I am the fifth king

Chapter 350 Combination

28 number.

The various Hong Kong and Taiwan stars who finally came to Singapore did not rush back immediately, but began to attend the activities under the arrangement of the company.

And He Jin and Zhou Huimin were no exception, they held a free performance with Xu Zhian and others.

It's a free performance, no fee.

This can be regarded as a benefit given to Singaporean fans by He Jin and others.

After all, they rarely come to Singapore, and Singaporean fans have contributed a lot to them, especially He Jin's records.

That's why he thought about giving back to his fans.

However, because there are too many people performing on this day.

Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok also held performances under the arrangement of Warner.

The same is true of Polygram's Jacky Cheung and Liming.

Except for the five heavenly kings, other singers held performances under the arrangement of their respective companies.

Because there are too many stars, the flow of people to each performance venue is not too much.

Just like He Jin, with him and Zhou Huimin in charge, there were only more than 5000 people present for this performance.

To be honest, this may be the smallest number of people since He Jin held a concert-like performance.

Before, when he paid concerts, the number of people in each concert was more than [-].

Now that there are so many fewer people suddenly, he is not used to it.

Of course, it's not just He Jin's performance that has a small number of people, the number of other people is also the same, all of them are in the thousands.

This is also normal, so many singers crashed on this day at the same time, if there are more people, it is not normal.

After one day's performance, on the 29th, He Jin and others took the opportunity to rush back to Xiangjiang.

At noon, after returning to Xiangjiang, He Jin went straight to the company.

When he arrived at the company, he directly approached Tang Zhengchuan and expressed his idea of ​​forming a group.

"I remember that Japanese groups are divided into male and female groups! Do you want to form a male group or a female group?"

After hearing what He Jin said, Tang Zhengchuan asked.

"Male singers generally need to earn more money, let's form a boy group!"

He Jin said.

Unlike Little Japan, where yin prospers and yang declines, in all parts of the world, male stars generally make more money than female stars, which is recognized.

"Do we also need to hold talent selection competitions like the ones in Japan?"

As a manager of a record company, he must not only understand the popular factors in his own region, but also understand the popular elements in other regions.

Little Japan has always been a trend leader in Asia. At present, many things in Asia are popular in Little Japan first, and then introduced to other regions.

Therefore, Tang Zhengchuan still has some understanding of these combined cultures of Little Japan.

"No, it's too slow to start selecting from among the newcomers, and I don't know when it will be until they are selected!

In this way, the company makes a complete plan and starts selection next year.

As for now, I plan to select people from the company's singers to form a group. "

He Jin said.

It was too slow to start from scratch, He Jin wanted to come up with a combination as soon as possible, so naturally he couldn't choose from among the newcomers.

If newcomers want to form a group, they must have the members of the group train for a long time like Little Japan.

It's different to choose from singers who have already debuted, they more or less already have stage experience.

Not only the singing of the songs, but also the stage performances, there is no need to start from scratch, as long as the group is formed, He Jin will make songs for them, which can be quickly introduced to the market.

"Which ones are you going to choose?"

Tang Zhengchuan pondered for a while and asked.

"Leave this question to the singers of the company to choose for themselves!

You inform all the singers in the company who are between [-] and [-] years old and have good looks, and tell them that the company plans to launch a group.

I will personally create the first album for this group.

Anyone who is interested can sign up! "

He Jin said.

After a pause, he continued: "If the members of the group can dance, you set up a dance training class. After the personnel are selected, let them practice dancing for a month.

I don't ask them to specialize in dancing, but it is absolutely necessary to be able to unify the movements of several people! "

Tang Zhengchuan nodded, "Do you have a suitable candidate? If not, I'll choose it!"


He Jin nodded.


Huaxing is picking people to form a group, and the news that He Jin will personally create an album spread quickly.

In just one afternoon, not only the singers of Huaxing Records were known to everyone, but even many singers from other companies also heard the news.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, He Jin was watching the script of "The New Five Patriarchs of Shaolin" at home.

Only a small part of this film has been filmed, and he will devote himself to the filming of this drama in the next period of time. Therefore, he is hurrying up to read the script in order to try to relax while acting.

At this time, he received a call.

"What did you say? You want to sign Huaxing Records?"

He Jin couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words on the phone.

""Young and Dangerous" will be released soon. We all predict that the box office of this movie will be very good. At that time, you, the protagonist, will have a lot of film appointments. Do you still want to sign with a record company and join the group I will create?"

He Jin said.

The person on the phone is none other than Gu Tianle.

He did not know where he heard the news that Huaxing Records would launch a group and that He Jin would create an album.

Then, he called He Jin.

His meaning is very clear, that is, he also wants to join this group.

"Jing Ge, the album you made will definitely be popular, and I want to be like you too, hehe..."

Gu Tianle on the phone said with a silly smile.

After hearing this, He Jin pondered for a while, and said: "I will inform Huaxing that you can sign the contract when you have time.

Let me tell you first, this group not only needs to sing, but also needs to have a certain dance foundation. If you want to be selected, then you have to learn dance.

In addition, I will not let you be directly selected into the group, everything is up to you! "

"Yeah! I know! I won't make it difficult for Brother Jin."

Gu Tianle replied.

Hanging up the phone, He Jin shook his head.

Gu Tianle's appearance is indeed suitable, but he has not received professional singing and dancing training, so it may be difficult to be selected.

Moreover, "Young and Dangerous" will be released soon.

If the box office of the movie is not good, he may have time to join the group planned by He Jin.

But if it does well at the box office, he may run out of time.

Because as long as the box office trend is good, he will start to promote the movie in the following days.

At the same time, if the box office pays back directly and makes a lot of money, then the filming of the second part will also start non-stop.

Therefore, he has no hope of Gu Tianle joining the group.

The selection of members of the group is not a matter of overnight.

After handing over the matter to the company, He Jin didn't bother to ask, he just needed to wait for the candidates to be determined soon to see if these people were suitable.

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