Reborn to buy it a few hundred pounds of real estate certificate

Chapter 289 Winning the jackpot! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"I don't know?" Ye Wenshu said.

Zhao Mingyang put the roasted beef on Ye Wenshu's plate, and cut the steak into small pieces.

He poured half a glass of red wine for Ye Wenshu and half for himself.

Zhao Mingyang looked at Ye Wenshu and said, "The saddest thing in this world is that we don't know how to live.

I ask you, why are you alive?For parents' expectations?In order to let the boss feel your value?or for what?

Have you ever wondered to yourself, why on earth are you alive?

Have you ever lived for yourself?What is the meaning of your life?

In other words, what do you like?What makes you happy, or what do you really want?

Such as love, interest, want to express, want to prove?

Have you ever considered that you are seventy or eighty, and at the moment of the end of your life, will you regret it?

I regret that I didn't accomplish what I really wanted to do, and this life is over.

A life span of just over 3 days is still a very long lifespan. At the end of life, it will be dust, a handful of ashes, and when the time comes, will you still consider other people's opinions?Comments from others?

No, within two or three years after your life ends, maybe not many people in this world will remember you, unless you can be recorded in the annals of history, but even if you can be recorded in the annals of history, what is the value to you?

You are gone, this is the saddest thing in this world, many people can’t recognize this, they can’t live well, and they talk about living for someone and making sacrifices for someone.

Shouldn't we live for ourselves?Like and love, for example, are the things we need most, but if we don’t know how to express and cherish, then what’s the point of living.

Some love is short-lived, but it really exists and once owned, if you don't try, you don't even have the qualifications to have it.

If one day you know how to live for yourself, then you will understand how wonderful it is to live. Sometimes, it is sad that people don't even have the courage to take the first step. "

Zhao Mingyang's words are frankly inoculating Ye Wenshu, you have to be prepared, don't reject me, even if my love is short-lived, you have had it.

Moreover, Ye Wenshu likes to read philosophy books recently, so she uses philosophy to break her scruples and some restrictions.

Back then, many literary youths were able to get together just because of a few words, without considering the consequences. It was just a momentary impulse. Zhao Mingyang wanted Ye Wenshu to have this impulse.

Ye Wenshu didn't speak, picked up the red wine glass, Zhao Mingyang quickly picked up the red wine glass and had a clink with her.

Zhao Mingyang gave her time to digest Zhao Mingyang's words, because Zhao Mingyang was afraid that she would have room to think about other things at this time.

If you suddenly feel that this is the end of the night, then it's over, and everything is in vain.

"Do you know what impression you gave me when I first met you?" Zhao Mingyang looked at Ye Wenshu and asked.

At this moment, Ye Wenshu's thinking was completely disrupted, because most people are very concerned about other people's opinions, especially those who have a good impression.

Zhao Mingyang deliberately disturbed Ye Wenshu's thinking, so that her thoughts at this time were all in the rhythm of Zhao Mingyang.

Don't let her think about the follow-up if something happens tonight, and her potential thoughts must be cut off.

Ye Wenshu looked at Zhao Mingyang, she really wanted to know what Zhao Mingyang's impression of her was?

"The first time I saw you, I felt that your whole body was imprisoned by countless vines. You seemed to be a puppet. Everything you did was pre-set. I think you should try to indulge and throw away Unlock the shackles of imprisonment.

You see how beautiful you are in such a dress, such a beautiful side, but you hide it, anyway, I like to see your current side, at this moment I feel your real existence, maybe this moment is the real you .

Do a magic trick for you, do you want to see it? "Zhao Mingyang looked at Ye Wenshu and said.

"Yes." Ye Wenjing looked at Zhao Mingyang and said, the nervousness in her eyes was a little less, and there was a little more anticipation, and Zhao Mingyang's words made her seem to have figured out something, yes, why not indulge once?

