What if I'm really rich

Chapter 733 The moment when the national flag was raised

In the early morning, around 5:50.

The sky turned gradually blue, and the square suddenly became quieter, and there were many abnormal noises during the period.

At this time, the rain in the sky has become very small, like a spring breeze, like spring oil, very cool.

There was movement in the Tiananmen Gate Tower, and with the continuous waiting, a passionate password resounded through the sky.

Su Ze couldn't see it, but the girl Zhao Yuwei had already prepared everything. When he put away the umbrella, the girl took out a shrink rod from the bag.

I saw that she quickly clamped the mobile phone on it, and slowly lifted it up, and she could still take pictures.

The ground is wet, and as time goes by, there is a sound of orderly breaking through the wet ground.

"Tap, tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck!"

The password sounded again and again, but Su Ze actually looked at it quite well, knowing that there was a flag raiser at the flagpole.

After a while, Su Ze felt his hand being grabbed, and couldn't help looking at Zhao Yuwei beside him.

There are a lot of people around, but it is not crowded with people in tourist attractions, and the order is quite good.

Su Ze squeezed the back of Zhao Yuwei's hand, accompanied her to look at the mobile phone above, and continued to wait slowly.

In the end, after waiting for an hour, more than half of the people here waited for several hours.

"All are all all"

The unique military music sounded with the wind.

Music is just music, but Su Ze clearly heard someone singing, the voice was subtle but powerful.

The moment the flag was hoisted.

Some people were paying attention, some students were doing team salutes, and there was not much commotion in the crowd of 10 people.

Some are just the enthusiasm to be the first to watch the ceremony, just the red waving hands, just that kind of solemnity.

Zhao Yu retracted the phone slightly, held Su Ze's hand tightly, and looked at the red flag with him.

The military music came to an end, and the scene paused for a second, followed by a passionate "Li Bi".

Immediately there was thunderous applause, as well as bursts of cheers, both reserved and powerful.

But soon, this voice didn't exist for long before it was interrupted by military music that suddenly sounded.

A song about the motherland, written and composed by Mr. Wang Xin, sounded slowly, and gradually became cheerful.

Compared with the national anthem this time, the surrounding chorus is more obvious, and even Zhao Yuwei is singing along.

The five-star red flag flutters in the wind.

How resounding is the song of victory.

Sing to our dear motherland.

From now on, we will be prosperous and strong.

Zhao Yu's slightly opened mouth could not be seen, but when Su Ze looked at her, he could see the curled eyelashes.

The small flag in her hand was fluttering back and forth, and Su Ze's hand was tightly grasped by the little hand, calm and restless.

There were cheers again, and many people looked up, and Su Ze couldn't help but look curiously.

One hundred thousand white pigeons soaring above the head, although it is not very real, it is still quite spectacular.

"Bless the Motherland"

The two left the square ahead of time, walked back to the front door, and prepared to go to Dashilan for a quick bite.

Sensing that Zhao Yuwei stopped slowly, Su Ze looked back and couldn't help walking over and asking softly:

"Why are you so obsessed with playing?"

"Of course it's the one in the lower left corner."

"you guess."

Zhao Yu raised his head slightly, it was fine if Su Ze didn't ask, but when he heard his question, the other party blocked the screen instead.

"Is anyone waking up so early?"

Su Ze didn't think that Shanpao Li Jiajia could wake up so early, but it seemed that Zhao Yuwei wasn't chatting.

Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others. Su Ze has no right to privacy, which means that the two of them can't have secrets.

He quickly took her hand, without looking at what she was doing, and focused on the nearby tower.

Entering from the archway at the north gate, the two walked around looking for a breakfast shop, and Su Ze talked about today's arrangement.

Originally, Su Ze wanted to take Zhao Yuwei to Tongzhou to play, whether it was golf or other sports.

But the girl said that she hadn't been shopping with Su Ze for a long time, and this time she happened to be walking around Tiananmen Square.

