I am the fifth king

Chapter 306 The Catastrophe of Michael Jackson

After getting off the stage, He Jin and beyond chose to wait in the background.

None of them said goodbye to Michael Jackson in advance, and it might not be polite to leave early now.

Therefore, several people continued to wait for the end of the concert while watching the concert in the previous position.

Eleven at night.

The curtain came to an end amidst the voices of "no!" and "continue!" from fans overwhelmingly.

Michael Jackson retreated to the backstage under the protection of many bodyguards, while the fans kept standing in place screaming and shouting, each and every one of them expressed their reluctance to end the concert.

"Buy Karma, hejin, why haven't you left yet?"

When Michael Jackson stepped off the stage and saw He Jin and others, he immediately showed a surprised expression and hugged each of them.

"I thought you were gone!"

"That's right, we think it would be impolite to leave without saying hello to you in advance!"

He Jin said.

"Thank you, thank you very much for staying with me."

Michael Jackson thanked again, and then smiled on his pale face, "I very much hope to discuss some music issues with you, do you have time tomorrow? I want to invite you to my home in Mexico for dinner!"

In fact, the reason why He Jin and others stayed behind after the concert was simply because they did not say goodbye to Michael Jackson in advance, so they continued to stay in the background after the show.

Originally, they wanted to say something to Michael Jackson, and then left.

But they didn't expect Michael Jackson to take the initiative to invite them to his home for dinner.

Several people hesitated.

Especially He Jin, his original plan was to rush back to Xiangjiang the next day after the concert here.

His film company's Young and Dangerous has officially approved the project, and he has to go back and participate in the film's role selection with director Chen Jinhui.

However, when he heard Michael Jackson's invitation, after hesitating for a moment, he and Beyond nodded and agreed to Michael Jackson's invitation.

Discussing music with Michael Jackson is what many musicians hope for.

You know, Michael Jackson is a recognized songwriter and composer in the world.

Most of his own songs that are widely circulated around the world are written by himself.

Being able to discuss music creation with him is simply a rare opportunity for many people.


"A 12-Year-Old Boy Publicly Accused Michael Jackson of Sexually Assaulting Him, and the Case Has Been Accepted!" "

The next day, a piece of news and a leaflet from a US court interrupted the plans of He Jin and others.

A court date has been announced for Michael Jackson's public indictment.

A court date is set for January.

Although there is still more than a month to go, Michael Jackson had to choose to rush back to the United States to deal with the matter because the case had too much impact on him.

In this way, the matter of inviting He Jin and others to eat at his home can only be done.

"I'm very sorry, really, this matter has really affected me too much, and I have to face it now!

I am truly sorry that I cannot personally invite you to my home! "

The next day, when He Jin received a call from Michael Jackson, he could clearly hear the tiredness in his tone.

"It's okay, I believe you can solve this matter, and it's the same if we have a chance to meet again!"

To be honest, He Jin doesn't quite believe that Michael Jackson is that kind of person.

But this kind of matter cannot be resolved by believing or not, so he can only comfort him.

After the matter of being a guest at Michael Jackson's house fell through, He Jin and Beyond immediately got on the plane to Xiangjiang on the same day and rushed back to Xiangjiang.

"Superstars on the same stage, He Jin and Michael Jackson competed on the same stage, attracting cheers from thousands of people!" "

"Michael Jackson is deeply involved in the case of assaulting boys, and the trial is expected to start in January. Has Michael Jackson done this! "

"beyond and He Jin appeared in Michael Jackson's concert. "

When He Jin and others returned to Xiangjiang, the media in Xiangjiang had already started reporting on their Michael Jackson concert.

As one of the few people who could attend Michael Jackson, this news set off a certain range of enthusiasm in Hong Kong and other places in Asia.

However, misfortune and fortune depend on each other, and this news is accompanied by Michael Jackson's deep-seated lawsuit.

What's more, this news became more and more popular, and it was discussed in a wider range.

No way, Michael Jackson is a world superstar, and his every move has attracted the attention of the media.

When it was publicly revealed that Michael Jackson had sexually assaulted boys before, the news caused a sensation all over the world.

At this time, the parties directly filed a lawsuit to the court, which makes the news more authentic.

Sexual assault has always been a very sensitive topic, let alone adding the word boy.

Therefore, this news directly became the biggest news in the current world entertainment industry.

"Ah Jin, you have contacted Michael Jackson, do you think it is possible for him to rape that boy?"

"Jinzi! Michael Jackson publicly expressed his appreciation for your talent at the concert. Does that mean he put you in the same position?"


On the third day after he came back, He Jin finished his jet lag and went to Huaren Film and Television. He was stopped by reporters just outside the villa area.

This time He Jin did not leave immediately, but stopped and said:

"Michael Jackson and I did know each other and we had a great time talking, but we mostly talked about music and work.

I don't know much about this case myself.

However, judging from my experience with Michael Jackson, I still believe that there may be other reasons for this matter, hehe..."

Speaking of this, He Jin smiled and continued: "There have never been many incidents of slander threats in the entertainment industry. Maybe someone wants to blackmail a sum of money!"

In the current Michael Jackson incident, it is not unheard of that someone wants to blackmail Michael Jackson.

It is even said that many people still believe this statement.

And He Jin kind of believed this statement.

He is a popular artist himself, although he has never been blackmailed before, but he has heard of such things happening in the circle.

Therefore, he believed in this matter more.

However, because the scope of this incident was too large, he could not directly stand on the platform of Michael Jackson, so he could only tactfully express that he did not believe that Michael Jackson would do such a thing.

"Then can we think that you mean that Michael Jackson will win the lawsuit?"

A reporter asked like a seam on an eggshell.

He Jin glanced at him, and immediately frowned.

Another fucking yes report.

"How do I know if the lawsuit will win or not? I'm not a judge, I'm just stating my point of view, please don't deliberately misinterpret it!"

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