"You did a good job, kid. I didn't expect that my best investment in the past few years would be to pick up your sunshine bicycle by chance." On the other end of the phone, Xie Jing couldn't hold back his joy and said to Song Gangyi.

Based on the current valuation, Xie Jing's previous investment of 5000 million yuan now has a rate of return of at least five or six times. Even his net worth has already exceeded one billion yuan, and he can't help being excited about this seemingly risky investment.

This investment is not "picked up" as he said.

Before the new year, I went to the station to pick up Xie Yunqian and Song Gangyi. On the way, I heard my daughter showing off to him that the club they founded had made this project develop like a decent one.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.Xie Jing originally only thought of his daughter as a minor troublemaker in college, but after hearing his daughter, Song Gangyi and others implement their ideas step by step and form a long-term profit model, his keen sense told him that this matter had potential business opportunities.He used his identity to get Song Gangyi to report the situation to him without any secrecy, and took advantage of this project in a plundering manner.

Although he was very optimistic about the prospects of this project, he was actually worried that these young people would not be able to achieve the beauty that Song Gangyi had described to him because they were too young. The worst plan he made was that the project would abort. , Just pay the tuition for your daughter.

However, I didn't expect that within a year, this young company had crossed the threshold that many established companies could not, and directly broke through the billion-level threshold.And if this momentum continues to develop, it can completely break the current monopoly of several major Internet giants.

"Boy Song, you're acting like this. It's already developed fast enough. Now that you've got so much money, won't the whole market be eaten up?"

"Can it still develop peacefully and compete fairly with us?"

"You said it so nicely at the time. You didn't want to be deserters and abandon your roommates. Now, don't you just kick out those who are dragging your feet? If you knew this, you might as well not form a group with them early in the morning. Follow me How about doing it together?"

"Did you avoid me on purpose, kid? My old Wu Ke treated you Song Gangyi with all his heart and soul, and treated you as a friend. I told you that they took out your company's secrets and resold them behind your back, otherwise You've been kept in the dark."

The phone call from Wu Xin began to smell sour without saying a few words. Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. is developing very fast, which has already brought great pressure to their future bicycles, but now they have received this astronomical sum of money. Financing is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and it is another bad news for future bicycles.

In the entire shared bicycle market, Future Bicycle claims to be the third child, and no one dares to claim that it is the second child.Although the future bicycles also maintain a relatively obvious lead over the latecomers, they have been staring at the top spot in front of them.

Judging from the time when the company was established, Future Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. is actually earlier than Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. It received investment very early and pulled up a team to start working on projects.

However, the leader of this company is Professor Wu Xin, who pursues perfection. From the very beginning, Future Bicycle has been rushing to produce the shared bicycle of the future concept, which also leads to a very long time for their preparation.In the end, Sunshine Bicycle launched its own bicycles before them.

In fact, they were only one and a half months late, but now it seems that they can't catch up in this one and a half months, and even catch up further and further.

This caused a lot of bad emotions in the future bicycle team. As the leader of the company, Wu Xin was under a lot of pressure, so he vented his depression with Song Gangyi, who he thought was his old friend.

The third phone rang, and Song Gangyi was very surprised after looking at the name on the phone.

"Gang Yi, I read on the news that your company has completed a financing of several hundred million yuan."

"The last time we met was too hasty, and you left because of business without having a good time with you. When you have time, we will come out and get together. I also want to congratulate you in person for completing this great thing. "

"I don't have any classes here recently, so it's very convenient to fly over."

Zhang Mengyao's voice rang from the other end of the phone, and she didn't hear Song Gangyi's response, but she still finished her sentence on her own, and then hung up the phone as if she had made an agreement with Song Gangyi.

At that time, we met at Shanghai Jiaotong University, and let Zhang Mengyao know that Song Gangyi is now the founder of Sunshine Bicycle.

Although she had the greatest imagination about Song Gangyi's worth as the leader of the company before, but when she returned to the dormitory and began to read the news about Sunshine Bicycles, she knew that this was a company with a valuation of hundreds of millions. His heart has become ups and downs, and he often regrets why he missed such an excellent man at that time.

I have been looking for an opportunity to establish contact with Song Gangyi again, and send Song Gangyi a message through QQ, but Song Gangyi, who is already a busy person, no longer logs in to the QQ software every day like before.

And she, who has been following the news of Sunshine Bike, once again saw the news that Sunshine Bike had completed a financing amount of up to [-] million yuan. She couldn't hold back any longer and pressed the phone call that made her toss and turn for days.

Even though Song Gangyi's phone remained on the line, Zhang Mengyao did not give up the obsession to dial the phone, and must convey what he wanted to say to Song Gangyi.

When Song Gangyi was on the phone with Professor Wu Xin, he kept receiving calls from someone calling him. He thought that there was something urgent that he had to let himself know, so he hurriedly ended the chat with Wu Xin, but he didn't expect that It's a word.

After hanging up on Zhang Mengyao's call, the fourth call was answered quickly. This time, Song Gangyi was even more surprised that his father actually called on this special day.

"Hey, son, did you set up some kind of bicycle company in college? I read in the news that your company has received hundreds of millions of investment. Is this true?"

The old father questioned his son on the phone. Although it was a question, he obviously confirmed the accuracy of the news, and he just wanted to hear his son say it himself.

Song Gangyi doesn't want to be a celebrity, but now that the company is making so much trouble, there will naturally be many caring people to help him become a celebrity.

The parents and officials in my hometown knew that there was such a God of Wealth, so they went to Song Gangyi's family to reminisce about the past. Originally, Song Dezhu was puzzled why these officials insisted on coming to this milk tea shop in his house to drink tea, until someone "unintentionally" revealed Only after giving it to him did he realize what a big deal his son had done.

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