What if I'm really rich

Chapter 777 Bombardier GTX300

"it's okay no problem."

Peng Yueyue really posted it, with an aggrieved look for the rest of her life, with her arms around Su Ze's neck.

Liu Qingmeng has a melon-seeded face, big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a complete imperial lady temperament.

But Peng Yueyue was different from her. Apart from her tall figure, her face was delicate and oval.

The voice was very gentle, as if talking too hard could kill her.

Liu Qingmeng belongs to the big girl in the north, and Peng Yueyue belongs to the lady in the south, two different tastes.

However, Liao Yukun is not a fool.

When recruiting a flight attendant for a private jet, professionalism comes first. Like Peng Yueyue, they are tall and elegant, and those are the most basic requirements.

In addition, multilingualism, certain nursing knowledge, certain cooking skills, and certain financial skills are required.

If necessary, he also needs to directly serve as the secretary to serve Su Ze in an all-round way without any dead ends.

In addition to professional knowledge such as flight attendants, nursing, cooking, finance, language, etc., they also need to be able to play and sing, at least an artistic foundation.

Not to mention other special services...

Su Ze never asked about Liao Yukun's salary, but not counting bonuses, Peng Yueyue was at least 5.

It is such a highly educated person who has gained knowledge in other airlines and the world.

Will jump from 3000 meters.

Shouting people to be afraid...

Really blind!

If they are really afraid of heights, they will not jump off, and more importantly...they are flight attendants afraid of heights?

At this time, although there was a life jacket blocking it, Su Ze couldn't feel anything except his smooth skin.

Peng Yueyue wore a pink suspender swimsuit with tulle embellishments on the top, and a skirt with a warped skirt underneath.

Su Ze looked at her delicate, 91-point face, raised her head and looked around after comforting her.

Liu Qingmeng also swam over, but she hadn't swam for a while, and there were bursts of roaring sounds in her ears.

She is wearing a pure white one-piece bikini swimsuit with a butterfly tulle on the outside.

It's just that she put away the butterfly tulle now, and even put on a gray coat.

Su Ze supported Peng Yueyue's fragrant shoulders, and before Liu Qingmeng came over, the sound in his ear was getting closer.

In a short while, Su Ze and the others saw a Larson 315 open sports speedboat riding the wind and waves.

In addition to this sports boat, there are four Bombardier GTX300s on both sides of it.

They drive side by side together, and the waves they create hit the sea surface, causing waves of waves.

It was quite spectacular. Feeling the surprise of the woman in his arms, Su Ze suddenly felt a little emotional.

If you don’t have money to come to Sanya, Sanya is just Sanya.

If you have money, come to Sanya...

Then Sanya is the stars and the sea.

"Boss, hands!"

Someone jumped off the sports boat, and someone reached out to Su Ze, motioning to pull him up to rest.

However, Su Ze waved his hands, embracing Peng Yueyue's waist and sideways while underwater.

"Is this easy to open?"

"You tell me how to open it."

Taking a speedboat, where the excitement of driving a motorboat, Su Ze directly swam there with Peng Yueyue in his arms.

The staff on the motorboat heard that the coach was going to sit on it, so they couldn't help but turned backwards.

Stopping beside Su Ze, the other party stretched out his hand to lift him up, and then the other party jumped into the water directly.

"Come up."

Holding Peng Yueyue's little hand, Su Ze was supported by the other party's waist, and the other party sat behind while the two pulled.

The staff supported the front of the motorboat, seeing that Su Ze was serious, he just reminded him symbolically.

Tell Su Ze how to drive soon.

In fact, it is very simple. It is not much different from driving a motorcycle. The main reason is that the gears are somewhat different.

The motorboat can only go forward and reverse, which are on the small brakes on the left and right of the handle respectively.

Su Ze is not a fool, he quickly understood how to use it, and the staff reminded him to drive at idle speed first.

As a result, Peng Yueyue couldn't help but hugged Su Ze tightly, and the Bombardier GTX300 stirred up white waves.

Liu Qingmeng was pulled onto the sports boat, looked at the two running close together, and pouted.

Su Ze had already set off, but he didn't know where to go. The other two motorboats hurried after him.

"Boss, it's too fast!"

Peng Yueyue hugged tightly, Su Ze was wearing a connecting device, but she didn't have any.

The motorboat is a wonderful means of transportation in the world that requires a connected device, connected to a life jacket.

As a means of transportation, its stability is very poor, even Bombardier GTX is the same.

Even idle speed can drift, you think.

Especially with 300 horsepower, coupled with sometimes wind speed boost, it is like traveling [-] meters in a second.

With such a speed and instability, it is very necessary to connect the equipment, so as not to be thrown into the sea at too high a speed, but the motorboat is still moving forward.

And the function of the connecting wire is to prevent people from being thrown into the sea, and the key can be automatically dropped.

The motorboat was rushing forward, and it couldn't go very far even if it lost power, and it could go up again with some effort.

Otherwise, trapped in the vast sea...

Now Su Ze in front has this layer of insurance, but Peng Yueyue behind her doesn't, she is very scared.

If she was photographed, Su Ze wouldn't be able to find it if she didn't pay attention to it all the time. The wind is too strong.

It affects the sense of hearing, but also affects the sense of touch, especially after Su Ze started to let people turn on the stereo to play music.

Although there were escorts behind and avoided many situations, Peng Yueyue felt that it hurt even to shake it.

The aroused waves hit the two of them, and the motorboat under them raised its head and lowered its head, feeling an indescribable excitement.

"Hold me tight."

Su Ze turned his head and yelled at Peng Yueyue who was hugging him tightly, smiled and continued to twist the right accelerator.

So cool.

Driving this thing, you don't need to consider any road conditions, you just need to enjoy the speed and passion.

Listening to the screams and dj music in his ears, Su Ze's adrenaline was soaring.

There was a motorboat leading the way in the front right, surrounded by sports speedboats and motorboats. Su Ze felt that it hadn't been long before he saw his yacht.

At this time, looking from a distance on the sea, I really realized how big a 160-foot yacht is.

To buy, you must buy the largest yacht.

The speed clicked on the brake to change to neutral, the motorboat began to idle forward, and Peng Yueyue continued to make sweet voices.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Su Ze was around the boat, trying to drift, while Peng Yueyue behind him made seductive voices continuously.

All of this was clearly seen by Gu Feiyan who was looking forward to her husband's return on the deck, her fists clenched tightly.

Different from the general sea routes, the sea routes customized by Zhang Chao and Gao Yuanyuan are very different.

First set off at Wuzhizhou Island Wharf in Sanya, which is why you need to take a helicopter.

From Wuzhizhou Island, we pass through the coastline of Haitang Bay and enter the public sea with few people. The high sea here is not the international high sea, but the national territorial high sea.

The routes here only belong to the country and are not contracted by other companies. Relatively speaking, there are fewer ships.

The boat will be moored while driving, and enter the waters of Yalong Bay at 18:[-] in the evening, and the party will begin.

The last way is Luhuitou, enter the pier inside, and arrive directly at the city after disembarking.

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