Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 196 Competitors

Sunshine Bicycle officially launched its self-operated bicycles on April 2012, 4.

The first batch of bicycles were all sent to Yangcheng University of Science and Technology, and after a period of operation and maintenance, the second batch of bicycles arrived. The second batch of bicycles began to enter Shuangyashan University. While making good progress, we also found that the company’s funds have problems. .The next step was to deal with the shortage of funds. It was already mid-May 2000 when the 2012 million funds were successfully credited to the account.

While Song Gangyi and others were busy operating Sunshine Bicycles, producing more bicycles and expanding their market, others were also quietly acting behind their backs.

Yangli Bicycle, the predecessor of Sunshine Bicycle, made such a big commotion in Yangcheng University of Science and Technology, and some media reported on this new gadget in the university, but shared bicycles were only a product of the special environment on campus at that time. If you don't leave the campus, you have no future.So in fact the impact is not strong enough.

Although some people with a sense of business are aware of the business opportunities, just like the problems Song Gangyi and others encountered before, there is nothing to prove that you will succeed in this matter, and you just rely on your mouth to ask for millions from investors. Although it is said that there are always people who are stupid and have a lot of money, it is still difficult to get a white wolf just by empty hands.

And when Sunshine Bike was officially launched and achieved good results, many concerned people couldn't help but began to take action.In the past, it was just a small fight, and most of the products that achieved good results in the campus rushed to the street after they were launched. However, products such as shared bicycles can still be implemented smoothly even after they are officially launched, so they cannot just be regarded as toys. treated.

The data of Sunshine Bicycle is basically translucent. In order to increase their valuation, many start-up companies often make publicity after achieving initial results.

For example, if the number of registered users exceeds 100, and the number of users exceeds [-] million, etc., the more powerful the company is, the more powerful investors will be attracted, and the easier it will be to get more investment.

In addition to getting investment, bragging can also improve the corporate image.Just like some people do not do things very well, but they brag about what kind of achievements they have achieved all day long. People who don't know why will naturally think that this person is really so awesome.There are two products, one product does not advertise much and only does things, and the other product often sees what achievements it has made in the news, the market share is the first, etc. Consumers will subconsciously choose the latter when they see it product.This is the power of propaganda.

Although the number of registered users of Sunshine Bike has exceeded 2, it is still possible to blow it up if you want to, but after careful consideration, Song Gangyi decided to give up for the time being.

At present, Sunshine Bicycle is still keeping a low profile.Forging iron still requires hard work. At present, there is no competitor of Sunshine Bicycles in the entire market. A bicycle can be used quickly after being produced, and it is not yet necessary to advertise to attract users.And because of funding problems, the number of bicycles is also limited. Now the number of Sunshine bicycles has not reached [-], and there are millions of potential users. The entire market is completely in short supply, and no amount of advertising is a waste.

Publicity is also a matter of burning money. A round of overwhelming publicity will cost at least several million, which is completely unnecessary for Sunshine Bicycle.

Not promoting is what Sunshine Bicycle should do.Taking advantage of the fact that only a few people know about shared bicycles, and shared bicycles have not been rolled out in other places, Sunshine Bicycles hastened to accumulate strength to develop itself.After other competitors enter the arena, it will be a bloody battlefield.

Develop quietly, and then amaze everyone.While Sunshine Bike is developing rapidly, it also protects the company's internal data. Except for internal employees and financial owners, no one knows the accurate data.

Although it has not announced how many users it has, the average number of people using each bicycle per day is.However, it cannot be resisted by interested people. As long as you spend a few days on the spot and do a little research, you can probably know the existing operating conditions. Therefore, the operating conditions of Sunshine Bike are translucent.

These data are continuously collected and placed on the desktops of different investors.Some people don't care and are not ready to invest, while some people start organizing people to prepare to enter the market.

The threshold for shared bicycles is really too low. The core of the entire product is clearly exposed. It is too easy for others to follow up.

It took three months for Song Gangyi and others to set up the company and then it was ready to launch on the market. Others can also cross the river by bicycle and spend a few months to set up the entire framework.

Three or four months is enough for Sunshine Bike to eat up the entire university in Yangcheng, and if it goes well, it can progress to several big cities around it.However, there are so many cities in the country, large and small, and Sunshine Bicycle is not able to fully absorb them.

If you develop in Yangcheng, we will go to Shanghai to implement it, and if it doesn’t work, we will go to Baijing to develop.When the little yellow car wants to enter a new city, it will be Qianglong who wants to overwhelm the snake.

The entire bike-sharing market is too big, and the cake is too big, and there is no shortage of people who want to share the pie.Song Gangyi found out that there was nothing he could do to stop it, so he could only try his best to reduce the popularity of shared bicycles. From the very beginning, he tried to control that only a few university circles in Yangcheng knew about this thing.

If Song Gangyi had to use one word to describe these companies that were about to enter the market, it would be four words - rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

The real big capital will not enter the market, they will just watch from the sidelines. The entire market is like raising a gu. Countless competitors are fighting wildly, and only the victors who survive in the end are eligible to be favored by big capital.

At the peak of the bicycle sharing battle between Xiaohuangche and Mobike, the final result was that Mobike was acquired by each group. When Xiaohuangche went bankrupt, all of its bicycles were mortgaged to Fubao Factory, and Fubao Factory also randomly Take control of the hello bike.

This group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps do not have avant-garde knowledge and cannot understand the spirit of shared bicycles, and will develop all kinds of strange bicycles.

Moreover, the funds are not strong enough. Sunshine Bicycle’s large investment of tens of millions is only obtained through nepotism. It is not so easy for other people to get such a large amount of money. Just a million.

The start time is late, and the start-up funds are so small, how to catch up?

It's just that Professor Wu Xin's future bicycle, which has been planned for more than half a year, finally landed and is ready to officially enter the arena. This will be the strong enemy of Sunshine Bicycle.

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