He Jin's concert is in full swing.

And in Xiangjiang, today is also very lively.

And all this is naturally due to the first week of the box office.

670 million.

A figure that is almost comparable to the box office of ordinary movies.

This number is also the first week box office record for He Jin and Andy Lau.

None of the movies they starred in before had such a high box office.

With the box office data and word-of-mouth of the movie, for a while, the entire Xiangjiang felt like it dominated the entertainment newspapers.

If it's just box office data, it doesn't actually attract so much attention.

The reason why this movie has attracted the attention of everyone in Xiangjiang is that Huaren and Tianmu announced two days ago that several Hollywood companies are negotiating with Huaren and Tianmu to purchase the broadcasting rights in North America.

These days, whether it is a song or a movie, being able to break into Europe and the United States is regarded by Chinese people as winning glory for the country, and Xiangjiang is no exception.

At the beginning, He Jin's album was a big hit in Europe and the United States, and when it came back, it immediately became a hot spot hope, which greatly increased He Jin's status, and his popularity quickly developed into the first of the five heavenly kings.

A big reason for this is that He Jin has brought a strong sense of honor to the Chinese people.

"Look, this is a singer from our country, a superstar who outsells Michael Jackson in Europe and America!"

"He Jin is China's Michael Jackson!"

These are the words of some passer-by fans after knowing He Jin's achievements in Europe and America.

Although they don't know about He Jin's data in Europe and America, it cannot be denied that they are bragging about He Jin with the media.

There are many oriental superstars who are tied with Michael Jackson, and the praises of the world's pop kings abound.

This is an honor and a support from my hometown.

Not only He Jin.

But all Chinese who have made some achievements in the European and American entertainment circles have been cheered by domestic fans in China.

Needless to say, Bruce Lee, the pride of the Chinese, the pursuit he received when he was alive was simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

When he passed away, tens of thousands of fans flooded the streets of Xiangjiang, and these people just wanted to see him off for the last time.

The reason why Bruce Lee did this is self-evident, except that he was a superstar in the film industry back then.

It wins glory for the people of the country, fights for the face of the Chinese, and the biggest reason for bringing the word Kung Fu into the eyes of foreigners.

A sense of national honor is something that almost every Chinese has.

Mention Bruce Lee, even those who haven't seen his movies, can't help but give a thumbs up.

In addition to him, Jackie Chan and Jet Li who walked into Hollywood later.

When the people of the country know that they have broken into a foreign country and smashed a world, they will spontaneously be proud of them.

Not just the entertainment industry, but even the sports industry.

Look at the Yao Ming of later generations, when Chinese people saw him playing in the NBA in the United States.

The mentality that he is winning glory in our China suddenly arises spontaneously, and he is brought into himself unconsciously, imagining that he is him, killing the Quartet in the nba, deceiving the old beauty, and overshadowing the old black.

Therefore, Yao Ming was selected as the NBA All-Star for the first time, and he was directly sent to the position of NBA vote leader by the Chinese.

This is a sense of national pride, something visceral, an emotion that emerges in one's heart with little need for guidance.

In recent years, Xiangjiang Films has indeed been a big hit in Asia, and has the title of Oriental Hollywood.

But pay attention, it is Eastern Hollywood, not Xiangjiang!

Why use Oriental Hollywood to describe it, but not the original name Xiangjiang?

Isn't it because Hollywood is so good!Only by crowning the word Hollywood can it show its power.

But no matter how powerful it is, anyone who understands it knows that Xiangjiang is actually just a shadow of Hollywood.

Therefore, when someone from Xiangjiang and a certain movie entered Hollywood, the audience's sense of honor grew, and they immediately became interested in this person and the movie.

Just like He Jin.

Why didn't he make much money in the movies he made for two consecutive years, but his salary this year is still in the forefront of Xiangjiang. Although it can't compare with those top box office appeals, it has reached the same high salary as Leslie Cheung.

