I am the fifth king

Chapter 422 Trip to Thailand

To be honest, for the song "Glory", when He Jin copied it and planned to sing it, he did know that this song would be sought after by fans.

But he really didn't expect that the popularity of this song would directly overwhelm the two songs "Goodbye and Tears" and "Legend" under the support of fans.

Since the song was launched on major radio stations, this song has been at the top of the song demand list and cannot be shaken.

Even in terms of word-of-mouth, "Goodbye Is Tears" was praised by music critics, and was even selected as one of the top ten songs in the first week of its launch.

And the same goes for Legend.

Although this song is an episode of "Fast and Furious", "Fast and Furious" has not yet been released, so it is the first time it has appeared in people's sight.

It's just these two songs that are said to be classics by everyone in later generations, but they are actually firmly pressed down by "Glory" and cannot move.

fan economy.

He Jin knew that the legendary fan economy had been brought to the fore by him.

Is the song "Glory" good?

In fact, seriously speaking, this song is very good, although it is not as good as classic songs such as "Goodbye Is Tears" and "Legend".

But the song can also be marked by pop standards.

This popular song does not mean the type of song, but that the song can be popular.

However, while the song is good, it falls short compared to other songs on the same ep.

But it was just such a song, but He Jin's fans forcibly pushed it to the top of the song list.

Isn't this what fan economy is?

He Jin could only smile wryly at the fact that he became the first person to lead the fan economy.

He didn't think so.

He could imagine that under his influence, other companies would definitely understand the essentials of the fan economy in the days to come.

At that time, there will definitely be a large number of singers who will start to pay attention to the fans.

There will definitely be more things about cutting vermicelli and leeks in the future.

However, He Jin didn't pay much attention to the fact that one of his songs attracted the attention of major companies, turned his attention to fans, and planned to make money from fans.

Even if he doesn't use this song to draw everyone's attention to the power of fans.

It won't be long before this fan economy will be discovered and used by major companies.

It can only be said that because of him, this matter was a little earlier.

And just when the EP disc "Glory" began to spread in the entire Chinese music scene, and the disc began to be sold in the world, He Jin's tour did not stop.

On the [-]rd, he once again held a concert at the Red Hall.

Subsequently, on the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th, he held three more concerts in Singapore.

Then, NO.11 Indonesia, NO.13 Thailand.

Speaking of Thailand, this is the first time He Jin has held a concert here.

However, although he has not held a concert here before, it does not mean that he is not popular here.

On the contrary, his popularity here is still very high.

As we all know, Thailand was called the Sukhothai Dynasty of Siam in ancient times.

In ancient times, Thailand has always been a vassal of China, paying tribute to China and maintaining a good relationship with China.

At that time, China and Thailand exchanged gifts, which was like trade; China allowed Thailand to be exempted from paying taxes, which made Thailand huge profits.


And these people are all Chinese.

At this time, there were only a small number of Chinese in Thailand.

Until 1766, when the Burmese army besieged the capital Ayutthaya, the Chinese residents in the city fought against the enemy bravely, defended the city, and played the role of heroes.


Zheng Zhao's father is Zheng Yong from Chaoshan, originally from Chenghai, Guangdong, and made his fortune after immigrating to Siam; his mother is from Thailand.

During Zheng Zhao's reign (1767-1782), he encouraged the influx of Teochew people into Thailand.Some of them were engaged in business, and some were engaged in farming, growing sugar cane and pepper for export.On the east bank of the Chao Phraya River, near the present Wangcheng, a new Chinese gathering area began to appear.

The dynasty established after Zheng Zhao's death was Chakri. The royal trade in Thailand was unprecedentedly prosperous, Chinese businessmen participated in its prosperity, and a large number of immigrants poured in.

King Rama I (1782-1809) built a Chinese business district in the heart of Bangkok's Chinatown today.

This Chinese business district is Thailand Chinatown.

Today, there are about tens of millions of Chinese settled in Thailand. If people who are mixed with Chinese are added, there are about 4000 million Chinese in Thailand.

This figure accounts for one-third of the total population in Thailand.

(Anyone who has seen Chinatown detectives knows that the detectives and the like inside are all Chinese, which shows that there are many Chinese in Thailand.)

Oh, by the way, Thailand is also one of the important contributors to the Cantonese record market.

Because among the Chinese in Thailand, Chaoshan people are the most.

"He Jin!"

"Ah... He Jin, you're finally here for a concert!"

"Ah ah ah..."

Bangkok Airport.When He Jin got off the plane, he was immediately notified by the company in advance and chased by fans waiting here.

He Jin looked around. Although most of these fans were Chinese, there were also some people of other races.

"Hi! How are you!"

When you come for the first time, the first impression is very important.

He Jin still cares about his image in the eyes of fans.

He didn't want to give the impression that he was cold and rude.

Although he doesn't come here often, as long as someone likes him, he feels that it is necessary for him to make a good impression on them.

He said hello first, and then He Jin asked the entourage to give his autographed record to the fans who came to pick him up at the airport.

Of course, he can't give it to everyone, it's basically based on eye contact, it's luck to get it, and it can only be said that it's bad luck if he doesn't get it.

It is different from the madness of Japanese and Korean fans, and also different from the openness of European and American fans, who always take off their bras and throw them into your arms.

Although the fans in Thailand are also very enthusiastic, they are relatively rational.

They just stood outside the safe zone shouting and waving.

He Jin hasn't seen such a sensible fan for a long time.

It's not that the quality of Thai fans is high.

The main reason is that the flow of information is too blocked these days.

He Jin has never been here once, and none of the concerts, programs, or performances have been here.

The people here come into contact with him entirely through CDs and tapes.

Yes, it is tape.

The main way to listen to songs is the same as in China, but in Thailand, tapes are the main method.

Although the price of magnetic tape is low, it is widely spread, and many people can buy it.

But compared with CD, its disadvantage is that you can't see portraits.

Without a portrait in sight, the only way to know He Jin is through the songs.

As for movies.

Although He Jin still has a certain influence in the film market in the past two years, he is still far behind Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

Therefore, when the people here are chasing him, they will naturally not be as crazy as they are in other countries.

To put it bluntly, it is He Jin who is influential here, and his songs are equally influential.

But limited by the spread, he is the kind of singer who is not popular here.

It's like He Jin's previous life in the 90s when he was still a child in China, although he listened to Andy Lau every day and knew the name of the Four Heavenly Kings, he didn't know the faces of these four people.

In the same way, he is doing the same in Thailand now.

Many people know his name, have heard his songs, and seen some of his tape posters, but they are really indifferent to real people.

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