Liu Xiaoye clearly knew that Lin Xiaohua was trying to comfort him, but such words were like spring rain, which nourished his dry heart.

"Xiao Hua, thank you."

Liu Xiaoye turned her head and looked at Lin Xiaohua earnestly.

"I joined the basketball team during this time, and I haven't talked to you like this for a long time. I hope you don't blame my brother."

Lin Xiaohua blushed when she heard Liu Xiaoye's words: "Don't say that, bro, we were still..."

Liu Xiaoye just remembered, yes, Lin Xiaohua gave her a hug before going on stage that day!

Thinking of the scene that day, Liu Xiaoye felt a little embarrassed.But he only has brother and sister feelings for Lin Xiaohua, nothing else, so even if Lin Xiaohua took the initiative to hug him, he didn't think about that.

Liu Xiaoye tilted her head again, and glanced at Cheng Mingyan who was circling around Gu Yufan.

Haha, this woman who is different and wants to change!

Through this period of hard work, Wenhua Middle School successfully achieved an achievement: won the city basketball league championship!

This is the first time that the school has won this award since its establishment. The school leaders attach great importance to it. They are not only ready to reward the members of the basketball team, but also to renovate the basketball court in the gymnasium.

Liu Xiaoye looked at Gu Yufan, a half-cut guy, standing on the podium and speaking vigorously, and he couldn't get angry.

Not only because of this so-called "school grass", I didn't stand on the court at the last moment, but the current wind direction in the school has completely changed because of his arrival!

Before that, who saw Liu Xiaoye in the corridor and couldn't call "Brother Ye"?

But now, even if he stepped on his foot, the other party didn't seem to feel it, and walked past Liu Xiaoye directly!

Liu Xiaoye was also aware of her decline, and kept a low profile in school.

Now Cheng Mingyan often leaves very late even after school, sometimes even Fang Jingjing is left behind by her, and she just stays with her "bamboo horse" Gu Yufan every day.

Gu Yufan has now transferred to Cheng Mingyan's class. In addition to chatting with Cheng Mingyan every day, he also receives love letters, gifts, and chocolates from girls in all classes and even grades.

Every time she saw this scene, and then looked at the nympho Cheng Mingyan, Liu Xiaoye would curse inwardly: "Bah, scumbag!"

"Come on, bro, didn't you see that I haven't greeted my goddess lately?"

Zhou Zifeng said lightly at the side, Liu Xiaoye turned his head and glanced at him: "Who is your brother?"

"Okay, okay, you're not my brother. Anyway, as long as Gu Yufan appears in school, it will cause such a sensational effect. Just get used to it."


Liu Xiaoye glanced at Zhou Zifeng and said nothing. Liu Xiaoye couldn't believe what he said.

When it was time for lunch break, Liu Xiaoye asked Yang Bo to go to the cafeteria for dinner, and Gu Yufan also came to the cafeteria, causing quite a commotion.

Liu Xiaoye was cooking, and was almost overturned by the swarming girls.

"Fuck, what about it?"

Hearing Liu Xiaoye curse, Yang Bo next to him saw that his face was turning green, so he whispered to him beside him.

"Brother Ye, don't be as knowledgeable as them. As long as this Gu Yufan is in school, such things will often happen. Before, there were girls who wanted to jump off the building because of him!"

After lunch, the two smoked in a corner of the playground as usual.

"Where does this Gu Yufan have such great charm? Why do all the girls in the school like him so much?"

Yang Bo looked at Liu Xiaoye's twisted face: "Brother Ye, are you jealous?"

Liu Xiaoye took a deep puff of cigarette, and somewhat misunderstood Yang Bo's meaning: "I'm a man, why should I be jealous?"

Yang Bo stood up from the ground and stretched his numb legs: "This Gu Yufan is not only handsome, but also rich in family, he seems to be similar to Cheng Mingyan, the school girl in our class. Also, it is said that He is a super warm guy, he is very gentle and kind to girls!"


Liu Xiaoye stamped out the cigarette butt, looked up at Yang Bo.

"That's right, I haven't dated him before, so how could I know if he's really like that? But all the girls say that."

Liu Xiaoye shook her head.How could there be such a perfect man in the world?He wouldn't believe it even if he killed him!

Although he is a man himself, will a rich second generation with a prominent net worth be a warm man for a woman?

If something strange happens, there must be a demon!

Liu Xiaoye also stood up, but Gu Gu was thinking about Gu Yufan, so he got up too suddenly, a little dizzy, and sat down on the ground again.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this Gu Yufan, he's not holding his fart well?"

Yang Bo laughed: "Brother, I think this is your prejudice against handsome guys."

Liu Xiaoye gave him a blank look: "Joke, how could I have a prejudice against myself!"

Therefore, some things cannot be easily said, and they can easily become reality as soon as they are spoken.In the afternoon, Gu Yufan was not there, it seemed that he had gone to training, and the class was much cleaner.

After the second class ended, the homeroom teacher suddenly walked into the classroom with a stern expression: "Liu Xiaoye, come out!"

Liu Xiaoye fell into a drowsy sleep, he was a little confused, so: Did he make another mistake?

Or is it Zhou Zifeng's trick again?

He looked to his side, Zhou Zifeng, Li Kang, and Zhao Zhihang were soundly asleep, probably dreaming of something sweet, and the table was drooling.

If it wasn't them, who would it be, Fan Kai?Or that Gu Yufan?

Liu Xiaoye followed the head teacher to the outside of the corridor with question marks on his face. To his surprise, Gu Yufan was also standing beside the head teacher, with an uneasy expression on his face.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

The head teacher looked at Liu Xiaoye through the gold-rimmed glasses: "Liu Xiaoye, you are an obedient student. Although your grades are not up to par, you never cause trouble in the class. The teacher will give you another chance. Did you take Gu Yufan as a student?" s things?"

Liu Xiaoye was taken aback for a moment, then laughed angrily at what the head teacher said.

"Mr. Chu, although I'm not a rich second generation, I still have enough food and clothing. Look at me, is there anything that belongs to Gu Yufan?"

While speaking, Liu Xiaoye looked at Gu Yufan beside him.Gu Yufan was not afraid to meet Liu Xiaoye's gaze, the two just stared at each other blankly.

"Student Liu Xiaoye... I know I stole your limelight on the day of the finals. I can apologize to you, but that ring is really important to me. Can you return it to me?"

Liu Xiaoye was taken aback by his question: "What ring?"

Gu Yufan pushed back the hair on his forehead, and a sly look flashed in his eyes: "I knew you wouldn't admit it."

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