Chapter 832 Qiancheng's hands folded

AM, 10:25.

Eryuan, **ying village.

"Agao, fuck me"

Su Ze and Zhao Yuwei got out of the car, and Ah Xiang got out of the back row, and met someone walking towards him.

In the Bai dialect, Su Ze and Zhao Yuwei were dumbfounded, and only heard the quick beginning of the address.

Ah giao, the other party is called Ah giao.

Su Ze believed it.

The other party's name was definitely not Ah Giao, but Ah Xiang spoke too quickly, and she and others heard it as Ah Giao.

Su Ze grabbed Zhao Yuwei's small hand and looked at the surrounding buildings, which were of the new type of ancient buildings.

It seems that Ah Xiang didn't lie to them, the family at the door was indeed wearing red and hanging colors, and it looked like they were married.

And Su Ze and the others came here to attend the wedding with the cheek to experience the customs of other tribes.

This is much cooler than the rigid sightseeing spots.

After Ah Xiang communicated with the man in his 30s, the man came over with a sincere smile on his face.

Su Ze didn't know if it was the etiquette of the Bai people to clap their fists, or if it was subconsciously just to cater to them.

I saw the man clasped his fists, shook his hands, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Su, welcome."

"Welcome everyone to come to Eryuan as a guest, and you are also welcome to attend our uncle's wedding. You are very welcome."

The man spoke Mandarin, but with a Sichuan-Ganxi accent, which Su Ze and the others could understand.

"Thank you for interrupting me."

The middle-aged man clasped his fists and bowed, leading Su Ze into the ditch, and subconsciously pulled Su Ze.

He clasped his fists and turned back, Zhao Yu who was at the side was a little embarrassed, slowly raised his fists and clasped his fists.

"Mr. Su, this is my brother."

"Just call me Allin."

The two brothers and sisters sang together, and they seemed to be brothers and sisters, but in this way, a few people knew each other.

Everyone went to the house where they got married, and A Lin walked in front, speaking Bai dialect without knowing what he was talking about.

It should be to explain the group of them. Su Ze saw a lot of smiling faces, and Zhao Yu became even more nervous.

Entering the open door, Su Ze understood how embarrassing it was for him to clap his fists. This is modern society.

In the yard, because the groom hadn't left yet, there were quite a lot of people gathered in the house.

Inside and outside the courtyard, apart from the old people wearing traditional Bai ethnic costumes, they are basically wearing modern clothing.

Most of them are women wearing traditional Bai costumes, and not many men, Su Ze has never seen them.

It is also a traditional folk rural wedding. Su Ze feels that the biggest difference is the population.

There are often hundreds of people getting married in northern Hebei. Here, the family is probably small, with only more than 100 people.

"We should go to the ceremony."

When they walked into the yard, Brother and sister Ah Xiang led the way, and they should go to say hello to the master's house.

Su Ze and Zhao Yuwei came here to experience the customs of the Bai people and eat the banquet of the Bai people.

By the way, the two will witness someone else's wedding together, and if there is no special program, they will leave in the afternoon.

But there is a high probability that there will be no Torch Festival and Songkran Festival here. After all, it is not very far from the urban area, and most of the traditional customs will be smoothed out.


"Mr. Su, no need."


Ah Xiang walked beside Su Ze, before she could stop her, the latter waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, it's a matter of etiquette!"

It is said that it is a matter of etiquette, but there are 9 of them in a group, and they eat and drink for free, and they have suffered a lot of cold looks.

Things that can be solved with money are not things, especially since he appeared here just to make Zhao Yuwei happy, there is no need to pick sesame seeds and throw watermelons.

"How much money do you have on you?"

Su Ze rummaged through the inner pocket of his jacket and took out 63 yuan. They spent more than 9 yuan in the ancient city yesterday.

"More than 3."

Zhao Yu flipped through the bag slightly, and Su Ze returned the wallet as soon as she took it out, and Ling Yingying started to flip through the bag.

At the accounting table, several old people watched the people, and looked at the two brothers and sisters Axiang with some doubts.

Ling Yingying had 10 yuan in her bag. For emergency preparations, she only took out 1 yuan, knowing that her wealth would not be revealed.