Zhao Mingyang took out a wallet from his pocket. These wallets are all magic props, which are sold on the Internet. General magic tricks, such as playing cards and coins, can change Zhao Mingyang, but if the magic does not match the magic props, the effect will be the same. Will be heavily discounted.

Magic props and exquisite props are very expensive, but they are not too expensive. You can buy good ones for two or three hundred. Buy a few more magic props at home and study them for a month. The problem is, buying a few more props is nothing more than changing them several times without repeating the same, such as coins, playing cards, sieves, etc. can be carried with you, and you can pack them at critical times.

And this kind of wallet prop is one of the very classic props, there are coins in it, and there are many miscellaneous auxiliary props.

No, Zhao Mingyang unfolded the wallet for Ye Wenshu to check, it was a very ordinary wallet, and then Zhao Mingyang held the wallet in one hand and snapped his fingers with the other hand, the wallet caught fire after unfolding.

Ye Wenshu has seen this kind of magic trick many times, but he has never seen it so close. Zhao Mingyang let Ye Wenshu breathe out, closed the wallet, and when he opened it again, the flames were even bigger. Zhao Mingyang took out a rose from the wallet. The flowers came out and handed to Ye Wenshu, saying, "Flowers are worthy of beauties, this flower should belong to you."

In fact, this rose was not taken from the wallet at all, but caught Ye Wenshu's attention with flames. The second time the flames were bigger than the first time, it was completely impossible to see the magician's technique. Zhao Mingyang picked it up from the other pocket Quickly took out the roses.

Because of the visual effect, in conjunction with the flame, it moves upwards from the back of the wallet, as if roses are coming out of the wallet.

Still fresh roses, if a person stood behind Zhao Mingyang and watched Zhao Mingyang's performance, it would be very embarrassing. The charm of magic is not to expose the magic, otherwise everyone will be embarrassed.

Ye Wenshu looked at the rose that Zhao Mingyang handed over, and thanked her, this is the romance she always wanted, and Zhao Mingyang gave her this kind of romance.

The two clinked glasses again, and the glass of wine was quickly finished. This kind of red wine is nothing to drink, and it will be full of alcohol. Of course, Zhao Mingyang also knows that he can't drink any more. If the two of them are really drunk, why not drink Post chaos.

Zhao Mingyang and Ye Wenshu settled the bill after dinner, and spent [-] yuan tonight.

Zhao Mingyang's eyes glanced at the bouquet of roses on the table. If Ye Wenshu took the bouquet of flowers when he left, it would prove that there was basically something going on tonight.

Ye Wenshu got up and took the bouquet of flowers. Zhao Mingyang knew that it was time to proceed to the next step. The two walked to the ice rink on the first floor of the shopping mall.

The shopping mall was very big, and the two were walking. Zhao Mingyang suddenly went to the bathroom and asked Ye Wenshu to wait for him. His stomach felt a little uncomfortable. The bathrooms in the shopping mall were basically on the side of the safety passage. Zhao Mingyang quickly sprinted down the stairs of the safety passage.

When I came to the skating rink on the first floor, I found the conductor and gave her 1000 yuan. After explaining some things to her, I added the other party's WeChat and ran back quickly.

At this time, Ye Wenshu was on the fourth floor. Zhao Mingyang took a deep breath. After adjusting his breathing, he went to the sink to wash his hands, tidied his hair, and checked his watch. It took a total of 15 minutes.

Leaving the bathroom, he walked towards Ye Wenshu. Ye Wenshu sat on a chair and looked at his phone.

"I've been waiting for a long time, I'm sorry," Zhao Mingyang said with a smile.

Ye Wenshu returned a smile to Zhao Mingyang, got up and continued walking to the escalator with her. In fact, taking the sightseeing elevator was faster, but Zhao Mingyang chose to walk slowly.

He told Ye Wenshu that this would help promote digestion, but it was actually giving the people in the skating rink time to prepare. Zhao Mingyang just added the conductor's WeChat account, and he asked the conductor to help him prepare some personnel arrangements and some conversations.