The reason is that he gained a firm foothold in Europe and America with his albums, especially after the success of the albums, his salary even went up for a time, equal to that of Andy Lau.

The success in the European and American markets has fed back to Xiangjiang, allowing him to always stand in the high-end position of Xiangjiang's remuneration.

This is true of people, and so is the work.

Therefore, when it is negotiating with Hollywood distributors, and it is possible to log on to the North American film, the media and audiences naturally start to boil.

So, everyone's enthusiasm for this film naturally came.

Originally, the reputation of this film was not bad. With the possibility of entering Hollywood in the future, more people would naturally go to see the film.

This can be seen from the fact that after Huaren and Tianmu released the news, the number of people who went to the theater to watch it exploded again in the next few days.

And it didn't disappoint the audience. Although it didn't break Xiangjiang's first-week box office record, it also became several films with the highest first-week box office in Xiangjiang's film history.

He Jin turned around, Andy Lau became even more popular, Liu Qingyun's social status rose, and no one scolded Zhou Huimin anymore.

That's the status quo after the box office bombed in its opening week.

According to Andy Lau's phone call to He Jin, after the first week's box office figures came out, he could hardly leave the house.

As long as he appeared without covering his face, fans and reporters would swarm him and surround him.

Even, at a promotional event in Causeway Bay, due to too many fans, the square where the promotional event will be held was completely occupied, causing a large area of ​​traffic jams outside the square, and the crew had to give up the next promotional itinerary.

"You don't know, those guys have blocked the backstage passages. If I hadn't changed clothes with the staff, I might not be able to get out."

On the phone, Andy Lau said helplessly.

Although helpless, He Jin could feel the joy of this guy.

That's right, since Tianmu Company's investment failed last time, Tianmu Company almost went bankrupt, causing Andy Lau to borrow money four times, He Jin alone borrowed 1000 million here.

In the next two years, in order to repay the money, he not only released records frequently, but also borrowed movies whenever he had them, regardless of whether the movies were good or not.

In addition, he was busy almost day and night.

As a result, although he has gained a lot in the music industry in the past two years, in the film industry, the popularity of the film industry that he worked so hard for in the past two years is gradually dissipating.

Anyone who knows Andy Lau knows that from the second half of 1992 to 1995, although Andy Lau had a large number of films, his reputation and box office were very poor.

You know, from 88 to 1992, he was often seen in the top ten and top twenty box office charts.

But since Tianmu Company's accident, in the next few years, Andy Lau rarely appeared on this list unless he was a supporting role.

But now, the debt is almost paid off, and he is planning to deepen his career in the film industry, but the box office has exploded unexpectedly, how can this not make Andy Lau happy.

"By the way, how many more concerts do you have? When will you be back?"

After sharing the good news, Andy Lau began to ask He Jin when he would go back.

"I'm in Guangzhou now, I just finished my first concert here today, there's another one tomorrow, I'm going to BJ the day after tomorrow, I'm going to hold two more concerts there, and then I have to go to Xi'an, Chengdu, and Chongqing.

Gu Mao In addition, didn't I engage in a charity to build a school!It has already started. After my concert is over, I may have to stay here for a few days before rushing back to Xiangjiang. "

He Jin said.

So far, half of He Jin's concert has been completed, and he will go to Europe after returning to Xiangjiang after the domestic end.

The remaining half of the concerts are basically all in European and American countries.

"Those guys who asked you to film, how did you answer them, why did they come to my side, let me contact you!"

Andy Lau asked.

"My phone for work is off!"

After a moment of silence, He Jin said.

"No wonder these guys keep running towards me, they are all asking for your private phone number."

Andy Lau said clearly.

Generally busy celebrities like He Jin and Andy Lau usually have two or three phones on hand.

One is a purely personal phone call, which will only be told to particularly good friends and relatives as well as company contacts.

The other two, one is semi-private. This call will often tell some acquaintances in the circle, who may have business contacts.

As for the last phone call, it was his assistant Xiaoping's phone number, which will be announced to other companies.

