I am the fifth king

Chapter 282 7 years old

He Jin didn't expect that the lyrics that Andy Lau brought were not much different from a song in his mind.

Except for some differences, the others are basically the same.

So, He Jin simply changed the parts of his poem that were different from his mind to the one in his mind.

"Awesome! You are worthy of being my second younger brother. It seems that I am the only one who can hold you down!"

After He Jin finished the modification, Andy Lau immediately gave a thumbs up and said after reading it.

He Jin's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he pretended not to hear it.

"Let's get to work! After helping you get it done today, I have to continue working on my album tomorrow!"

He Jin said.


Andy Lau nodded, followed He Jin to the arrangement room.

After Andy Lau took out the lyrics and the song in He Jin's mind, He Jin understood that this song should be sung by Andy Lau in the future.

Moreover, this song should be his description of his journey from entering tvb.

However, in order to avoid words that are different from the current situation, He Jin changed some of them.

For example, in He Jin's mind, there is a sentence in this song that is 40 years old, and he changed it to 30 years old.

Then, he also slightly changed some other positions.

This change does not affect the original meaning of the song.

Originally, He Jin was worried that it might be very difficult for him to arrange music for Andy Lau this time.

Who would have thought that the song that Andy Lau produced was similar to the one in his mind.

Therefore, it didn't take long for He Jin to compose the tune of this song and match the instruments.

Watching He Jin spend just over two hours compose the melody and match the instruments.

Andy Lau looked at He Jin like a monster.

"Do you usually work like this? Are all your songs done in such a short time?"

"No, it took a little less time for you, after all, you have already completed most of the words, I just change it.

As for the song, I changed the song I wanted to write to you before, and it can match your song! "

He Jin admitted that he wanted to pretend for a moment just now, but after thinking about it, he felt that he had already pretended enough now, if he pretended again, he might become a real monster.

Outliers are never accepted by the group, and He Jin didn't want to be regarded as an outlier because of these things, so he chose to make a small fuss.

"Ah Jin, seriously, you are indeed very talented, and I mean it seriously!"

Andy Lau patted He Jin on the shoulder and said seriously.

"Can you do it if you're not serious?"

He Jin looked at him amusedly.

Hearing this, Andy Lau was taken aback, then smiled helplessly.

Indeed, if he doesn't seriously admit He Jin's talent, it can't change that He Jin is now the most talented one in Xiangjiang.

Yes, unknowingly, He Jin has become the most talented person in Xiangjiang.

Well, it seems that since Miyuki Nakajima from Little Japan praised him, the Xiangjiang music scene has begun to recognize his creative talent.

Even just a while ago, the Xiangjiang Creators Association held a meeting and raised He Jin's membership level to the same status as several other famous creators in Xiangjiang.

He Jin naturally readily accepted this.

Although he registered as a member of the Creators Association when he joined Huaxing Company.

But at that time, he was just an ordinary member, just like Andy Lau, who can join in a little bit of creation.

Then some time later, he began to write and compose the songs for his own album.

Although the first Mandarin album and the first Cantonese album produced by himself were very popular, many songs in the album have become hits in the market.

At that time, some media began to praise his talent.

But maybe it's because he's so out of touch that he's writing and composing his own album, which also makes him offend some in the Creators Guild.

In the following period of time, his status and authority in the Creators Association did not increase, and he remained at the position of an ordinary member.

It wasn't until Miyuki Nakajima publicly praised He Jin's talent, and many Japanese musicians also recognized He Jin, that the Creators Association realized his current strength and directly raised his status and authority.

Sometimes, you have to admit that in the music world, what an influential person says casually can actually change a lot of things.

Just a few days ago, Leslie Cheung publicly stated in an interview that the guy named Gu Juji was good.

Then, Gu Juji was immediately signed by Yi Neng Records and became a member of the music scene.

As for Nakajima Miyuki, who has supported half of the Xiangjiang music scene, who would ignore her after she said it?

Even if you don't change her songs, no one can deny Miyuki Nakajima's status in the music world.

Status has always been brought about by works.

Obviously, Miyuki Nakajima's works have brought her a very strong influence.

Therefore, when she recognized He Jin's talent, it was almost equivalent to the recognition of the entire Asian music scene.


"17 Years Old" is the name of the song.

Listening to the name, many people must think that this song is describing youth.

no!Not all.

In addition to describing Hua Tsai's life at the age of 17, this song also has a strong meaning of encouraging fans.

Those few words were there when Andy Lau came over with the words, and He Jin didn't change them.

"If you like me, don't hide your face and let passers-by find out"

"Although sing with heart to dye this emotional song"

"Sing a love song..."

In this phrase, "If you like me, don't hide your face and let passers-by find out" is to tell fans that if you like me, you don't need to cover up in front of passers-by.

Of course, there is another meaning inside this meaning, that is, Andy Lau thinks he will be an idol worthy of liking, and he will set a good example for an idol.

To be honest, if he didn't feel that the meaning of this song really didn't match his own, He Jin would want to take this song as his own with just this line of lyrics.

Not for anything else, but this sentence is really good, and it makes the artistic conception of this song sublimate instantly.

He Jin believes that in the future, this song will definitely become a must-sing song for Andy Lau fans.

Maybe it will become the theme song for Andy Lau fans.

Thinking of the theme song, He Jin, who was watching Andy Lau's recording outside the recording room, couldn't help touching his chin.

He was wondering if he should also write a song to give to fans!

We can't let Andy Lau's fans alone have a theme song, but his own fans don't.

"Hi! How about that sentence just now?"

Andy Lau's shout interrupted him.

Hearing this, He Jin quickly put on the earphones and started listening to the recording just now.

"No problem in general, but I think your emotions can be a little heavier, so that singing will be more contagious."


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