I am the fifth king

Chapter 413 Fans commit suicide

Affected by the marriage proposal incident, He Jin had to postpone the original concert plan for a few days.

In the next few days, He Jin and Zhou Huimin stayed at home in order to pass the time.

At this time, it is really not suitable for him to continue to show his face outside.

If the concert plan hadn't already been made, he would have wanted to postpone it for a few months.

However, after all, the concert has already been planned, and various planned facilities have already been prepared.

It's okay to delay for a few days. If the delay is too long, the loss to the brokerage will be immeasurable.

Therefore, He Jin can only choose to postpone it for a few days and try his best to make an article in the media and newspapers to eliminate the influence.

: "My brother Leslie Cheung bluntly said that the love of public figures should be free, and I hope fans can give space to their favorite idols."

: "Anita Mui expresses her envy for Zhou Huimin, she hopes that in the future a man will treat her like He Jin treats Zhou Huimin."

: "Andy Lau: "I hope fans can treat idol's private life rationally, we are also normal people. ""


When He Jin stayed at home, some of his friends in the circle spoke out in support of him, hoping that fans would be sensible.

Although these stars have nothing to do with this matter.

But their speech still made He Jin's fans more or less rational.

At the same time, Huaxing Records also published some reports in various newspapers to guide fans not to behave excessively.

In this way, four days passed.

23 number.

There are only two days left before the restart of He Jin's concert.

On that day, an incident in Japan made He Jin's marriage proposal, which had gradually calmed down, once again the headline news.

Even, this incident has become a completely explosive incident throughout Asia.


Today's weather is gloomy and gloomy, just like He Jin's mood at this time.

"He Jinsang, what do you think about Zhonghui Zhimei's suicide?"

"He Jinjun, if this happened, will you dissolve your marriage with Zhou Huimin?"

"He Jinjun, because of your proposal, Zhou Huimin was selected as the most unpopular actress in Japan, and even a fan committed suicide. How do you plan to solve this?"

When He Jin got out of the car at the gate of the Tokyo Hospital, he was greeted by countless guns and short cannons. Countless Japanese reporters pointed their cameras at him and asked him loudly.

"Sorry, please step aside!"

"Please let me go!"

"We don't want to answer any questions now, we will hold a press conference later, thank you!"

He Jin didn't say a word, and Xiaoping, who was beside him, opened the way and told the blocked reporters that he would not accept interviews now.

In the whole of Asia, if there is a country with the craziest fans, it is Japan.

In 1982, the love affair between Jackie Chan and Lin Fengjiao was exposed by the media. A 15-year-old female middle school student in Japan committed suicide by lying on the track. The suicide note found on her body contained Jackie Chan's name.

In 86, a Japanese female movie fan named Yoshitomo Tomoyama went to Hong Kong to woo Jackie Chan, but after being rejected, she drank poison and committed suicide.

This shows how crazy Japanese fans are.

To be honest, He Jin never thought that such a thing would happen to him.

This incident completely disrupted his plan.

For this reason, he had to postpone the concert again, and went to Japan in person to visit the girl who attempted suicide because of him.

Under the protection of bodyguards, He Jin struggled to squeeze into the hospital from the crowd of Japanese media who came to interview.

In the hospital, he met the family of the girl who attempted suicide.

Led by her family, a group of people came to a ward.

At the door of the ward, after signaling the bodyguards to guard the door, He Jin stepped into the ward.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the girl who committed suicide.

It was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. At this time, she was staring blankly at a poster next to the hospital bed that seemed to have been put up not long ago.

On the poster, He Jin is holding a guitar and wearing a headset, singing passionately.

This is a photo taken by a reporter when He Jin held a concert in Japan last year.

Hearing the sound of the door, the girl turned her head to look at the door.

"He Jinsang!"

When she saw He Jin, she froze for a moment, and then wanted to sit up excitedly.

"Don't move, don't move!"

He Jin hurried forward to hold her down.

Gu Yan: "He Jinsang, I finally saw you, woo woo...why do you want to get married, don't you want us?"

The girl said, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you very much for liking me, thank you!"

He Jin stood beside her bed and bowed to her.

"I really like you, can you not get married, if, if you want a child, I can give you one!"

The girl looked at He Jin pleadingly.

Hearing this, He Jin sighed inwardly.

Finally, he finally also met radical fans.

No, it's not that he hasn't encountered it before.

He has a huge fan base, and there are no more extreme fans.

It's just that there are very few girls like the girl in front of me.

The craziest thing he met was a Filipino girl. She first went to guard the gate of Xiangjiang Huaxing Record Company, and she followed He Jin wherever he went.

Follow He Jin to the hotel and tell the hotel attendant that it is He Jin's girlfriend.

He Jin couldn't bear it, and wanted to say hello but was stopped by the bodyguard.

She stayed in the lobby all night. After He Jin got into the car in the morning, she ran after the car. She lost her suitcase and high heels and continued to chase.

In addition, he met a few Singaporean girls during his concert last year, which is also crazy.

Those few Singaporean girls always got his itinerary with great powers. When He Jin held concerts around the world, they followed him all over the world.

Everywhere they went, they would inquire about the hotel where He Jin lived.

Then they will directly book the hotel on that floor, and then each of the girls will be assigned a room.

They didn't bother He Jin either, but as soon as He Jin appeared in the corridor, all the doors would open with a click.

Then they just looked at He Jin together.

He Jin was going crazy in those few days.

Compared to that, though.

Now this Japanese girl who directly committed suicide and wanted to have a baby with him caused him even more headaches.

Grass powder?

He is not Fanfan, he can't do this kind of thing.

As for persuasion?

It's really hard, he's not Naruto, he doesn't have a mouth.

Rubbing his head, he didn't care that his hair was messed up, He Jin could only try to communicate with her as much as possible.

"Miss Zhimei, I thank you very much, thank you for liking me so much, but I hope we can be friends, not other relationships.

Look, is this good? I will come to Japan for a concert next month. Then I will give you a seat closest to the stage? "

He Jin hopes to use this method to make the girl quit.

However, he thought too much.

The girl shook her head, and asked with tears in her eyes: "Is that woman really that good? Or, am I not pretty?

You don't have to worry, I just want one of your kids and I won't tell anyone else, really! "

The corner of He Jin's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the girl's left hand. The wrist was covered with gauze, and the wound could not be seen clearly.

But looking at the girl's appearance, it was obvious that her injury was not too serious.

This made him have a conspiracy theory, thinking that the so-called suicide was actually to attract him to see her.

Bang bang bang!

Someone was knocking on the door, He Jin looked back, it was the girl's father, a bald middle-aged man.

The man walked in, closed the door and came to He Jin.

"Mr. He, I know my request is too much, but Zhimei really likes you, and we are also afraid that she will do stupid things again.

Her greatest wish is to give birth to a child for you, and I sincerely hope that you can fulfill her little wish. "

The man said to He Jin pleadingly.

He Jin glanced at the girl and then at the man.

Not good.

This was the thought that rose in He Jin's heart.

He knew that he might really be attracted.

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