Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 208 Different from the past

Half an hour ago, the Sunshine Cycling Team, whose atmosphere was in a cold cellar, was now completely swept away with decadence.

Now everyone is full of excitement and impatience.

When Song Gangyi stubbornly asked the other party who was interested in venture capital to raise the offer again, the others also straightened their backs and stood on the same front as Song Gangyi.

"Please call your superiors now and give us a satisfactory quotation again."

"It's not too late."

"After today, the news spread. I think Sunshine Bicycles will have more choices, and we will not be sure which one we will accept as a cooperation plan." Song Gangyi emphasized again.

After lengthy coordination and negotiations, both sides felt exhausted.Although the talks are so difficult, both parties actually have a relatively strong willingness to cooperate, otherwise so much time would not be wasted.

The one who has money is the uncle. After all, Sunshine Bicycle, as the party that lacks money, does not have enough time.

The more I suffer, the more uncomfortable I am, but the other party is not in a hurry.After a long period of negotiation, the other party finally issued an ultimatum today after they had almost figured out the bottom line of Sunshine Bicycle, claiming that 8000 million yuan was the final offer.

Being caught with a sore foot, it seems that you can't get more benefits, and the momentum is much worse than others. Young people who have not experienced big storms feel that this price is already acceptable.

But I didn't expect the timing to turn around. The previous agreement with Xie Jing was better than a coincidence, and it happened to be fulfilled at this critical juncture.

With this pass, the current situation for Sunshine Bicycles is no longer the same.

Just like the original Yangli bicycle was just a scientific research project in the school, if you can't get out of the school, it will be of little use.And when the company is established and starts to operate officially, it means that this thing has become a decent business with a promising future.

The same goes for city services and campus services.

For Sunshine Bicycle, opening the door to urban services is like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, and the value of the entire company is definitely not simply one plus one.

If this news spreads, it will definitely be a major positive for the valuation of Sunshine Bicycle.

The capitalist representatives who were still aggressive just now were not angry after seeing Song Gangyi's strength. After knowing that Song Gangyi's news was completely sure, they quickly walked out of the meeting room with their phones and began to ask their superiors for instructions.

"Why don't you wait until the news spreads and more capital wants to come in, then can't we choose the best among them?" Xie Yunqian asked other people's doubts.

There were no outsiders in the conference room, and everyone else was busy calling their superiors for instructions and stating their interests.

However, the Sunshine Bicycles, who were forced to leave the meeting room and go to another small room to discuss and discuss, can now sit leisurely in the meeting room and wait for the other party to make a new offer. The situation is directly reversed.

Although relying on Song Gangyi's prestige, the others temporarily chose to support Song Gangyi's decision, but they still had doubts in their hearts.

Now that the situation is favorable to Sunshine Bicycle, it is natural that the threshold should be relaxed to allow more investors to enter the market, and then Sunshine Bicycle will choose the best choice among them.There is absolutely no need to rush to decide on cooperation matters today.

"Time doesn't wait for me." Song Gangyi only had time to say this sentence. After all, this is not a place to tell secrets, and he can't leak out all the details of his family.

People who went out to consult their superiors returned to the conference room one after another, and they brought new quotations.

And Song Gangyi, who had the advantage in his hand, made some bargains on this, and abruptly raised some prices on this basis.

Seeing that there seemed to be no room for maneuver at this price, the Sunshine team left the meeting room again, and after a short discussion, decided to accept the price.

The financing contract still needs to be improved, but after the price is set, these matters are basically arranged for professional lawyers to help Sunshine Bicycle.

After sending off a group of people who were negotiating, the time had quietly reached late at night, and the few people present could only feel unconcealed excitement.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? We, we just negotiated a financing of [-] million yuan?" Li Linggao said with a flushed face, neither sitting nor standing.

"Let me help you verify whether you are dreaming." Chen Guangyi punched Li Linggao's arm hard while speaking, and Li Linggao screamed in pain.

But despite the pain, Li Linggao did not fight back. Instead, he shouted excitedly: "I feel pain, this is not a dream. This is not a dream!"

"Okay, let's talk about dinner first. I haven't eaten all day. Fortunately, I asked for the phone number of the owner of the restaurant outside in advance, and now he has delivered the meal." Xie Yunqian thoughtfully took care of the logistical work.

The most valuable experience left to them by the previous rounds of negotiations is that this will be a torment.It takes a long time to prepare, and it takes a long time to communicate in meetings.

It is very normal for a negotiation to go on from morning to night. During this period, apart from eating some snacks to fill the stomach, there is no time to eat at all.

After being hungry for a few times to improve her memory, Xie Yunqian went to get on line with the owner of the restaurant outside. When the meeting was almost over, she contacted the other party to cook the food quickly, and then sent someone to deliver it.

"I feel like I can die without regret." Chen Guangyi, who is relatively calm, now also feels that he is floating like a fairy, and his feet have no real ground.

The quotation of 8000 million is actually very good, and adding another [-] million is even better.

After making this decision, even after an hour, Song Gangyi felt that his adrenaline was still being secreted, and the nerves in his brain were always in a state of high excitement.

"Is this the charm of entrepreneurship?" Song Gangyi said to himself.

Several people laid out the delivered meals on the big table in the conference room and ate them directly. Apart from expressing their excitement incoherently, they couldn't do without asking Song Gangyi why he was in such a hurry to decide on financing.

"Now time is very precious. The sooner we negotiate a plan and get the money, we can increase our horsepower one day earlier. When the news spreads and more investment companies want to participate, of course we can choose a higher financing amount from them." [-] million higher."

"But restarting negotiations will take more time. According to the current situation, it is not easy to negotiate within a month. And we really want to waste this precious golden development period for a little more money ?"

"I don't think it's worth it. It's not that we won't continue financing later, and we will have more time and opportunities to choose more suitable partners."

Song Gangyi explained patiently, but some of the others understood it, while others still didn't quite accept it.

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