Back to 2010 as a scholar

Chapter 237 Recruitment of Famous Schools

Just some time ago, Song Gangyi had prepared sufficient materials because he wanted the leaders of Yangcheng City to observe and inspect, but now he flew directly to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and could directly guide and explain to the leaders of Shanghai Jiaotong University as soon as he landed.

For Sunshine Bicycle, going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange has a very unique meaning, and it cannot be overstated.

Sunshine Bike started from Yangcheng, and now it is spreading to all parts of the country.National policies are divided into "three steps", and Sunshine Bicycles will naturally be distributed.

The first step is to maintain the base camp and keep the basic market.Continue to take root in the first two markets of Yangcheng City and Xn City, and gradually radiate to the major cities in Guangxi Province and Guangdong Province with these two provincial capital cities as the center.

The second step is to dominate the southern market, and it is easy to pass the river.Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. is headquartered in the south, and now it is developing rapidly, but its background is still very weak, and the management team needs to be continuously strengthened.Therefore, during the summer vacation, the Sunshine Bicycle team opened up major universities in southern cities, among which Shanghai Stock Exchange and Ehan City are the most important central cities.

The last step is to roll out in an all-round way and enter major cities across the country.Song Gangyi already knows that Future Bicycle has already taken root in Baijing. Although it is very meaningful to be a capital of a country, rushing into Baijing and Future Bicycle to seize the market is to set off a capital war in advance. The two shared bicycle companies will be involved in this competition. In the quagmire.As the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman’s benefit, soon all kinds of shared bicycles will spring up like mushrooms after the rain. The two leading companies are fighting each other to give others a chance.

In addition to the above reasons, Sunshine Bicycle's current production capacity is still too low. In the early stage, it was not fully released because of insufficient funds, but now it has funds but because the time is too short.It will take half a year for Sunshine Bicycles’ existing production capacity in the southern market alone, and running to open more markets will not help the development of Sunshine Bicycles.

Sunshine Bike has basically completed the first step of deployment, and the follow-up to the surrounding cities of the two major provinces will take time.The current goal is to move towards the second step to open up the entire southern market. If the task can be successfully completed, this will bring demand for millions of shared bicycles to Sunshine Bicycle.

You must know that the number of bicycles in operation at Sunshine Bicycles is just over 10,000, and the 10+ bicycles produced are on the way to various cities.The completion of the second step of the plan actually means that the valuation of Sunshine Bicycle will be expanded by at least ten times, and it will be directly promoted to a large company at the level of [-] billion yuan.

The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite.The most important thing now is to do the current thing well, and Song Gangyi's most important task now is to open the doors to universities in Shanghai.

The schools that have been settled before are the top universities in Shanghai, and the leaders of any university are senior national cadres. If the school leaders need it, then Song Gangyi has to rush over to support the school leaders.

And when Song Gangyi got into the car and arrived at his destination, he realized that it was Shanghai Jiaotong University, the school that he passed shoulder to shoulder with in this life.

Everyone will be sad, Song Gangyi also thought about what kind of life he would have gained if he had made another choice at the beginning?It's just that it's just thinking about it after all, Song Gangyi can only be sentimental for a few minutes with so many things at hand.

"Listen to you, shared bicycles are indeed a very good project. I will ride a ride too." After listening to Song Gangyi's well-prepared introduction, several school leaders who came to guide the work also nodded repeatedly, and one of them even To test ride on the spot.

Seeing that someone was so cooperative, Song Gangyi whispered to the staff on the side, and helped him open the smart lock for him to try riding.

It has been a few months since Sunshine Bike launched its own bicycles. The bicycles launched in this round have been upgraded to Sunshine Bike 2.0 version, which is stronger than the old version in terms of riding experience, and at the same time, it is further improved in terms of cost. decrease.

"Mr. Song is really young and promising. He is leading this potential company at such a young age. It's like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead." After riding for a while, I stopped after some experience.The leaders seem to be quite satisfied with this new type of transportation.Anyone with knowledge knows that Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. has a bright future, and seeing Song Gangyi's youthful appearance, he couldn't help sighing.

"Where is there?" Song Gangyi quickly replied with a smile.

"I heard that your company only put [-] bicycles in our school. Our school is so big, maybe this amount is not enough?" Someone asked again.

"Our company is still not enough in the production capacity of bicycles. In this round of bicycles, the indicators for your school are actually the most. But since you said so, I must do things for you. In a few days we will Then another [-] bicycles were dispatched from other places to distribute to the teachers and students of Shanghai Jiaotong University.” Song Gangyi first explained the reasons for this situation, saying that it was not that Sunshine Bicycles was deliberately contemptuous, but because the production capacity was really limited.But when the topic changed, he promised the leaders that they would continue to transport bicycles to meet the needs of teachers and students in a few days. In fact, it was flattering to SJTU.

"You don't need too many bicycles. If there are too many bicycles, the school roads of our school will be full. Adding another thousand bicycles will be enough." Sure enough, after hearing Song Gangyi's explanation, several leaders showed signs of comparison. Satisfied smile, and the person who mentioned that there was not enough bicycles said with a smile.

"Young man is still very upright." Even the words he used became a lot closer, "By the way, I heard that you are still a sophomore in Yangcheng University of Technology, and you were able to start such a large enterprise while you were still in college. The ability is quite strong. Have you ever thought about coming to our school to study?"

"Actually, the school I most wanted to go to before the college entrance examination was Shanghai Jiaotong University, but I didn't do very well in the exam, so I went to Yangcheng University of Technology in the end, but our school has helped me a lot, and it has helped us a lot with Sunshine Bicycles. I'm only a sophomore now, and I haven't actually made any plans on whether to continue my studies in the future." Song Gangyi replied 'sincerely' with some rhetoric.

"So you still have a good relationship with our school. If you have the opportunity, you should study more and continue your studies. Then you can come to our school to study as a graduate student and realize your previous dream of Shanghai Jiaotong University." Another school The leader said with a smile after listening.

"There are too many things in the company now, and my grade point is also average. I'm afraid it will be difficult." Song Gangyi said with a haha.

"These are actually not problems. The key is whether you want to or not." The school leader said with a smile.

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