Cheng Mingyan cried so sadly, her sobs sounded like a kitten, it could be seen that she had actually endured her sadness for a long time.

Liu Xiaoye looked very distressed, Cheng Mingyan was usually a little princess, but she also had a lot of unhappy times, but it was difficult to express it.

His shoulders were already wet from Cheng Mingyan's crying, and when she raised her head, a long strand of snot was still stretched between Cheng Mingyan's small face and Liu Xiaoye's clothes.

Liu Xiaoye didn't dislike it either, and wiped her with her hands.It was the first time for Cheng Mingyan to let someone wipe her nose, and her face immediately turned red again.

"I hate it... don't rub it, big pervert."

Cheng Mingyan showed a look of hating Liu Xiaoye, and suddenly blew heavily on his shoulder as a prank, trying to get all the snot on his clothes, but in the end more shiny strands came out.

This made Liu Xiaoye amused.He took out his pocket, just in time to take out the half pack of tissues that Mr. Shen gave him later when he was eating pancakes.

He took out a tissue and handed it to Cheng Mingyan, as if she was afraid that Liu Xiaoye would look at her, she turned around when blowing her nose.

"Don't be shy, even a fairy has a runny nose when she cries."

Cheng Mingyan couldn't help but blinked and looked at Liu Xiaoye with big eyes. Can this be said from his mouth?

Although it was very nasty and a little greasy, Cheng Mingyan found it inexplicably beneficial.

I didn't expect Liu Xiaoye to have such a side...

"Okay, stop crying after laughing. Go back to bed early, or you will have dark circles under your eyes."

Liu Xiaoye gently stroked Cheng Mingyan's hair, and brought her back to the house.

Cheng Mingyan pretended to be angry: "It's useless for you to coax me, I still have to ask Dad to fire you!"

Liu Xiaoye smiled, her eyes full of doting.

"It doesn't matter to me, but you don't cry anymore, or your eyes will be swollen into little buns tomorrow, and you won't be pretty."

Cheng Mingyan was surprised for the second time this evening: Liu Xiaoye, did you eat something wrong?

Is it okay to fire you...?

Liu Xiaoye didn't say anything to her, and went back to her room directly.After closing the door, Liu Xiaoye gently caressed her chest.

Damn, did my heartbeat exceed 150 just now?

I'm off the charts!

How could she cry on her shoulder?

Liu Xiaoye paced around the room anxiously, no, I can't have that kind of thought, what if Cheng Mingyan is really her sister?

Then he is not only a pervert, but a beast!

Calm down, I want to calm down...

There was still Cheng Mingyan's fragrance on her shoulders, and she kept drilling into Liu Xiaoye's nose.

Calm's really too difficult!

In the early hours of the morning, Liu Xiaoye still couldn't fall asleep. He got up and went to run in the garden for more than [-] laps, and then managed to sleep for a while. During the day, he made up for sleep in the classroom and slept all day.

In the evening, he went back with Cheng Mingyan, finished dinner with her and Fang Jingjing, and watched them go upstairs. It wasn't until the dead of night that Liu Xiaoye changed into black clothes and slipped out of the villa quietly.


The stillness of the night deepened, and Zhu Yuehua drank to her heart's content tonight.She walked a little unsteadily in the quiet alley at night, and she didn't even care that her stockings were scratched.

Suddenly a black shadow descended from the sky and landed in front of her with a bang, it was a man.

Zhu Yuehua was startled, the heel of her high-heeled shoes slipped, and she sat on the ground, almost peeing from the scene in front of her.

"Hi, do you still know me?"

The man in front of him slowly got up and greeted her.Zhu Yuehua's heart couldn't help but feel angry for no reason.

Isn't this the student she went to Wenhua Middle School to frame up two days ago?

"What? I don't know you."

Seeing that she wanted to leave, Liu Xiaoye stretched out an arm to stop her.

Zhu Yuehua wanted to knock off Liu Xiaoye's arm and leave here, but a cold dagger was already on her neck.

Zhu Yuehua was so frightened that her legs went limp and her whole body trembled.

"You, what are you going to do? I can promise you anything, just don't hurt me..."

This was actually a helpless move, Liu Xiaoye never thought of hurting her, but felt that Zhu Yuehua would not cooperate with her so happily, so she had no choice but to take out the dagger.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you tell me who told you to go to school to frame me, I won't hurt you."

Zhu Yuehua had already drank alcohol and was wobbly and unsteady. Now that a dagger was pressed against her neck, her blood was cold from fright, and her long nails were clawing desperately at the dirty wall.

"I really don't know who that person is, really, I don't even know him!"

"Do not say?"

Liu Xiaoye intentionally showed an unfriendly look, with a ferocious expression like the evil god of hell, who was about to devour Zhu Yuehua's flesh and blood.

"No, really not! Little brother, listen to me..."

Zhu Yuehua only felt that her neck was getting colder and colder, and the blade of the dagger was getting closer and closer to her.What she didn't see was that Liu Xiaoye used the bladeless side of the dagger to stick to her neck because she was afraid that she would accidentally hurt her.

"I really don't know him! In fact, I received a call from a man a few days ago, asking me to pretend to be pregnant with your child. A boy gave me money and asked me to wait at the gate of Wenhua Middle School. Someone will Open the door for me."

"Who gave you the money?"

Zhu Yuehua looked up vigorously, as if she was trying to recall the person's appearance.

"It's about the same height as you, with a razor-sharp face, very fierce-looking, and his hair is about the same length as yours... He's also wearing your school uniform!"

Hearing her description, Liu Xiaoye flipped through the phone with one hand, and found a photo of Zhang Hao that was taken at the school gate before.

"Is it this person?"

Seeing the photos on the phone, Zhu Yuehua nodded like pounding garlic.

"That's right, it's him!"

"Is he the one who called you?"

Zhu Yuehua thought about it again, but this time she shook her head with certainty.

"No, that person's voice is very low. It doesn't sound like a student, but it's not the director I saw that day either."

"The director is the one who opened the door for you at the school gate that day."

Having said all this, Liu Xiaoye said something casually.Just because of Zhu Yuehua's seductive attire, the guard would not believe that she was the parent.

Unless someone from the school opened the door for her, Director Qian couldn't be more suitable for this candidate.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuehua immediately affirmed Liu Xiaoye's words: "That's right, the director opened the door for me!"

Liu Xiaoye raised her eyebrows: "Then you haven't seen the person who called you?"

Zhu Yuehua shook her head, Liu Xiaoye had already figured out who it was, but there was nothing to prove it was him.

At this moment, Zhu Yuehua slowly raised the phone:

"I have his phone number!"

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