Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 175 Grade Points

The aftertaste of the Spring Festival has not yet dissipated, Song Gangyi and Xie Yunqian embarked on the journey back to school ahead of schedule.

Yangli Bicycle played a beautiful opening game in the university, so naturally it cannot escape the eyes of caring people.

Years ago, many people came to our door, handing over their business cards and wanting to discuss cooperation.

Some are based on the relationship of the alumni association, judging from the information disclosed by the students of Yangcheng University of Science and Technology that it is profitable; some users also want to participate in the project, and through their own relationship, they want to "bring capital into the group" .

Song Gangyi and other 5-member founding team made a preliminary screening, and directly excluded some conditions that were too shabby, and reserved the remaining few for pre-selection.

You must know that Song Gangyi and the others were young boys without any entrepreneurial experience during the period of years ago. When they first started working on the project, they encountered new problems that needed to be solved urgently every moment, which required a lot of their energy. .

Then comes the final exam.Among them, Xie Yunqing put the focus on learning very early, attended classes on time every day, and devoted the rest of his time to projects after completing homework with quality and quantity.

University courses are not difficult to say, as long as half of the study energy in the third year of senior high school is put into it, you can get good grades, but often many people are unwilling to devote even one tenth of their energy, and in the end, they often hope for The teacher who gave the question and the teacher who graded the paper can make an exception.

Needless to say, Xie Yunqian basically got high scores in all subjects, and the worst grade point in the test was 81, and the other subjects were basically in the range of 82-89.In her freshman year, Xie Yunqian got a grade point of 3.7.

For science and engineering students, maintaining this score not only means that they can keep their graduate studies, but also get their hands on the school's scholarship.

There are scholarships in the university every year. Among the school-level scholarships, the worst third-class scholarship will be awarded 1000 yuan, the second-class scholarship will be awarded 2000 yuan, and the first-class scholarship will be awarded 3000 yuan.

In addition, each college will have two or three places each year that are expected to receive national scholarships, and a one-time award of 20000 yuan will be awarded.

In addition to paying a professional registration fee of several hundred yuan to 1000 yuan according to national regulations, students study each semester, and each course costs 100 yuan per credit, while undergraduate students must complete 150 credits for graduation.

However, the school also has incentives in this regard. The students in the top 5% of the college’s average score in each semester can receive a policy of credit fee reduction for the current semester, and the top three students will be exempted from direct credit fees.

It can be said that in college, students with good grades may not need to spend money or even make money after four years of study.

An ordinary student basically spends 10 yuan for four years of study.

Song Gangyi still remembers that in his previous life, he saw an outstanding innovation class in some 985 universities. After four years, the students in the entire class received a scholarship of several 10 yuan. up.

However, although Xie Yunqian's score of 3.7 is enough for Song Gangyi to look up to, her score is still not the top in the class.

After all, it is an innovative class, and the learning atmosphere of the students is much stronger than Song Gangyi's ordinary class.

In the second software class that Song Gangyi and the others were in, after only two or three months, students began to skip classes, copy other people's homework, and so on.

You must know that it is easy to learn to be bad. As long as this bad habit starts to appear in the class, it will soon be passed on from person to person and drive other people to degenerate.

But it's embarrassing to say that this phenomenon of not doing business is mainly driven by Song Gangyi and his colleagues in Dormitory 415. In order for the bike-sharing project to be carried out smoothly, class time must be taken up.

According to Xie Yunqian's description, the innovation class still maintains a good atmosphere, and the students' learning status is like that of high school students.

Near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink is black.

A different environment can indeed change a person.

With Xie Yunqian leading the study, and under the reminder and supervision of the girl, Song Gangyi also started to review ahead of time, and Song Gangyi's GPA in his freshman year was also mixed up to 3.5.

And his roommates are more stiff than the other, Zhang Chengtian is better, with a strong foundation, with a GPA of 3.3.

When Chen Guangyi arrived, he began to fall off the cliff, with a GPA of only 2.2, and Li Linggao was even worse, only 1.7.

No one else failed, but Li Linggao failed an advanced mathematics course, and this course is still a compulsory course, which must be passed in order to graduate.

If you want to graduate from university, in addition to getting the credits you should take, your grade point should not be too low.

Students whose comprehensive grade point is lower than 2.0 in the entire four years after the end of senior year will not be able to get the school's degree certificate, and this is actually equivalent to four years of studying in vain.

After all, there is no degree certificate. When you go out of the society to find a job, the company does not recognize it, you want to take the public and government departments, and you don’t want it when you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination.Basically useless.

"Old Song, did you say in the group that some bosses want to invest in us?" Song Gangyi asked Li Linggao angrily as soon as he returned to the dormitory.

"Let's talk about this when everyone is ready. What's the matter with you? You did so badly in the exam." Song Gangyi saw that Li Linggao was the only one in the dormitory. still on the way.

"Hey, don't mention it. I was almost beaten to death by my parents at home." Li Lingao wailed as if his scars had been exposed.

During the Chinese New Year, family members would ask about his grades, but Li Linggao knew that he did not do well in the exam and kept avoiding talking about it.

When others kept asking, Li Linggao would say: "The teachers haven't corrected the grades yet, and I don't know how many scores. I guess I won't know until the school starts."

And when the family members asked why the school hadn't issued the results at this time, after all, according to the experience in middle school, the results would be available within a few days after the test, and the results would be issued before the Chinese New Year at the latest.

"Oh, you also know that this is a university. University is different. Don't ask, you don't understand." Li Linggao is purely bullying his family members who don't know the situation of the university exam in order to get away with it.

At this time, they will also stop talking about Li Linggao's unequal information.

But by coincidence, among the relatives who visited during the Chinese New Year, there happened to be two college students who had just graduated, and one of them happened to be Li Linggao's college alumni, who knew all about college courses.

Knowing that you can check your scores online, you insist on forcing Li Linggao to enter your student number and password.

The results can be imagined, Li Linggao's dismal score not only made him lose face, but also received a severe beating.

"The beating is deserved. If the grade point is lower than 2.0, you will not be able to get a degree certificate. This is no joke." Song Gangyi said.

"It's not as serious as you said. I'm only a freshman now, and there are still 7 semesters to go. I'll catch up with a little effort." Li Linggao said indifferently.

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