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Chapter 268 Shared Bicycles in 2013

According to Dai Zhen's approach, in a few years, the profit growth of the indeed lucky coffee store may not be as fast as the value-added store purchased by her company.

Back then, Sohu was also one of the largest large-scale Internet brands in China. At its peak, Sohu was on par with Penguin Group.But after 20 years, Sohu's market value has shrunk from tens of billions to several billions, and the three buildings that Sohu bought in Baijing in 2006 have increased by more than ten times, which is even higher than Sohu's current market value.

The past 20 years have been so magical, and the money earned through hard work in starting a business cannot match the growth rate of housing prices.

Although housing prices have increased rapidly during the period from 2013 to 2021, housing prices in Xn City, the provincial capital of Guizhou Province, which is famous for its poor status, are not as exaggerated as other popular cities, which can easily double by three or four times in the past eight years. times, but even so is a lot of income.

So to buy a house, you can only buy a house in the core areas of first-tier cities, otherwise nothing can catch up with the heat.

Mom and Dad want to use the remaining heat, and although this business strategy is a bit silly and won't develop quickly, it won't be easy to go bankrupt anyway, so Song Gangyi let the two of them go and toss it, anyway, he will take care of the bottom line .

Turning his attention to his main battlefield, Song Gangyi understood that 2013 is another crucial year for Sunshine Bicycle. In this year, Sunshine Bicycle will spread Sunshine Bicycle nationwide, and at the same time, it will undoubtedly start to follow Only when those competing products enter the fierce struggle can the survivors reap the rich fruits.

But if you think about it carefully, which year is not important to Sunshine Bicycle?

2012 was the founding year of Sunshine Bicycle. After going through mountains and seas, this start-up company has grown into a big tree in the sky.

2013 is the year of the all-out bike-sharing war. The biggest reason for the rapid development is that Sunshine Bike has no competitors in the bike-sharing market, and users can only choose this bike-sharing company.

But now it is different, a bunch of shared bicycles with various signs and banners have sprung up like mushrooms, and they want to compete with Sunshine Bicycles in this vast market.

Although it is said that a lot of hot money has poured into the shared bicycle market, there are still many capital predators who are still waiting and watching.The bike-sharing market is like raising a gu, and these big capital players are waiting to invest their money in the strongest one.

If Sunshine Bike loses, it means that it is just a flower in the greenhouse, and all previous efforts will be in vain, and instead it will become a wedding dress for other people's success.

Song Gangyi defined this year as the decisive year for shared bicycles during the company's internal situation meeting, which made the whole company very tense from top to bottom, and must work hard to maintain its current leading position.

Unlike the employees below who were in a very nervous state, Song Gangyi already had a lot of confidence in his heart.

Now that he has the advantage, as long as Song Gangyi, who is at the helm, doesn't fiddle around and engage in micromanagement, no matter how he says it, he won't end up with nothing.

And he made such a gesture to the employees, just to transmit the pressure to the bottom, let them all move, and make money for the evil capitalists.

In the spring school season of 2013, Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. launched the national college campus service plan, and students from major universities began to see Sunshine Bicycle.

In fact, this plan is precisely the plan of Sunshine Bike to go north. Sunshine Bike has entered the major universities in the south as early as the Chinese New Year, and now it is just continuing to expand the market to capture the northern market.

Throughout 2012, Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. owned more than 100 million bicycles. During the period from the beginning of 2013 to the spring school season, Sunshine Bicycle allocated nearly 30 newly produced bicycles to enter the university market in the north.

During the Chinese New Year, the workers went home, the factory shut down, and the orders could not be filled. Most of these allocated Sunshine Bicycles were not delivered to the Sunshine Bicycle Company after they were produced a year ago.And when the workers gradually return to work and the efficiency of bicycle production is gradually released, a steady stream of bicycles will come out of the factory and rush to all parts of the country.

Today, the average cost per vehicle of Sunshine Bicycle has already been compressed to less than 400 yuan due to factors such as technological improvement and superior bargaining space for large orders. Now the cost of a car is around 380 yuan, and Sunshine Bicycle Technology Limited is also constantly working to reduce this amount.After all, every one yuan of cost reduction is a profit of several million yuan for the base of so many bicycles.

Of course, Sunshine Bicycle claims that each of its bicycles is valued at [-] to [-] yuan. This is also to increase the company's market value, so that more loans can be mortgaged from the bank or higher financing can be obtained.

As the company with the most surplus in company accounts in the entire industry, Sunshine Bicycle currently produces the most bicycles and has the highest personnel expenditure in the industry. No amount of money is enough for it to burn.

Nearly [-] million funds were obtained in the b round of financing, but this is still not enough to burn.Just after receiving the money from this round of financing, Sunshine Bicycle started a new round of financing plan, but the amount involved is too high, and the negotiation preparation time will naturally be longer.In order to get more money immediately, Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. continued to mortgage loans from the bank. The original [-] million yuan was not repaid, and now it continues to borrow [-] million yuan.

Sunshine Bicycle's current funds are actually quite healthy.

There are nearly ten million registered users of the entire software, and there are still many loyal users after the promotional period. After adding the deposit of 200 yuan, many people have not withdrawn it for a while after registration, so The company account of Sunshine Bicycle has hundreds of millions of deposits from users alone.

Although it is said that the user's deposit is only to reduce the risk of the company's operations, and the company will not use this fund, in fact, without special power to supervise, companies in the entire industry cannot fulfill this promise.

The deposits paid by users have been invested in the company's production and operation from the very beginning. The early development of start-up companies is very important, and the earlier the investment, the faster the development.What's more, users' deposits add up to so much, which is basically equivalent to the amount obtained by a large-scale financing. Whoever doesn't use it is a fool.

Even Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. has secretly spent the huge sum of deposits from users, not to mention those smaller bike-sharing companies.

But soon, troubles followed.There have been more and more cases where the deposit for shared bicycles is difficult to refund, and then this incident has become more and more serious, affecting the entire ecology of shared bicycles.

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