Seeing Su Ze staring at him, the homeless man lit a cigarette, after hesitating...

He raised his hand and took out a half-smoked cigarette from the cigarette box, and handed it to the young beggar.

Su Ze does not smoke, and since he quit smoking, he also vowed that he will never touch it again from now on.

But looking at the broken cigarette butt in front of him, he stretched it out uncontrollably and held it in his hand.

"Squeak... da!"

Su Ze took the lighter and lit it skillfully, and the pungent smoke entered his lungs for a moment.

Because he had smoked before, Su Ze didn't feel too much discomfort, he just felt a bit unpleasant.

Putting the lighter on the ground again, Su Ze squeezed the cigarette butt, slowly showing a strange smile.

This is still a root group...

It was the one he used to smoke a lot. He tried hard to quit it, but now he picked it up again.

What a trick of fate!

Thinking of quitting smoking, Zhao Yuwei's figure suddenly appeared, making Su Ze startled.

That's right, I still have Zhao Yuwei.

Su Ze didn't believe that Zhao Yuwei would despise her, she would definitely help him in the same boat.

Thinking of this, he was a little happy!

He was about to leave, but suddenly encountered a difficulty. It was more than ten kilometers away from Baiziwan.

It would take three hours to walk there by himself, and most importantly, he didn't know the way there.

He doesn't know where he is now.

However, Su Ze suddenly thought of a useful way, he could take the bus.

There is a bus station in front of it, there must be a bus that can go to the city, just walk for a while.

Or stop a taxi and ask Zhao Yuwei to come down and pay for it when they arrive at the place.

Thinking of two good ways, Su Ze smiled and felt that the cigarette in his hand was much better.

Not so pungent anymore!

After making a decision, he looked at the homeless man again. Su Ze was about to leave, but found him smiling.

It was a satisfied smile.

It's like being able to fill your stomach, be free, and light a cigarette after dinner.

Just the best thing in the world!

"You never thought that when you go back to your hometown, there should be a workstation for the disabled there.

You can also be like a normal person, marry a daughter-in-law in your later years, and your life will definitely be better than now.

Yanjing is a cold city, so it should be unkind to you, but I find you very happy.

It's good that you have this mentality, unlike me, I can't stand any setbacks right now.

Even the meals... are borrowed from you, and where I sleep at night, I still don't know. "

Su Zero talked a lot, some of the words were said to the homeless, and some of the words were actually said to himself.

Although I don't know why it happened like this, Su Ze doesn't have any self-pity now.

He was still full of resentment, but the behavior of the tramp might have influenced him temporarily.

Su Ze remembered that he was obviously not like this before, and his mentality was also very good.

He knows very well that if he wants to make a comeback, no matter whether there is a system or not, he must have a good attitude.'s all useless.

"Look forward!"

Hearing the tramp's voice, Su Ze involuntarily looked up at him, a little dazed.

Although he only had three short words, Su Ze heard many stories from it.

This homeless man should not only be physically disabled, he should also have psychological problems.

He should be suffering all kinds of suffering every day, but he tries his best to live every day well.

Take care of that puppy by the way.

The tramp left, and Su Ze stared at the back of the man and the dog, feeling inexplicably sad.

"never mind…"

Su Ze stood up quickly, and smeared the bricks on the ground a few times with his hands to eliminate some greasy feeling.

For the sake of others, it is better to think about your own future, which is much worse than him.

Su Ze didn't know where he was, and there were no clear signs around him, and he didn't know the way.


Walking slowly to the bus station, looking at the scene in front of him, Su Ze couldn't help cursing secretly.

In the past, he remembered that there was a map at the bus station, but now there is only a single station sign.

The helpless Su Ze didn't want to leave, so he could only sit at the bus stop and wait for someone to ask.

After waiting for a while, there was no one.

But there was a bus, and when the other party saw Su Ze at the stop sign, he pulled over and stopped.

The bus door opened, and Su Ze hurriedly stepped on the door, but instead of going up, he just asked:

"Please let me ask, which car should I take in Baiziwan, master...please help me!"

Seeing Su Ze's sincerity, the driver understood that he would not get in the car, looked through the rearview mirror, and said:

"You go to Jiaozhuang Bridge, there is a bus in Tongshi, it's not far behind, you go and try!"

The driver stopped talking, fearing that the passengers in the car would be dissatisfied, he quickly raised his hand to signal the little beggar to leave.

"Thank you!"

Su Ze left to go out, watched the bus drive away, and couldn't help thinking about what the driver said.

Although there is no accurate information, but he has a mouth, so he can ask questions as he walks.

It's enough to rest. Su Ze walked backwards according to what the driver said, and he was also remembering Jiaozhuang Bridge in his heart.

After walking for 2 minutes, Su Ze finally met a woman waiting for the bus, and hurried up to ask for help.

Su Ze never thought that mobile phones are so helpful and convenient to people.

Through the woman's navigation, Su Ze finally knew how to get there, but unfortunately...

The woman didn't have cash on her, and he didn't succeed in borrowing money, so he had to find a way to get it.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Su Ze found that he seemed to have returned to the previous park.

He walked out in a daze before, but now that he saw the park again, Su Ze's mood changed.

He still remembered that there were many people here, and someone must have cash on them, and he would borrow a phone by the way.

Just now, in a hurry, the patron asked for directions. In fact, he might have called Zhao Yuwei.

Let the other party pick you up!

Su Ze entered the park with joy, seeing the laughter of children, the gathering of the elderly, and the colorful lights flickering wantonly.

In the center is a straight road with graffiti of various colors, and on both sides are white lights like the bright moon.

Su Ze looked over, and it was said that there were many people here... But in fact, it was still not comparable to the parks in the city.

Looking for someone who can borrow money, Su Ze walked step by step, very slowly.

Borrowing money may take some energy and tongue, but Su Ze originally thought...borrowing a mobile phone to make a call is a very easy thing.

But he found...every time he gets close to someone, when the other party finds him, they will deliberately avoid him.

What's more, they will use fierce eyes to signal him to leave, or...don't let him approach.

He hadn't said a word yet, and this feeling of dying before he left the school made him helpless.

"Sister, can you let me..."


"Auntie, I..."

"No no!"

"Master, I can borrow from you..."

"How did you get in, get out!"

"... "

Su Ze sat on an unoccupied stone bench, his eyes were red, quietly looking at the group of happy people.

How about the enthusiastic Chaoyang people...

Not to mention borrowing money, borrowing a mobile phone to make a call is useless. This reminds him of the lady who showed him the navigation before, she is kind and beautiful...


Su Ze sighed and was about to go out of the park to try other methods when he turned his head and saw...

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