Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 183 Expose

"If someone has money, life will get better and better." This is Dai Zhen's catchphrase.

As the most traditional Chinese family, Song's father and Song's mother have such simple values.

According to the slogan of 2021, this sentence can also be replaced with "be brave and not afraid of difficulties".

No matter what difficulties you encounter, you have to live your life. No matter how difficult the difficulties are, after a period of time, you will find that all of them are nothing, and all of them will become part of your life experience.

To be happy in life is to have fun, Song Gangyi had a rare indulgence.

From July 2010 to March 7, Song Gangyi lived a very self-disciplined life.

At the beginning, in order to get a good academic background, I invested in the army of repeaters. I have been fighting for this exam that is very fair to everyone for nearly a year.

In addition, in order to seize the opportunity, Song Gangyi broke into the world of online literature like a toddler while he was in the golden age of novel creation.Although he was lucky enough to make a lot of money, Song Gangyi was still very scared in his heart. Compared with those talented writers who could write fascinating plots casually, what Song Gangyi wrote was just picking up people's teeth.

Although he earned a lot of money, Song Gangyi is still learning writing skills while creating, just to ensure that he can still rely on this craft to make a living in the future.

After arriving at university, because of a small impulse, he started an entrepreneurial project cruelly.But this road is really difficult, and countless difficulties need to be overcome along the way. This requires not only great perseverance, but also a lot of energy.

Today, Song Gangyi feels like a robot.During these more than 600 days, he has basically been working. Except for occasionally going shopping with his girlfriend to relax, his nerves have been tense.

Now with the house in hand, my basic foundation has been solid, surpassing 99% of my peers.

In the novel, it can be regarded as a temporary slowdown.After finishing the creation of female novels, I only need to hang on to this male novel, and I don’t need so many updates every day as before.Song Gangyi can have more time to do his own thing.

Regarding the start-up of shared bicycles, although the company has just started and will not officially launch its own bicycles until next month, it has already made a big progress compared to before.There are sufficient funds, a mature management team, skilled developers, and a very feasible development direction.Their company is like a pig on the wind, and it will surely succeed.

Emotionally, the relationship between Song Gangyi and Xie Yunqian is still strong, and there is no risk of their relationship breaking down for the time being.The two are classmates in high school and college, and there is no risk of long-distance relationships or going to different provinces after graduation.In the process of getting along, the two respect each other like guests. Song Gangyi is much older psychologically and takes care of the woman; while Xie Yunqian is the one who actively pursues and contributes more emotionally.From this point of view, they may really be able to complete the love story that everyone dreams of from a campus couple to a marriage hall.

Song Gangyi felt that he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, he finally didn't have to work hard like before.

When he received a call from his father before, he was a little nervous. The main reason was that he had just invested almost all of his money in the purchase of real estate. If something happened to the family, he would not be able to come up with money for emergency.And seeing that the days are getting better and better, Song Gangyi is really worried that something unexpected will happen.

Fortunately, it's just that he was suspicious after reading too many life stories on the forum. There are no bad things in the family, only happy ones.

Song Dezhu resigned early according to his family's opinion, and jumped out of a big fire pit.In his previous life, he lent 10,000+ to the company, and then the company couldn't withdraw the money after the company went bankrupt, and the situation that he owed Song's father more than a year's salary without payment will never happen to this man again.

And Dai Zhen didn't have any strange accidents. She opened A Zhen's milk tea shop in her alma mater, where her son was returning for a year.

"When we save some more money, we will buy that shop directly. If we have more money, we will open a branch. In the end, we will directly open our Azhen milk tea shop all over the country." Dai Zhen also drank a few glasses of wine, happily Said.

"Hahaha, you're almost done, how can you have the money to buy other people's shops?" Father Song said with a smile. After drinking, Comrade Song became more courageous, and he dared to confront his wife in front of his son. mouth.

"Why not? After buying the house, there is nearly 10,000 yuan left, and the store I opened has earned 20 + almost 50 yuan in half a year. When I save more and wait until [-] yuan, isn't it enough to buy this [-]-square-meter shop? ?” Dai Zhen said dissatisfied.

"Um, I want to change the car for the [-] yuan. My old antelope bought it as a second-hand car, and I have been driving it for almost ten years. Now the car has a lot of problems and needs to be replaced." Song Dezhu didn't expect The wife made another idea of ​​the [-] yuan in her hand.

The Song family scraped together a little over 60 yuan. They wanted to make the deal at Yue Ming's highest price of 55 yuan, but Yue Ming insisted on deducting the previous 20-month rent from the Song family. In the end, Song Dezhu still had about [-] yuan left.

"What car do you want? You're out of work again, so what's the difference if you can't drive your little broken car." Dai Zhen said dissatisfied.

"I still have to meet with clients sometimes, it's not good without a decent car." Song Dezhu said with a bitter face.

Song Dezhu had been doing private work in the company before, but now after leaving the company, he can intensify his efforts in this business.Without the company's skin, the income is still considerable, but after the company's platform is gone, it can be expected that the income will become less and less.But for Song Dezhu, this career can also be used as a transition period for him.

"Even if you don't let me change the car, the money has to be kept for Xiaoyi, right? Four years of college will cost at least [-] yuan. Before I opened a store, my family's money was a little tight. Now that I have no job, I can only save some money for emergencies. Don't let our son live in poverty." Song Dezhu didn't want the [-] to disappear like this, he was still struggling.

"Um, Mom and Dad. Actually, there's something I haven't told you about." Song Gangyi drew his parents' attention when he opened his mouth.

Apart from Song Gangyi who knew about buying a house, his girlfriend Xie Yunqian was the first to know about it.

But your parents are the people who love you the most in this world, even your girlfriend knows, so it's not easy to hide it from your parents.

"I just spent 100 million to buy a house next to our school." Song Gangyi revealed.

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