Of course, among all marketing, the most difficult ones are hunger marketing and sex marketing.

The degree of difficulty of these two kinds of marketing is very, very high, so big that it may be irreversible, and it can also bring the company back to life. The most commonly used is hunger marketing, which requires a lot of time, energy, financial and material resources.

It needs a period of laying the groundwork, ranging from three to five months to several years. It is necessary to continuously use various copywriting to maintain this enthusiasm, and finally achieve a very large rate of return.

This kind of project is worth hundreds of millions or 800 million. It is not necessary to use it at all, but this marketing can be applied to very small physical stores, such as catering.

However, the rate of return is not the same. As for the copywriting of products such as love x marketing, it has been turned into a routine by many copywriting companies. More technologies, just one core point will do.

"You started work so early?" Xu Qingqing carried a paper bag, opened it and took out a cup of coffee to Zhao Mingyang.

"Jiyou's Qiu Shuhong, Mr. Qiu, called early in the morning and said that Jiyou was in a hurry to promote the wealth management app and to quickly issue a copy, and the other party could pay the balance in arrears, so why don't you hurry up and do it?"

Xu Qingqing sat beside Zhao Mingyang and said: "You can steal a teacher again. I heard brother Xiaosa say that our profession is getting better and better the older we get. Is it true or not?"

"Really, the older you are, the more valuable you are, because you have a lot of goods in your stomach and a lot of spare things. In this industry, don't try to become famous in one battle. Even if you have, you must have enough follow-up inventory. To put it bluntly, it depends entirely on your personal ability." If you make a hundred copies, it is better for others to make one, because that one copy can accurately capture the attention of users. This is experience.

Know exactly what users in the market will pay attention to. This is the most difficult thing for newcomers to control. Don’t think that all events are accidental. There are accidental events in the early days of the Internet. In this period, it is basically zero. There must be operations. Someone is pushing, done, take a picture. "

"Take a picture? Take a picture of me?" Xu Qing asked puzzled.

"Yes, look at you today, black suit, white shirt, little black dress, black silk, black leather shoes, is it a standard white-collar dress, don't worry, I will take pictures from the neck down, sit on the office chair, don't move, I will take a few pictures .”

Xu Qingqing is not calm anymore, what is this guy doing?

Moreover, Zhao Mingyang also used the company's camera to take pictures. After a few clicks, Zhao Mingyang imported the photos from the camera into the computer after taking pictures.

Xu Qingqing looked at the photos taken by Zhao Mingyang, and he really looked good no matter what he took, Zhao Mingyang looked at Xu Qingqing and said: "This kind of pictures are nothing more than to attract attention, as the cover for people to click on and see.

No, this stockings are not good, let me find a new picture. "

Xu Qingqing? ? ?So what are you going to do with the photo you took of me just now?

Zhao Mingyang found a picture of a girl sitting on an office chair on the Internet who was dressed similarly to Xu Qingqing. Xu Qingqing found that there was not much difference between them. The only difference was the length of the skirt. The skirt in this picture was shorter.

Zhao Mingyang looked at Xu Qingqing and said, "I've learned it, I'll give you something real today.

First of all, the customer gave us a product. For example, I have received the product of Jiyou Financial Management, and we need to market it. Then we will start to make event planning. Let us first think about how to make this product attract people's attention.

If you promote it directly, people will go to TV stations and newspapers to broadcast the product directly, but this way customers don’t need it, because the effect is not as good as before. Customers will know that it is an advertisement for financial products and will not take the initiative to pay attention to the product. Yes, so more customers choose us and need an event to let people pay attention to the product.

I chose the workplace, male and female colleagues, these key points, because most of the people targeted by this software are in the workplace, and the content I chose was "Wonderful female colleagues, did you borrow the wages of male colleagues and your husband made it?"

Doesn't this title attract attention? Does her husband know that a female colleague borrows money from a male colleague?Many people have already imagined it.

We are going to make up a fictional character, revealing that one of my female colleagues borrowed a total of 24 yuan from 10 male colleagues for investment and financial management on the day when the company was paying her salary, while she herself enjoyed a strange incident of earning tens of thousands of yuan a month .

The story line came out. This woman borrowed money from her male colleagues in the company to invest in financial management. The borrowed amount was 10 yuan, and if 10 yuan was invested, she could actually get a monthly return of [-] yuan.

The key point is circled. At this time, you can indicate that you will invest 10 yuan in the APP of Jiyou Financial Management, and you will get a return of 10 yuan per month. Is this a high rate of return?Aren't many people excited and will download and use it. "

Xu Qingqing asked curiously: "Jiyou really gives such a high rate of return?"

"Thinking about it, it's impossible. It's nothing more than asking customers to invest in 100. You may be given [-] in return in the first month, but there will definitely be various routines that will prevent you from withdrawing the money. The [-] is yours. The rest He spent [-] yuan, and the investment is risky. There is no financial product in this world that is [-]% non-refundable.

In the end, there are only two options. The people on Jiyou's side have gone to the empty building to run away. There is another option, which is to refund the principal, and use your [-] yuan for nothing every year or two. Use this money to do other things. This phenomenon is not limited to Jiyou. One family should be said to be ubiquitous, so you need to be cautious when investing.

Event planning out, what do we need next?That is the choice of the media, which platform to put this copywriting on, Weibo, Tieba, WeChat or other platforms?

After determining the media, what we need to do is to detonate the event, through a suitable media, an influential manuscript, detonate the event.

Appropriate media are nothing more than some marketing accounts that focus on breaking news. Our company has quite a few accounts with millions of fans. We use this account to detonate this incident.

We can expose this matter in the way of fans submitting articles to bloggers, so that the credibility is higher, the attention is higher, and the topic is stronger.

After the above steps are completed, we will apply event propagation. We can let our other accounts and some cooperative news media accounts forward this post, and define it as an event. This event needs a definition word, tentatively 'payroll'.

Combining salary with the word "bitch" will strengthen people's impression, and this event will come out and basically take shape. "

Xu Qing nodded frequently, but she was more afraid. What she was afraid of was the news she saw now. Which one is true and not artificially made?The media, the marketing, it's really scary.

If it wasn't for Zhao Mingyang to teach her, she wouldn't know that she could still do this. To be honest, it's more of fear. It turns out that what you see and hear may not be true.

"Then, is there no one to investigate this matter?" Xu Qingqing asked, is there no one to investigate this kind of matter?

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