There are not many lines, and it needs the cooperation of two or three female extras. It is estimated that this will not be difficult for the conductor of the skating rink, after all, there should be a lot of staff there.

Zhao Mingyang told the conductor that he wanted to give his girlfriend a surprise, and his girlfriend was reluctant to spend money, so he secretly gave her some surprises, but he wanted his girlfriend to care more about himself. Zhao Mingyang didn’t know if the conductor believed it, but money is a good thing, the conductor He agreed without any excuses.

"Excuse me, I see that there is an ice skating rink on your sign, how do you get in here?" Zhao Mingyang found an employee of the mall and said.

"Take the sightseeing elevator to the first floor, and then there are signs over there, or go down the escalator at the northwest corner outside the mall."

"Okay, thank you." Zhao Mingyang just ran directly to the first floor, and then went down the escalator at the northwest corner of the shopping mall. It was closer than taking the elevator, and it was near the safe passage. After going out, it was only a few steps away. .

But Zhao Mingyang couldn't go that way, it was too fast.

"Thank you." Zhao Mingyang and Ye Wenshu followed the farthest route.

It takes 5 minutes to walk to the first floor. When we arrive at the skating rink, we find that most of it is filled with children and their mothers who come here to learn roller skating.

Zhao Mingyang has always wondered why some women have a unique new attraction after they get married?

In his previous life, Zhao Mingyang knew a truth. Some scumbags are really scumbags who have no bottom line. They pick up and drop off children from kindergarten, just in the name of not wanting their wives to work too hard.

In reality?At the stage of kindergarten and elementary school, mothers are basically picking up and seeing each other every day. This has caused some problems of unruly behavior. Many parents of children pick up and drop off their children in advance. For example, when kindergarten ends at 04:30, they go there around three Meet up, leave the hotel around four o'clock, and pick up our children together.

This kind of news was told to Zhao Mingyang by the bosses of some stationery shops in his previous life, saying that this kind of thing was not uncommon. Generally, fathers picked up their children every day, and accidents would happen if they picked up their children for a long time. Zhao Mingyang didn't believe it, he had never tried it.

After all, he has no children, but looking at these mothers at this time, Zhao Mingyang couldn't help sighing, his sister is still married and mature...

"Give us two tickets." Zhao Mingyang and Ye Wenshu went to the ticket office to buy tickets.

"Congratulations to you two. You are the [-]th and [-]th customers since our store opened. Our store has a one-in-a-million event. You can draw a lottery once. We have a lottery software on this computer. You say start , I’ll start, and if you say stop, I’ll stop.” The conductor said, the website of this software was sent to her by Zhao Mingyang on WeChat, and Zhao Mingyang asked Li Yanqing to help make this small program carousel, there is only one result carousel.

Zhao Mingyang looked at Ye Wenshu and said with a smile: "With you, I didn't expect to be so lucky, so let me call it to start, and you call timeout."

Ye Wenshu nodded, and Zhao Mingyang said to the conductor, "Start!"

The conductor tapped the keyboard, the ticket gate is not big, the computer is on the table inside, but a turntable can be seen on the computer screen.

Ye Wenshu yelled a pause, and the dial pointer on the computer screen stopped at [Love than Gold].

The conductor said excitedly: "Love is better than gold, you are so lucky, this is a grand prize, a special prize, wait a minute, I will get you gifts." '

What is love than gold?Ye Wenshu didn't know, but no one would be unhappy if they won the lottery. This is human nature.

The conductor took out a gift box from a drawer and handed it to Zhao Mingyang and Ye Wenshu. Zhao Mingyang opened the box and saw that it was a key and a bracelet.

"This key can open the bracelet and put it on for the other half. Only one bracelet can be opened, and all of them are made of platinum. This is a super gift package from our store. You are really lucky." The conductor looked envious. Sure enough, money can enhance a person's potential acting skills.

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