Reborn to buy it a few hundred pounds of real estate certificate

Chapter 287 Male God! [Seek subscription, ask for monthly ticket, ask for reward]

What is the Vie Equity Structure?In fact, many people really don’t know, but many people know when they say it, and some people have personally experienced the follow-up affairs brought about by this structure, such as being cheated as a V business, the elderly who bought some products were cheated, and there is no way to complain .

The vie equity structure was originally designed not to allow some beneficiaries behind the scenes to evade legal responsibilities and evade the law. It was first designed by a very well-known lawyer in China. He designed the structure model to help some domestic companies go public abroad. .

Because the domestic listing standards were very high from the 90s to the early millennium, many companies chose to list overseas, mainly because the conditions for overseas listing were relatively loose at that time.So this structure came out, and the first company to use this structure in China is Molang's overseas listing, and there is also a structure called Zhalang in the industry.

The reason why this structure exists is mainly because there are some businesses in China where foreign investors are prohibited from investing and cannot become shareholders. Foreign investors want to come in, and some domestic operators want to go to the IPO to cash out. This is how the Vie structure was designed.

How does this structure work?First of all, go to the British Virgin Islands to set up a Bvi company. Why do many business leaders like to register their companies here? Many people probably know about this place and have read related reports.

The main reason is that you only need to pay some management fees to go here, and most of the income basically does not need to pay taxes. It mainly belongs to a tax haven, and many entrepreneurs go there to register their companies.

However, there are also disadvantages to registering a company in the Virgin Islands. Most financial institutions in the world do not recognize companies registered in the Virgin Islands as the main body of the company.

Because the information of companies registered in the Virgin Islands, especially the company’s principals and shareholders, is not public. After you go public, the first thing is to disclose information. How can you go public if you don’t disclose the information?

The second is that the laws of the Virgin Islands are not sound, so you need to go to the next place to register a company. This name is familiar to most people, the Cayman Islands, and go to the Cayman Islands to set up a company.

The main purpose of investors and shareholders going to the Cayman Islands to re-register the company is to avoid taxation, and the laws of the Cayman Islands are relatively sound, and it is also recognized by many financial institutions for listing. The most important thing is that some investor and shareholder information will still be hidden here. Of course, a legal person will be launched, in addition to tax avoidance, it is also to help some people not disclose personal information.

As for these legal persons, many of them are pushed out, and most of them hold negligible shares, and they are basically workers.

After the registration in the Cayman Islands, continue to register a SPv company [special purpose company] on Hong Kong Island, why go to Hong Kong Island to open a company?

The main reason is that the mainland has an agreement with Hong Kong Island. If you start a company in the mainland and have business in China, there are preferential policies for shareholder dividends and some taxation.

The main purpose is to avoid tax, and secondly, it looks like so many companies above have an overall structure, just like foreign parent companies, Hong Kong Island subsidiaries, and domestic branches, which look like a large group.

Use the Hong Kong branch to register a wholly foreign-owned company in China. This wholly foreign-owned company cannot operate some prohibited businesses in China, such as media, law firms, financial manufacturing, insurance and other businesses.

He cannot operate or become a shareholder. He can only engage in some consulting service companies. At this time, the wholly foreign-owned company will invest in dividends through various agreements, such as equity pledge loans, debt guarantees, special consulting services and other contracts. Control domestic companies that want to go public abroad.

This is why the Vie structure was later hated by people, especially some ordinary people, who were cut off by such companies and had nowhere to complain.

Because this is agreement control, it is equivalent to wholly-owned shares of a domestic company, but all management rights, operators, and legal persons have nothing to do with them, and they cannot be held accountable for how to pursue it.

When this structure came out, it was for domestic companies to go public abroad, but then everyone knew it, and many people regarded it as a preparation to evade responsibility and run away.

This VIE structure is in cooperation with the trust, which is a perfect match. The money earned is transferred to the trust. Even if something happens to the VIE structure and affects this group of people, the money in the trust is still there. In short, the money is still there.

