I am the fifth king

Chapter 116 The Official Media Named

Although He Jin said that he would sing until the audience all left.

But he couldn't really sing until the last audience left.

At about one o'clock in the night, after most of the audience left, he also bid farewell to the rest of the audience.

"Brother Cui, thank you, I came all the way from Beijing!"

Leslie Cheung and other guests left long after finishing their supporting roles.

When He Jin's concert ended, only Cui Jian was the last guest left among the guests.

There is no way, Cui Jian came late, so naturally he can only play last.

He rushed over from Beijing temporarily, so he arrived relatively late.

"It's okay, it's all work!"

People who play rock and roll always have a literary style, and Cui Jian is no exception.

Authenticity and individuality are their characteristics.

But it is also this kind of character that makes them look very unique.

"It's over here, let's go eat something!"

He Jin changed his clothes, although he was very tired, he still planned to treat Cui Jian to something to eat.

"No, my work is done, so I won't stay any longer, let's go first!"

As Cui Jian said, he picked up his guitar and went straight out of the backstage.

"This is too rude!"

Xiaoping next to him said.

"This is Rock Fan!"

Said a concert band accompanist who was packing up his things and preparing to leave.


Xiaoping pouted.

He Jin is also a little speechless, the rocker is a rock fan, and he is really unique.

But since Cui Jian didn't want to eat with him, he naturally wouldn't force it.

After he and the team members finished some finishing work on the gymnasium, they went straight back to the hotel.

Today's concert can be said to be the most tiring one since He Jin's concert.

Not only did he dance with the backup dancers all the way, in terms of songs, he sang more than 50 songs in total.

In addition to some of his own songs being sung twice, many songs are classic songs in Huaxing's copyright library, such as Anita Mui's "Song of the Sunset" and some classic theme songs of TVB.

So many songs and dancing that he hardly wants to move now, he just wants to go back to the hotel and sleep.


The impact of the Tianhe concert far exceeded the expectations of He Jin and Hua Xing.

The paid concert, which was advertised as 5 people, made the headlines of major entertainment magazines the next day.

Even Beijing's official media, which had nothing to do with the concert, mentioned the concert in the next day's newspaper for the first time.

To be honest, He Jin was taken aback when he found out that the concert had been featured in the newspapers of the Beijing state media.

You know, this is Beijing's official media, which never reports entertainment news.

"The Rise of Chinese Music"

On the Beijing official media newspaper, the newspaper on the first night was a live photo of He Jin's concert last night.

He Jin didn't appear in this photo. In the picture, excited fans were waving light sticks.

From this photo, you can clearly see how crazy the scene was.

In the content of the newspaper, it is mainly about the various feats of the mainland music scene this year, and even, apart from He Jin's concert, the article also mentioned some feats made by other performances.

In addition to the mainland reports, He Jin's concert made headlines in major magazines in places like Xiangjiang and Bay Bay.

Xiangjiang New Era, as the benchmark in Xiangjiang Entertainment Magazine, naturally will not miss this opportunity.

They did not know where to get two photos of He Jin singing affectionately with Leslie Cheung and Xu Guanjie.

direct title.

"Inheritance of Superstars"

In the article, they directly raved about He Jin, saying that he will be the future leader of the Xiangjiang music scene and even the entire Chinese music scene.

To be honest, although his statement is definitely not recognized by the fans of the other five kings, but the booing head is indeed in place.

According to Zhou Huimin's phone call, this report sold like crazy in Xiangjiang and even Singapore.

This kind of bragging in the new era naturally caused He Jin a lot of scolding.

Many fans of other Heavenly Kings scolded He Jin for not being qualified to be the leader of the music scene in the future. For this reason, they even frequently contributed articles to various major magazines, and the manuscripts were full of various achievements of their favorite Heavenly Kings.

In addition to He Jin's most popular places like Wanwan and Xiangjiang, He Jin's concert has also been widely mentioned in South Korea and Little Japan.

Many Koreans and Japanese who don't know He Jin know that there is a man named He Jin through this kind of report. A paid concert has set a record of 5 people, directly ranking the most in Asia.

Therefore, He Jin's reputation in Japan and South Korea increased instantly, and many people began to look for his album.

Affected by this, in the following week, He Jin's album, which had not sold very well in Japan and South Korea, unexpectedly became a big hit.

Both of his still-selling albums went directly to the best-seller lists of the week in both countries.

His posters also suddenly became popular in two countries.

What happened to Little Japan and South Korea is still unknown for the time being.

He flew to Shanghai on the afternoon of the 15th.

Also on this night, in the United States on the other side of the ocean.

With this concert, He Jin directly appeared in the American Time Magazine.

"Asian King He Jin"

These days, concerts with 5 people paid for concerts are not only rare in Asia, but also rare in the United States, a country where the entertainment industry is more than one step ahead.

Of course, if those who didn't buy tickets at the gate were counted, He Jin would definitely be nothing.

But in terms of fees, he is indeed among the top.

As the saying goes, the sky is falling, and nothing can stop it.

With a cover of Time Magazine, He Jin's album also ushered in a long-lost explosion in the United States and Canada in the following time.


"Brother He, you've had a great time this time, and the Beijing official media has covered your concert!"

On the 17th, He Jin met his concert guest Liu Huan in Shanghai.

As soon as we met, Liu Huan said with a smile.

"Brother Huan, you're joking, what's wrong with it, it's just fans' support!"

He Jin was happy when he heard this, but he said it modestly on the surface.

To be praised by the official media, to be honest, this kind of honor is also the only one.

For this, He Jin was naturally happier than having won a grand prize.

However, he himself is a little self-aware, knowing that the reason why the official media praised him this time is actually just taking advantage of the trend.

After two days, He Jin understood why the official media reported on his concert.

Simply because the country is applying for the right to host the 2000 Olympic Games.

Since the country submitted its application for the 2000 Beijing Olympic Games to the Olympic Organizing Committee in February last year.

As of April 4 this year, the preparatory cities for the 16 Olympic Games have been identified as eight cities in eight countries.

The 8 cities in alphabetical order are: Beijing, Berlin, Brasilia, Istanbul, Manchester, Milan, Sydney, Tashkent.

These eight cities will be the most likely to host the Olympic Games in 2000.

At this critical moment, the country is fully competing.

And the huge number of people and ticket consumption base of He Jin's concert is the best way to let the world see that China is capable of hosting this concert.

Therefore, taking advantage of the trend, the official media gave a push.

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