Song Gangyi and Xie Jing discussed and worked out a general framework for the ecological farm. However, this matter is very important to a family. Both of them thought that more time was needed to add details. Take the time to visit someone else's private garden.

The time has come to 2014, and Song Gangyi has also entered the second half of his undergraduate career.

Before the Chinese New Year, various colleges and universities extended an olive branch to Song Gangyi, hoping that the chairman of Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. and the leader of the domestic bicycle sharing movement could go to their schools to continue their studies. At that time, Song Gangyi decided to give them an answer later.

Now that he has entered the second semester of the third year of university, and has reached the final stage of the graduate school, it is best for Song Gangyi to give the answer in this semester, so that the school can operate for Song Gangyi.

During the past few days of Chinese New Year, Song Gangyi has been distracted by how to run the family's private farm, and he doesn't have much energy to think about whether to continue to make his academic qualifications look better.

Song Gangyi just mentioned it casually during the New Year's greetings at Xie's family, and Xie Jing suggested that Song Gangyi better plate himself with gold.

"Yunqian will also be going to graduate school at that time. You can accompany her to study for a few more years. Anyway, academic matters will basically not be a problem for your current status."

"Even if the two of you want to get a Ph.D., if we spend a little effort to operate it, we can prevent you from being embarrassed by some tutors."

Xie Jing said.

Domestic academic circles are famous for squeezing graduate students. Many tutors will intentionally stop students from graduating in order to threaten their graduate students to continue to work for them.

There have been a lot of such squeezed things for master's students, and it's even more so for doctoral students.

Many graduate students are capable enough to graduate, but in order to continue to squeeze them and not let them go, the tutors must provide more fruits of labor according to them.

For example, to publish a few more top journal papers, but the first author of the papers will not be the students themselves, either the tutors come to add luster to their academic level, or they are donated to others in exchange for benefits .

Or simply require graduate students to work for the tutor's company or the engineering project that the tutor picks up from outside, basically allowing these highly educated and high-level students to serve him for free for one to two years.A student can bring a profit of 30 to [-] yuan to the tutor, and as the number of students increases, the total profit will increase proportionally.

Song Gangyi also heard about these domestic academic ecosystems, and since he was reborn, he has never thought about studying for postgraduate studies, especially after his novel career and later bike-sharing business became more and more prosperous, he no longer needs to gild himself to get The income is very high, so why let yourself buy a graduate student like a lottery ticket and hope that you will not meet that kind of unscrupulous tutor?

According to Xie Jing, if you spend more time finding some energetic people to say hello, Song Gangyi and Xie Yunqian's journey to further study will be smooth.

Even if you pay a little more, you can even easily get the scientific research results that others have worked through untold hardships as their masterpieces.

The so-called difficult graduation threshold is not a problem for people with energy and resources.

That being the case, Song Gangyi didn't have many worries. Although he had a lot of things to do in the company, after all, he was the leader now, so it was easy to spare some time.Anyway, left and right are going to be Xie Yunqian's flower protectors, and studying with her is also a process of companionship.

After all, the two met and fell in love on campus. Xie Yunqian started to study hard before the college entrance examination in order to study in the same school and the same college as herself, and worked hard to maintain her study status after the college entrance examination.

Xie Yunqian had always been running towards Song Gangyi, but now it was time for Song Gangyi to run towards the woman.

After making up his mind, Song Gangyi decided which school Xie Yunqian would go to for postgraduate study, and he would study with the same tutor under the same tutor and it was over.

Back in Yangcheng City, Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd., as always, is a leader in the shared bicycle industry.

But now, with the gradual expansion of the company's market value, it has become a terrifying behemoth, and Song Gangyi feels powerless.

At present, the shared bicycle industry is actually not mature enough. There are no corresponding laws and regulations to match the Internet rental bicycle industry to allow the smooth development of shared bicycles, but it has also caused many social problems.

Issues such as the littering of shared bicycles affecting the appearance of the city and the difficulty of refunding deposits for shared bicycles have been sprouting since last year, and now with the geometric growth of the number of domestic shared bicycles, these problems are piling up like mountains and will erupt at any time.

Various news media began to report on the negative impact of shared bicycles. Under the attacks of these public opinions, Song Gangyi, a well-deserved leader in the shared bicycle industry, often received many complaints and even attacks.

It’s just that these problems have not affected the normal operation of the entire company. Last year, the company completed the C round of financing and received a shocking 25 billion financing at home and abroad. After the completion of the financing, the company continued to plan for the next round of financing.

Last year, Song Gangyi made other bike-sharing companies suffer a dark loss with his two show operations, which gave Sunshine Bicycle, which was already far ahead, a greater advantage, and Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. was also favored by investors because of this.

At present, the company's internal goal is to obtain 50 billion in the financing amount of the D round of financing.If it is successfully completed, the market value of Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. will exceed [-] billion in one fell swoop.It took less than four years to get to this point. Sunshine Bicycle can be said to have accomplished an unprecedented miracle, and it will become a classic entrepreneurial case in various textbooks in the future.

While Sunshine Bicycle became popular, negative information about Song Gangyi also began to increase.

A lot of gossip news spread the story of Song Gangyi's kindness and blackness.Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. had a five-member entrepreneurial team at the beginning, and Song Gangyi drove the other three hard-working roommates out of the company when the company was about to take off, and then exiled his good wife and girlfriend.

There was even a woman surnamed Zhang who claimed on the Internet that Song Gangyi had a hard-working relationship with her, and that Song Gangyi also abandoned his original girlfriend for her and so on.

At the same time, Song Gangyi has an inexplicable relationship with Future Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. The founder of Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. may have sold his company's information to his main competitor very early in order to make personal profits for himself.

Song Gangyi's personal image took a sharp turn for the worse.

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