What if I'm really rich

Chapter 829 Travel Plan

What to do if you are really rich Chapter 829 Travel plan

One of Meng Alin's team members handed her the car key, and she quickly handed it to Su Ze, saying softly:

"Chairman, the car keys."


Su Ze is not tired at all now, and he is not going to take a car, so he grabs Zhao Yuwei and continues to walk forward.

Mont Aline prepared a total of four cars, a Bentley Continental GTC and a Mercedes-Benz G5004X4.

Including two Mercedes-Benz Vitos, the difference between these two is the Dian brand, while the Continental and the big g are not the Dian brand.

The four-by-four was specially transported from Yanjing, and it will be parked in Rongcheng in the middle to continue her mission.

Continental is a Shanghai brand, a second-hand car bought by Su Ze, with a total price of 430 million, and it will also be parked in Rongcheng.

Walking around the country, not just this time, not only in southern Yunnan, but also in Sichuan Province.

As well as the Western Regions and Tibet Province in the north, the off-road capability of the Mercedes-Benz four-by-four is highlighted.

You can't change to another place to rent a Wrangler or Cruiser, and you can't leave the big g all the time.

Walking in front of the small convertible gtc, Su Ze slightly opened the door for Zhao Yu, and said at the same time:

"Someone will take care of the luggage."

"Let's get acquainted with Dali in the afternoon first."

While talking, Su Ze walked to the main driver, opened the door, and finally found the position of the open button.

The center console of this car is densely packed with many buttons, but the core button for opening the canopy is also obvious.

No need to ask anyone, Su Ze pressed the button directly based on experience, and the soft top convertible opened accordingly.

This Bentley Continental GTC with Tiffany blue exterior and beige interior soon has a wider view.

Before the car started, Meng Alin turned back and handed in two suit jackets respectfully.

Passed the jacket to Zhao Yuwei, although the body temperature was just right, they both wore long sleeves before coming here.

But the convertible, whether you wear it or not, Meng Arlene will prepare it, so Su Ze gave it to his girlfriend.

Glancing at the luxurious interior, Su Ze fastened his seat belt, and then grabbed the big chicken drumstick.

There are considerations as to why the Continental GTC was transported to southern Yunnan as one of his future cars.

Not because it's too elegant, or because it's super powerful, but more because it's comfortable.

Although it has the name "gt", Su Ze has heard of it a long time ago, and now it is more intuitive to do it himself.

The Continental GTC didn't give Su Ze too much sportiness, although it wasn't meaty, it wasn't fierce either.

This car is undoubtedly a comfortable and powerful car when driving in the city, regardless of the street bombing.

Especially now that I open a small convertible and look at the beautiful sky above my head, I have a very wide field of vision.

Blowing the autumn wind in the afternoon, the Bentley Continental was driving on the coastal avenue, and the weather in October was just fine.

Su Ze looked at Zhao Yu slightly looking at Erhai's back, and the Erhai wind blew her hair with a hint of fragrance.

"Where are we going to wait?"

After watching for a while, Zhao Yu turned her head slightly, her hair was still blown by the wind, and she stroked it with her hand.

Looking at Su Ze who was driving, until the other party looked to the side and noticed her, she then asked:

"Go to the ancient city? Or go somewhere."

After knowing that he was going to Dali, Zhao Yuwei did a lot of homework on the plane and gained a simple understanding.

"When we get to the place, let's have a good chat."

Su Ze smiled and signaled to the Land Rover in front that it was Duan Huili's car, and they were following each other.

At this time, behind Ou Lu, followed by his big g, was the four of A Pu closely following, and behind them were two commercial vehicles, and Meng Alin was naturally inside.

Coincidentally, as soon as Su Ze and the others looked at the white Land Rover, it turned on the turn signal.

It kept flashing for a minute, then slowly slowed down, probably because it wanted to get Su Ze's attention.

Until Oulu really slowed down, after a few seconds, the Land Rover slowly turned left and entered a hotel.

Although the Land Rover is Duan Huili's car, she is sitting on the commercial vehicle with Ling Yingying.

