I am the fifth king

Chapter 212 The union of the three major record companies

"King Moment"

"The Era Belonging to the Five Heavenly Kings Has Officially Opened"

"The Reign Continues"

"The Rise of the Hong Kong Music Scene"


The next day, all major Hong Kong media were reporting on the moment when the five heavenly kings were crowned kings at the Jinge Golden Melody Awards Ceremony at almost the same time.

The covers of the major entertainment magazines are all the photos taken by the five heavenly kings at the awards ceremony.

For a long time, news about the five heavenly kings has always been pursued by the media.

Even a small move by one of the five will be reported by the media.

However, there has never been such a strong publicity effort as this time.

Even if the five heavenly kings ruled eight of the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards at the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards a few days ago, they cannot compare with this time in terms of reporting.

In just one day, under the propaganda of the media and TV, the news that the five heavenly kings were recognized as kings spread throughout Xiangjiang and spread to other regions, such as Taiwan and Singapore.

As for why the news spread so fast this time, the reason is naturally that the top executives of the major record companies and some big bosses who can eat the bonus of the five kings have made a move.

From the beginning of the name of the Five Heavenly Kings to the middle of last year, Huaxing began to discuss with PolyGram to completely release the name of the Five Heavenly Kings.

However, this matter was delayed because Andy Lau switched to Warner.

Afterwards, when Polygram calmed down and Warner joined in, Guo Fucheng on Huaxing's side started wrangling again.

So, it dragged on for a while.

Until recently, Guo Fucheng had completely left Huaxing and signed to Warner. Afterwards, Warner and Huaxing negotiated and reached a consensus, and this matter came to an end.

Then, PolyGram, China Star, and Warner, the three largest record companies in Hong Kong, negotiated, and then there was the king-sealing ceremony on the Golden Song.

With the king conferring ceremony, it is natural to publicize the name on a large scale.

As a result, the three major companies poured in all kinds of resources frantically, and overnight, the five heavenly kings resounded throughout Xiangjiang, and spread out at an alarming speed.

"He Jin, He Jin, He Jin!"

"He Jin, I love you!"


The next day, when He Jin arrived at the entrance of the company, he was greeted by a group of fans holding various posters of him.

These fans directly blocked the entrance of Huaxing Company.

At this time, many company staff and singers who came to the company to record songs were blocked outside.

"Ah Jin, you come with me, you have to find a way to get them away quickly, otherwise it will be very troublesome!"

Seeing He Jin's car approaching, Tang Zhengchuan walked over directly.

Apparently, he too was blocked outside.

"Come here a few people, help protect He Jin together!"

Tang Zhengchuan called out to the staff on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, several staff members came over, and the group surrounded He Jin and walked towards the fans blocking the door.

"What's going on? Don't you usually have so many fans?"

While walking, He Jin asked.

"That was before, now, the five of you are the five heavenly kings recognized by the top ten songs.

The sensational effect is naturally conceivable.

Not only you, but the others are definitely blocked by fans today! "

Tang Zhengchuan said.

Hearing this, He Jin nodded.

Perhaps in the eyes of people from other regions or countries, it is simply ridiculous that Xiangjiang has so many awards despite its small size.

However, this is not ridiculous.

As one of the earliest music awards in the Chinese music scene, the top ten golden songs are several years earlier than the so-called Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan. In the eyes of those audiences who love to listen to songs in Xiangjiang, this is like an official.

Yes, it's official.

In the eyes of the audience, the award ceremony of the Top Ten Golden Songs and the Top Ten Chinese Golden Songs is very authoritative.

Every year, the [-] songs of these two awards will be the songs that the audience must listen to in the next period of time.

Under such circumstances, the influence of the five heavenly kings being crowned kings in the top ten songs can be imagined.

Why can the news of the five heavenly kings becoming kings be known to the whole of Hong Kong overnight?

In addition to the crazy spending of money by major companies to buy publicity, it is also because this news itself is very important entertainment news, so it can be spread more and more widely under the promotion of several major companies.

There is a saying that mud cannot support a wall.

If the five heavenly kings themselves are not entertaining to be spread, the news will be nothing more than a joke no matter how much money is spent.

But obviously, the Five Heavenly Kings are entertaining in themselves.

In addition, the title of their five heavenly kings has been circulated in the world for a long time, so now, a letter of king will naturally have an immediate effect.

As for fans, they are a group of very emotional people, especially about idols.

Usually it’s just some small awards, or some top ten or some crime popular vote held by a small magazine, and they will spend money to vote.

Now, the idol is crowned king, this kind of joy, they will naturally very much want to celebrate with the idol.

Therefore, there are fans blocking the door of the company.

"Hello! Hello everyone!"

Because he came to the company, He Jin didn't dress up very formally.

He is wearing casual clothes today and looks very down-to-earth.

After coming to the fans, he shouted at the group of fans.

"Ah!... How Jin!"

"He Jin, congratulations on being selected as one of the five heavenly kings!"

"He Jin, I said that you are the best in the Hong Kong music scene, and I was right!"


As soon as they saw He Jin, the crowd immediately gathered around and talked in one go.

"Thank you! I cannot achieve what I am today without your support. Without you, I would not be able to stand where I was yesterday.

So, thank you! "

He Jin said sincerely.

He was right. .Κanδhu5.iá

Popularity, popularity, and record sales are high, which is why he, Andy Lau and other five people can be singled out to be crowned kings at such an important event as the Top Ten Golden Melody Awards Ceremony.

Whether it is Hong Kong, Taiwan, Little Japan, or Little America, commercial value is the most important thing.

Why can the five heavenly kings rule the two major music awards?

It's not that the five of them can become popular, but the five of them can make money for the countless invisible investors behind them.

Because the commercial value of the five of them is already higher than others.

Therefore, there will be their music awards rule.


Awards are chosen by people.

If it wasn't to praise you, why would you win the prize!

Authority and fairness are also compromised sometimes.

Just like this award.

If He Jin is not the Five Heavenly Kings.

If he is not as valuable as the other four.

Then maybe, in yesterday's awards, he may not have any awards.

Of course, value is always linked to itself.

If it weren't for He Jin's outstanding strength and high record sales, he would not be valuable.

It is because of his strength and sales that he is valuable.

This is a cyclical process.

When he has value, he will naturally have strength and sales.


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