Many people on the rich list have assets that can be checked, but the assets of this group of people are indeed untraceable, and the source is covered up, so people who are incomparably rich can be searched to a certain extent. It is hard to say, but it is certain that the rich There are more than most people think, and wealth is also a number that most people can't imagine.

I still don’t understand it here. Let’s take the simplest example. You want to open a milk tea shop, but you don’t want people to know that you own the milk tea shop, but you want to be the boss, what should you do?

You go to find your good friend Ergou, you ask Ergou to open a milk tea shop, you give him 1000 million, and then let Ergou pledge the equity of the milk tea shop to you, the money you lent Ergou, Ergou The dog has to repay the interest to you every month. You are a professional consultant team in Hei Ergou and tell him how to open a milk tea shop.

Ergou pays you a consultant fee from the profit of the milk tea shop. The final money of Ergou's milk tea shop is yours, and Ergou can get an income of [-] to [-] yuan a month.

If there is an accident at the milk tea shop, Ergou will be found at most, and it has nothing to do with you.

Zhao Mingyang himself understands this wave of operations, but he can't do it himself, he must find a lawyer to do it, because it can be avoided by Lawyer Zhang in the end. If Lawyer Zhang wants to pick it up by himself, he must have a complete set of avoidance methods, It is a continuous improvement within the existing law.

PS: If you are interested in the specific implementation of this type of operation, you can read another book by Vest [Rebirth Begins with IQ Tax], this book tries not to write too many details of capital operations, it is easy to step on the thunder.

It is also easy to be said to be mixed with personal work. The main readership is divided into working and student groups, and there are grades. The vest should try to write something relaxed, too much commercial detailed explanation, and try to be less in the future.

Now that Zhao Mingyang has money in his hand, and has opened up several stalls, he is ready to plan this. Whether it is Ma Changyuan, Ye Chuan and other projects, Zhao Mingyang is rushing to cash out.

The money is withdrawn and then invested in other things, and finally the money earned is used to purchase real estate and land. This is a typical asset transfer and cash out.

Transforming the virtualized into a real thing, Lao Li basically played like this, but Lao Li is still not good enough, the most powerful is Gates, and it was decades later that everyone knew that this buddy is the largest landowner in the United States, who owns the land in the United States The person with the most resources.

In fact, the people above all know what is the most valuable, land, habitat, land can produce food, people are basically food, and then there are military force and medical treatment. These are basically in the hands of the top people.

Back and forth, all the money he earned ended up on this. If Zhao Mingyang was in his previous life, he would only be thinking about the Internet, virtual currency, etc., and he didn't know how to handle the money in his hand.

Of course, most people can't play this, and ordinary people still focus on food and clothing.

After leaving the law firm, he went to the headquarters of Tuanmei in the imperial capital. Zhao Mingyang and the people from Tuanmei met Liu Bingbing's promotional video and prepared a marketing event.

After talking for more than two hours, Zhao Mingyang left Tuanmei headquarters.

Looking at the time, it was 26:[-] in the afternoon. It was time for Zhao Mingyang to play badminton. If he guessed correctly, Ye Wenshu would play badminton tonight. He wanted to meet Zhao Mingyang by chance.

Because Zhao Mingyang posted a Moments, wrote a sentence: work is over, ready to go to the stadium for a good game.

This is a hint to Ye Wenshu, do you want to meet by chance?

If you want, come, meet by chance.

Ye Wenshu delivered Zhao Mingyang's book to the courier company in the afternoon, and edited the singing part of Zhao Mingyang's video.

Then she picked up her phone and looked at it. She got off work at 05:30, and she was off work immediately. She glanced at Moments, and now she glanced at it from time to time, wanting to see if Zhao Mingyang had posted anything.

Invisibly, Zhao Mingyang made Ye Wenshu pay attention, not for anything else, young and handsome, talented and caring, the most important thing is that morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor are all taken up. How can this be a person, this is a perfect god Ah, male god for short.

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