The two came over, the hotel concierge slightly opened the car door for Zhao Yu, Duan Huili came up and said with a smile:

"Mr. Su, Ms. Zhao, I still recommend the two of you to take a car in the next two days. It will take some energy."

"Oh it's all right."

Su Ze glanced at Zhao Yuwei who was walking beside him, looked at Duan Huili with a smile, nodded and said:

"In the past few days in southern Yunnan, except for places where we particularly want to stop, we will listen to Mr. Duan's arrangements."

"Mr. Su and Ms. Zhao can be happy and feel relaxed and comfortable in Dali, which is the greatest compliment to me. I will try my best to do this."

Duan Huili smiled, and after A Pu got into Oulu, she made a gesture of please and led the way.

"Mr. Su, this hotel is more suitable for the trip we planned for the two of you."

"I don't recommend the B&B, but if you two are interested, you can experience it at the Shuanglang."

Duan Huili and Meng Alin walked on both sides of the two of them, and they didn't stop until they entered the hotel lobby.

Different from Gao Yuanyuan, Duan Huili, the big sister, is not so restrained by tomorrow, and is very relaxed.

They also talked a lot, Zhao Yuwei asked about the scenic spots here, and the two of them called Weiwei while they were talking.

After checking in, according to Duan Huili's recommendation, Meng Alin only booked for three days.

Su Ze followed a group of people into the elevator, seeing Zhao Yu in a slightly happy mood, and didn't say a word.

He just quietly watched her talk to Duan Huili, then walked out of the elevator, and they entered the garden suite.

To be precise, it is a garden terrace suite with sea view. When you walk out to the garden terrace and hold on to the glass fence, you will see the vast Erhai Lake in front of you.


It's not endless, but on the other side of the sea, the faintly visible shadows and mountains are more artistic.

A group of people sat on the long dining table on the terrace, on which some simple food, fruits and drinks were placed.

Duan Huili and her staff are explaining to Su Ze the points that need to be prepared in the past few days.

For example, sun protection, although the breeze is not dry, but the sun's ultraviolet rays are a danger that the wind cannot blow away.

Especially in Dali, where the altitude is high, you may not need sun protection in Yanjing, and you must pay attention to it here.

In addition, be prepared to repel mosquitoes and insects. It may not be necessary to go to places with them, but Duan Huili still reminds me to prevent the two of them from being unhappy.

Duan Huili has prepared a lot, and now it is just a reminder, so that the two of them can be mentally prepared.

There is no perfect city, and Duan Huili didn't say too much, she was going to leave and come back later.

"Mr. Su, the journey is tiring, and the ultraviolet rays are relatively sufficient now, you two might as well take a rest first."

"I'll come back at 16 o'clock in the afternoon, and then we will walk around the nine streets and eighteen alleys of the ancient city."

Just as Duan Huili stood up, Su Ze also stood up and prepared to see her off. During this period, she smiled and asked:

"Miss Duan."

"Is it 8 days for us?"

"This is the initial stage."

Duan Huili was neither humble nor overbearing. When she saw Su Ze standing up, she walked in front of the suite.

"In these three days, I will visit Dali, then go to Lijiang, and then to Shangri-La's Meili Snow Mountain."

"If Mr. Su and Weiwei are interested in Lugu Lake, or xsbn, Tengchong, Ruili."

"We can also make adjustments accordingly. Since we are going out to relax, it is natural to be happy."

Hearing this, Su Ze and Zhao Yu looked at each other slightly, and when they were sending a few people away to the door, they smiled and said:

"Then don't change it for now, that's all."

The 8 days was decided by Ling Yingying and Duan Huili after coordinating everything this time, there is no need to change it.

There are all the main places to play, and there is nothing to regret about the places that cannot be reached this time.

After all, once this side is changed, the Western Regions side will be changed. Although the loss of this kind of disruption is only money, Su Ze doesn't care about it, but what he needs is time.

It is better that this trip should not exceed 20 days. Su Ze will say that he will go abroad in a few days.

just plan is plan

Su Ze himself didn't know.

He couldn't stop behind him.

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