"Mr. He, I apologize to you for what we did before. This is the 100 million we took away last time. The other 500 million is a little thought from us. I hope Mr. He can forgive us for our previous offense."

When the sun was setting, He Jin finally let Wu Tiao and the others in.

Wutiao and others have arrived at the filming location of the film crew since [-] o'clock at noon, and they waited for six or seven hours.

During this period, Wutiao might have the idea of ​​not wanting to accompany him, and just walk away.

But every time he thought about Sasaki's explanation when he came, he could only hold back and wait outside the crew, not daring to act rashly.

At this time, He Jin finally saw them, which made them angry, but also relieved.

The Yamaguchi group is indeed very powerful in Japan, but they can't really cover the sky with one hand.

In Japan, the consortium is the real most powerful person.

In various industries, large and small, there is almost no other party without them, especially in the entertainment industry. Sony, Japan's number one group, has many industries in the entertainment industry.

For a top star like He Jin, he has too many things involved, so much so that the president of the Yamaguchi-gumi is afraid of him.

"I told you my money wasn't easy to get."

He Jin took out a cigarette, and A Lin next to him lit him up, giving him the feeling of a mafia boss.

"Mr. He, I'm really sorry, it's because I don't know Taishan, please forgive me."

Gojo bowed very respectfully.

To be honest, sometimes He Jin has to admit that the Japanese and Koreans are really outstanding in being flexible.

No matter how much he hates you in his heart, when his strength is not enough to compete with you, they will wag their tails at you as soon as possible to show their surrender to you.

Although he was very disdainful in his heart, He Jin didn't make things too difficult for these people on the surface. He looked at them and said, "Take this money as the medical expenses for your injuries to my employees!"

Watching them leave, He Jin took out 600 million yen from the 200 million yen in front of him and threw it to A Lin, "These money is yours, so treat it as their medical expenses, don't think about revenge, these days, No money is good for anything, money is the master.”

Many employees of He Jin Company have association backgrounds in Xiangjiang.

Some of them were even famous people in the Tao.

Let’s talk about Ah Lin, he used to be a member of the Xiangjiang Number Gang, that is, 14k, and joined He Jin’s company when Huaren Film and Television was recruiting people last year.

For a person like Alin who has been in the club, the best thing is face.

If you are bullied, you will 100% retaliate.

This time, he was imprinted by these yakuzas, and he would naturally choose to use his own methods to get revenge.

And it just so happened that He Jin heard that A Lin knew someone from Nu Luo Quan.

In the past few days, he has gotten very close to some people from Nu Luo Quan, which made He Jin think that A Lin might use the people of Nu Luo Quan to help him out.

"Brother Jin, don't worry, I know it well."

Ah Lin didn't refuse the money He Jin gave him, he nodded and said after accepting the money.

He Jin looked at him seriously, then shook his head, turned and left without speaking.

He saw perfunctory from A-Lin's face, obviously, A-Lin's thoughts may be very different from what he said.

In this regard, He Jin is also very helpless.

He is a star, a businessman, and all the money he makes comes from formal channels.

Because of this, when he was helping Ah Lin to get ahead, he couldn't use their society's theory of beheading people to get ahead.

Going through formal channels requires an explanation, and this is what he can and can only do.

It is also because of this that when Alin secretly wants to take revenge, he can only remind him, but cannot force him.

Everyone has their own personality and thoughts. He Jin is indeed rich and also A Lin's boss, but it is impossible for him to let A Lin listen to him in everything.

Especially for people like Alin who have been around, they have their rules of asking for explanations, which are deeply ingrained in their minds, and no one can change them overnight.

The weather in Tokyo can change sometimes.

Originally, He Jin and others planned to finish filming the most exciting part of the racing scene tonight, but because of the sudden heavy rain around [-] o'clock, the plan had to be shelved for the time being.

Although racing on a rainy night will be more exciting and tense, allowing the audience to more intuitively feel the sense of substitution between life and death, but shooting in this kind of weather will not guarantee the safety of the actors.

Just like when the first film was filmed last time, He Jin almost burned his brain because of the high fever caused by the rain.

In addition, although the Japanese actors are dedicated, they are not good at shooting in such a harsh environment, so the shooting had to stop.

"Brother Jin, I have something to do with my friend, so I won't go to the hotel with you."

Big raindrops fell drop by drop, and landed on the car, making a crackling sound.

This torrential rain was so heavy that it made people panic.

When people face nature, they are born with anxiety.

This is what happened to He Jin at this time.

When A Lin said that he was going to find a friend, He Jin immediately knew that this guy just hadn't let go of being punched by those Yakuzas and leaving marks on the corners of his eyes.

He Jin, who was already anxious because of the heavy rain, couldn't help but glared at A Lin, "If there's anything you can't let go of, if you insist on beating and killing, it won't be good to take the 200 million back and let your mother open a small shop." "

"Brother Jin, you don't need to worry about this matter, don't worry, I know how to measure."

Alin was very stubborn. After speaking, he hailed a taxi in his raincoat and left directly.

"Putting on the street, what the hell is going on the street!"

Sitting in the car and watching A Lin's disappearing figure, He Jin couldn't help but cursed.

After scolding, there was silence for a minute. He Jin calmed down and said to the bodyguard Ah Hu: "Did Wang Nan, who was angry with Luo Quan, come to see me last time and left a phone number with you? Give him a call." Call and ask him to look after Alin.

He thought this was Xiangjiang, but this was Japan. Although the other party was a minion, he was also a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi. With his small brothers who were angry and powerful, he might be killed by someone. "

As a top star who is known as black and white double evil together with Jackie Chan in Japan, He Jin naturally knows many Japanese black and white big shots.

In addition to people from big consortiums and big Japanese organizations, He Jin also has dealings with Nu Luoquan, the largest Chinese gang in Japan.

Even Wang Nan, the founder of Nuluoquan, took the initiative to meet He Jin, and told He Jin that if he had something to do in Japan, he would call him directly.

Nuluoquan may be small among the many violent groups in Japan, but in Japan, especially in Tokyo, almost no one dares to underestimate them.

This gang is composed of Chinese and Japanese descendants who migrated from the Northeast. They are almost the most vicious and vicious gangs in Japan in the 90s.

They are so cruel that other organizations in Japan, such as Japanese violent organizations like the Yamaguchi-gumi, will put down their faces and choose to call the police to protect them.

It can be said that in the 90s, the prestige of the Japanese Nuluoquan could scare the little Japanese kids to death.

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