Walking through the streets and alleys, and finally reached the Dashilan block, Fan Suze of the scenic spot didn't have much hope.

While sitting and waiting for the meal, Zhao Yuwei was still playing with her mobile phone, and Su Ze reached out to take the small flag in her palm.

After stroking the flag, Su Ze was thinking about new energy vehicles, and he couldn't make up his mind at this moment.

If it’s just for fun, whether it’s a new energy vehicle or a smart car, the current strength is sufficient.

But if we form our own path, the current investment is far from enough, and the world needs more money.

It is a fact that it is true that fuel vehicles cannot catch up with Japan and Germany even if they are given to China's current car companies for 50 years.

It's not because Chinese people are stupid.

But the car is not like an atomic bomb, it is still a commodity after all, and it is subject to too many constraints.

The technical patent barriers formed by those countries have blocked the roads of independent car companies all over the world.

National core secret technologies like the atomic bomb, whether it is imitation, wall chiseling or other means.

Make it, it's your own.

The technology of combustible fuel vehicles is like "1+1=2", and others have "addition".

"8-6" equals 2.

"1x2" is also equal to 2.



Also equal to 2!

You can think of a formula equal to "2", and others have already invented it. This is the so-called technical barrier.


Quite weak.

This is why "atom bombs" can be made, but small cars have not made much progress.

When others do not use algorithms for you, and use algorithms to charge huge profits, it is the so-called "neck choking".

A steam turbine with advanced technology is obviously worth 1 yuan, but the West charges as much as 5 yuan.

But no, you have to learn from North Korea.

But new energy is different.

Huaxia is at the leading level in new energy technology, although some technologies still rely on Western countries.

However, there is no gap like a natural moat, and the country still has the strong backing force of the State Grid and the South Grid.

For example, the west is facing the problem of high electricity bills and insufficient power generation, but the biggest problem in China is energy storage.

The important thing is, what are new energy trams? To put it bluntly, they are just large batteries!

Others are still worrying about how to increase power generation, but Huaxia has a lot of electricity abandoned every day due to peak regulation.

In the vernacular, you don't use the electricity at night, and the electricity will be gone the next day.

Coincidentally, new energy vehicles are power-hungry things in parking spaces at night.

New energy vehicles have become an important national strategy, and within a century, the penetration rate and market share will rank first.

The reason why the penetration rate is not high now is not a technical problem, but a complex population, geographical factors, etc., and China is not a developed country in the first place.

It is also impossible to say that it can be popularized directly if it is universally popularized, and it is completely impossible to achieve one for everyone.

Nowadays, Su Ze can only take advantage of the anti-monopoly law and share a little soup on the Internet.

"Internet of Things +" and "new energy", although the layout is later, but he can still be a diner.

As long as you have money!

Others study for the rise of China, and Su Ze is useless in studying, but he can work hard for the rise of China and work hard to complete the tasks of the system.


Use more "dollars" to build China, and use more "dollars" to help the prosperity of the motherland.

Damn it, it's just a task.

There are 73 more, representing 73 billion.

Looking at the national flag in his hand, Su Ze's thoughts drifted far away, until someone came over.

"Okay, your bun!"

The serving aunt spoke with an authentic Yanjing accent, signaling to the two of them to be careful and serve them up slowly.

"Let's eat."

Su Ze handed the red flag to Zhao Yuwei again, and signaled her to put it in her bag so as not to get it dirty.

It's just that Zhao Yuwei took it with one hand, put it in the bag, and then looked at his mobile phone.

Su Ze reminded her to eat, but she turned the phone upside down and said in an unnatural voice:

"What do you think, okay?"


Su Ze was stunned for a moment, first looked at Zhao Yuwei, and finally looked at the phone screen in front of him.

It is a circle of friends.

The photo shows two people holding a small national flag holding hands, with a huge flower basket behind them and a sea of ​​people as the background.

The text is:

"I did something meaningful with Mr. Su."

“[Love Heart] [Flag]”

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