Su Ze nodded, and when the old men looked at him in a daze, Ling Yingying put [-] cash on the table.

"It's a good omen."


Ling Yingying went to draw the money, and Zhao Yu understood in seconds to make up the 13140 yuan in 3100 and put it on the table.

Ah Xiang wanted to remind her, but fell into hesitation. No matter what she said, it seemed that she would offend others.

Facts have proved that those who spend money are different, and Su Ze and his party have also received better hospitality.

Tell the host family to go to the bride's house to see, just watch the ceremony from the side, and got the groom's permission.

The groom is only 20 years old, he looks a little immature, but he is quite energetic.

A well-made suit is not the traditional clothing of the Bai people, and it is no different from that of northern Hebei.

It is an antique building, but it has all the modern facilities inside. Su Ze understands that it is different from what he expected, but he has come here, so there is nothing to be disappointed about.

Su Ze could hear Mandarin here, and brought Zhao Yuwei and Ah Xiang to chat with those old people.

When the groom was leaving, Su Ze and Zhao Yuwei drove A Pu and A Xiang with them.

Until I brought the bride back, I finally had lunch, even though it became the focus of others for a while.

The traditional eight bowls of Bai people's rural banquets are a bit different from those eaten in the city, and they are quite fragrant.

The wedding here is different from Su Ze's hometown, and there are still marriage troubles, such as what he could only see on the Internet before, tying the groom to a telephone pole.

The groom still looked the same, but the bride's final attire was obviously red national attire.

Suona, god worship, and various folk rituals are still preserved, which are generally the same but with different details.

Zhao Yuwei plucked up his courage and proposed to take a photo with Mr. Su and the bride and groom.

Ah Xiang left her hometown again, left Eryuan County with Su Ze and others, and returned to the city.

"You can't attend other people's weddings."

In the car, different from when he came, Su Ze couldn't help but the host came over to toast and drink a little in the afternoon.

Sitting in the back of the business car with Zhao Yuwei at this time, they heard the other party say such a sentence suddenly.

"What's wrong."

I understand that Zhao Yuwei is sorting out today's photos, taking pictures of buildings and people, and taking everything into the phone.

Seeing that she didn't look up, Su Ze answered the conversation uncertainly, but the other party sighed and complained in a low voice:

"I also had such an impulse."

Zhao Yuwei still didn't raise her head, but Su Ze could clearly see that her ears had changed.

Su Ze understood this sentence almost instantly, because he also said it when Sister Shasha got married.

Said, there is such a hint of impulse.

"A general impulsiveness is an idea."

"I see, Wei Wei."

Su Ze answered the words with a smile, probably in line with what he should have said before, this probably in line.

If it was before, he wished that Zhao Yuwei would get married, who said he had to start a career first and then start a family.

That is the poisonous chicken soup of society. Facts have proved that in reality, people who do not start a family basically cannot establish a career.

It mainly depends on whether a person is mature or not.

Establish a career before starting a family. This sentence is only suitable for those high-level white-collar workers, not for ordinary people.

Su Ze was an ordinary person before, just like what Gao Xiuqin said, fall in love and prepare for another year.

When it comes to getting married, it will take at least two years. By then, Su Ze will be 25 years old, which is almost perfect.

But that was before Su Ze, and he didn't want to get married now in his heart, but just found his previous thoughts.

In front of Zhao Yuwei, what are you hiding?

"You know the size!"

Su Ze imitated before, and in exchange for Zhao Yuwei's reproach, he pouted but slowly lowered his head.

Su Ze didn't answer this sentence, but grabbed her hand through the gap between the two seats.

"ring bell bell bell"

The wind blew the wishing card, and the bell below rang. Zhao Yu glanced slightly at the wooden card hanging on it.

Seeing her hands clasped together in Qiancheng, Su Ze scratched his head and exhaled as the sound of wind and camel bells filled his ears.

Under the witness of the gods, he has made a thousand-year vow with the two girls, although it is not very effective.

But Su Ze always felt a little panicked.

Especially when entering Yutong Avalokitesvara and Daxiong Palace and seeing Zhao Yuwei earnestly worshiping the Buddha.

Su Ze always feels empty in his heart.

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