Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 133 Advance

"If half of the bicycle owners in the university town campus are willing to provide us with bicycles, then we will have [-] bicycles at once." Zhang Chengtian said.

"Then this greatly exceeds the basic stock of [-] bicycles we set before, and it is almost reaching the standard of [-] bicycles that Lao Song said before." Chen Guangyi's eyes lit up and said.

"Now the key to the problem has changed from how to produce a bicycle to how to borrow bicycles from bicycle owners. The difficulty has been reduced a lot at once." Zhang Chengtian nodded repeatedly.

"However, according to the concept proposed by Lao Song, functions such as toll collection, switch lock and positioning need to be added to the bicycle. Only when these functions are fully integrated can we go to the next step." Li Linggao said, "And it is said that we will borrow Other people’s bicycles, but if they are damaged or maintained in the early stage, a lot of funds will be needed, which is also very critical.”

"The fee is very simple. Add a QR code on the bicycle. After the user scans the code and uses it, it will automatically jump to zfb or wx to pay." Song Gangyi said.

"Then what if you encounter a prostitute?" Chen Guangyi asked.

"Since we only put the experimental area in the University City campus, we might as well limit the users to the teachers and students of our school. Students must register through their student ID and ID card information, and teachers must register through relevant information. In order to reduce the For our risk, we can ask the user to provide a deposit of 100 yuan, and it will not be refunded until it has been used for a month and has good credit and no arrears. This way, multiple insurances can ensure the safety of our bicycles.” Song Gangyi introduced according to the experience of later generations road.

In later generations, when he helped the landlord of his residence to rent online, the website actually required a deposit of [-] yuan.This kind of operation disgusted him, but when it was his turn to work on a project, he could immediately use this unscrupulous routine with peace of mind.

"This method is reasonable. Now that Internet media is so developed, if someone owes fees, destroys or steals a bicycle, then we can expose the user's information on the school intranet, and instantly cause this low moral person to suffer social death. They are all students with normal IQs admitted to the 985 University, I don’t think anyone will affect their own future for this small amount of money, right?” Chen Guangyi nodded, “But is it okay to collect user deposits? Although 100 yuan is not Many but not few."

"It's okay, we are all students in the school. The big deal is to put our student ID card on it as a guarantee. Others will not delay their future because of this small amount of money, and neither will we. You can understand it with a little brain twist .” Zhang Chengtian said.

"As for the function of the switch lock, it is actually not complicated. In fact, it is an electronic lock with a gsm module. Many components have been invented, and he only needs to combine them through programs. It happens that we are all students of software engineering. We can design this function by hand," Zhang Chengtian said.

"But we're only freshmen, we haven't learned anything, and we don't know how to code, so why make a software by ourselves?" Li Linggao cried.

"Some functions are very simple, and I can design them. I can handle this electronic lock." Zhang Chengtian smiled slightly, but his plain words revealed his powerful strength.

"What? How can you code without taking a coding class?" Li Linggao asked in surprise, his voice became high-pitched.

Song Gangyi and Chen Guangyi also looked at Zhang Chengtian with disbelief.

"Although these contents are only taught in college courses, they can actually be learned long ago. I have learned a lot of code-related knowledge when I was in high school, and I also signed up for information competitions to make some simple-function The procedure is still very simple." Seeing the admiring eyes of his roommates, Zhang Chengtian couldn't help but curl his lips proudly.

"Bull, Brother Tian."

"Damn it, are you guys so advanced?"

"It's amazing, Chengtian." The three of them only hated themselves for being uneducated, and they just said what the hell.

Zhang Chengtian drank his saliva with a smile, sighed in a Versailles style, and said, "If I hadn't spent too much energy on this aspect in high school, I wouldn't have done so poorly in the college entrance examination, and ended up in this school."

"Come on, I'll praise you and you're going to heaven, right?" Li Lingao thumped Zhang Chengtian's arm and scolded with a smile.

"The technology will be handled by our brother Xiaotian. As for the positioning function, we don't need to be too complicated. We can make a GPS module and bind it to the electronic lock so that we can locate it conveniently." Song Gangyi said.

"However, my technical ability is actually quite limited, and the things I make are relatively rough. Like you said, I want to make a mobile app for users to use. I have never learned this thing, and my technical ability is limited." Zhang Chengtian said.

"Didn't the school say to assign us an instructor? When the time comes, let this instructor help us. Our whole project will definitely shine. This instructor can't just stand by and do nothing to gain something." Fame?" Li Linggao rolled his eyes and said.

"It's best to ask the school for help and support, and information processing and collection is also a technical difficulty. We also don't have a server with sufficient performance to collect, process, and store user data." Zhang Chengtian nodded and threw another He thought it was a tough question.

"Look at the school if you have any questions. There should be servers with sufficient performance in the laboratory. We shouldn't have any problems borrowing them for a while." Li Lingao continued.

"I think these aspects are beyond our ability, but the school must be able to solve them for us." Song Gangyi agreed.

The four present here feel that today is the most exciting day in their lives, and one after another seemingly very difficult problems were solved during the discussion.

The progress bar of the entire project has been pulled from the original 0% to 80%, and the latter 20% can be foreseen to be resolved in a short period of time in the future.

"I have to declare in advance that these software and functions will be relatively crude, there will be many loopholes and bugs, and they will even crash easily. Everyone needs to participate together." Zhang Chengtian felt the pressure all of a sudden, after all, he let go of his harsh words at the beginning.

"It's okay, this is just an experiment. As long as the basic functions exist, we can prove through practice whether our project can be realized." Song Gangyi said.

"By the way, I still don't know what the specific name of our project is? Should we choose a nice name?" Chen Guangyi asked.

"Let's call it shared bicycles." Song Gangyi walked to the window and said.

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