work with him to ease the relationship between the two, but Song Gangyi was more determined not to get involved in the big and small things in the dormitory.

Chen Guangyi felt that the 415 dormitory was like a family with two children. Zhang Chengtian and Li Linggao were fighting brothers.

"Regardless of whether this project can be completed or not, at least it will bring rewards to our dormitory now." Song Gangyi also said with satisfaction.

"Okay, I think we still have to overcome the difficulty of money first." Zhang Chengtian and Li Lingao, who had staged a wave of dormitory love, let go of their hands and returned to the exit of their seats.

"The investment in this project is not small, and our brothers can't afford it just by raising a few dollars. We must find other ways." Li Lingao stood up and put his hands on the bed above his head and said.

"Yes, we need investment. Just like what Brother Tian said just now, you need to use investors' money to survive." Song Gangyi nodded.

"All I know is that those angel investors are willing to invest a lot of money if the project has a good prospect. And some high-quality angel investors can bring not only capital, but also many intangible resources." Zhang Chengtian Said.

"I've heard what you said, but to be honest, there are many people who add flowers to the cake, but few people who give charcoal in the snow. What we need for this project is to implement it. After it is completed, there will be no shortage of funds." Song Gangyi assured.

"Since you want to make it, I think you have to do it step by step, scoring stages." Chen Guangyi said.

"We have to set a small goal. We have the ability to achieve this goal. If we can achieve it, we can use it to attract investment. If we can't achieve it, we can declare failure early and reduce losses." Zhang Chengtian agreed, which is also in line with his timely deadline. concept of loss.

"Then the question is, what is our small goal?" Li Linggao asked.

The three of them turned their attention to Song Gangyi. After all, Song Gangyi was the initiator of this project, so he should have his own point of view.

Song Gangyi had a flash of inspiration. He remembered that the development of the little yellow car actually started from Baijing University, and then began to walk to the campuses of major universities, and then appeared in various corners of the city.

"It's here." Song Gangyi pointed to his feet, "Treat our school as an experimental field. If it is completed, it can be promoted. If it is not completed, we will not suffer too badly with the help of the school."

"First fill up our school and let Yangcheng University of Technology become our signature." Song Gangyi said.

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