And in the past few days, because of the popularity of , many people who claimed to be the producers of a certain company called him and wanted to invite him to star in a movie.

If it's just like this, if He Jin doesn't want to, he just refuses.

I don't know if it's because there are too many people who know about it, so there are always some inexplicable calls coming in these days.

What made him speechless the most was that as soon as the call came, there was a gasping sound on the phone.

There is also a female voice talking inside, and the words are all, "Jinzai, I want it!" "Jinzai, I'm so itchy!"

He Jin suspected that his phone number should have been leaked and known by some fans.

So he simply turned off the phone directly.

"If someone comes to you again, you help me reject them. I'm too busy with concerts now, and I'm going to get married in October. I really can't take the show."

After all, they are gangsters in the industry, and there are many big directors who called He Jin, and He Jin didn't want to offend them.

And it is impossible to turn on that phone, so I have to change it later, so I can only try my best to decline those who ask him to film.

"Well, don't worry, I will tell them for you. By the way, have all the invitations been sent out? You should send out the invitations earlier. Everyone is very busy. Send them out earlier, so as to give people a chance to stagger the time." .”

After Andy Lau agreed, he asked about He Jin's wedding invitation.

As we all know, many celebrities in Xiangjiang are a group of model workers, especially the people who He Jin is acquainted with are all popular celebrities.

These people are filming for almost ten months a year, or even absurdly twelve months a year.

Therefore, if you want people to attend the wedding, you must notify them as soon as possible.

If you notify early, others can change the itinerary, and try to make time on the day of He Jin's wedding.

"Already notified, there are a bit too many people, I am thinking about notifying."

Sometimes, knowing too many people is also a trouble.

When He Jin posted the invitation, he couldn't remember who should be invited.

For this reason, he even specially asked Xiaoping to help him check, and every time an invitation was sent out, the name would be accepted, so as to confirm who had invited and who hadn't.

And so far, He Jin, most of the artists in the entire Xiangjiang entertainment circle, as well as the senior bosses of some companies, or the director, have sent out invitations.

In addition to the celebrities on Xiangjiang's side, even the people he is familiar with in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States, he almost got invitations.

"I heard you made this scene a bit big!"

Andy Lau said, with some sour feeling in his words.

This guy, his own love affair is hidden, and after finding out that He Jin's scene is very big, he feels a little sour.

When He Jin posted the invitation, he didn't hide it, so the outside world has started to have sporadic news that He Jin's wedding will be very grand.

"After all, it's only once in a lifetime, so it has to be memorable."

He Jin smiled.

"You are not only memorable, but also enviable. For a wedding, you actually booked an island!"

Andy Lau became jealous.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I want to call Vivian!"

He Jin didn't want to continue talking to him.

He was afraid that continuing to talk would make this guy so sore that he couldn't sleep at night.

"Damn, I just chatted a few words! I'm impatient, you forget your friends, go find your good little girlfriend!"

Andy Lau cursed in a low voice, not afraid of He Jin hearing it, and then hung up the phone directly.


He Jin was dumbfounded.

Brother, we've been chatting for an hour now.

Feeling you mean that I have to accompany you until dawn.

What's more, I don't want to chat with my future wife, but I chatted with you for more than an hour, and you're actually upset.

Also, that sour tone.

If he didn't know that he had nothing to do with him, He Jin would have felt like a scumbag.

But... isn't he a man?

He Jin stayed for a while, and after a while, he looked at the phone with a complicated expression, and a thought came to his mind.

"This guy... this guy can't bend!"

However, this idea was quickly dismissed by him.

If all these guys are crooked, then the world might be overwhelmed with crooked people.

Ignoring him, He Jin next called Little Jew.

As the wedding day approaches, He Jin calls Little Jew almost every day to discuss the wedding with her.

After all, this wedding was not his alone.

When two people are together, the most important thing is to respect each other. Many wedding details should be decided together.

Moreover, girls have always been more careful, and many things are considered more perfect than men.

Therefore, it would be better to discuss it with her.

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