Reborn to buy it a few hundred pounds of real estate certificate

Chapter 317 Liu Bingbing's filming situation 【Subscription】

Zhao Mingyang went to Tuanmei with them, and drove the car parked there by the way.

After arriving at Tuanmei's office building, Zhao Mingyang held a meeting with the core of Tuanmei.

This time it is about the online launch, Zhao Mingyang stood in front of the projection screen and said: "Last year, Tuanmei's advertisements were all placed on the PC port, and this year, other companies are also placed on the PC port.

According to our data analysis, everyone can look at the analysis report on the screen. This is the growth of smartphones. The growth in the three years from 10 to 12 years basically increases several times every year. It is very scary, so our team The delivery plan given is to cut off most of the investment in the PC port, up to one-tenth of the previous delivery.

Spend all the money on the mobile port. Now the mobile port advertising fees of various companies are not high. We can first contact several major mobile phone brands to place push information, software open screen advertisements, and Tuanmei’s software that comes with the mobile phone factory.

We contacted several software vendors through the channel of Empty Bottle Media. When the software is opened, it is an advertisement of Tuanmei. As soon as you touch the page, it will jump to the download page, and the main page is the photo of the online spokesperson Liu Bingbing and Hamburg. , Will write a one yuan purchase 41.9 yuan super value package.

We can do a test. In the early stage, a download user gives the platform a five-yuan share, and the two parties share the data of the rear tire. Another is to contract the advertising time period, such as one month or one year. Advertisement pages several times a week, because the increase in users of smart phones is too large, according to the download volume, it is not cost-effective for you.

We have contacted the manufacturer about the price of this package. The price of the package is on the screen. You can see it. For the annual package, most of them are now priced at 500 million yuan. These are several large software platforms. You can consider it. This price is considered low. According to the growth of this smart phone and annual advertising, this price is definitely a bargain.

The main reason is that these software will also try their best to attract users with advertisements, and they can also jump to the download interface to directly download in the background. Taking advantage of the fact that other companies have not done this, Tuanmei can take the lead in advertising.

As for the manufacturer’s own Tuanmei, and the manufacturer’s app store recommending Tuanmei, there are two types of charges: download and use share, [-]% of the user’s consumption goes to the mobile phone manufacturer, and the other is a one-time fee, how much you plan to pay, How long is the deadline? This is priced according to the sales volume of mobile phone brands.

As for marketing events, tentatively select a few, take a look, and then you will choose internally.

Event 108: There is a bug in the Tuanmei software. Each user only needs to pay one yuan to buy a group purchase worth [-] family barrels.

Mr. Song told me just now that the old man gives you the biggest discount, which can attract new users, or old users can change their mobile phone numbers to register and use, and use family numbers to register and use multiple times. Each mobile phone can only be purchased once.

As long as users have usage habits and frequency, they will have stickiness. In the future, users will basically not easily switch to other companies. In the later stage, as long as there are regular activities, Tuanmei will probably have no rivals in a year.

To be precise, there may be no rivals in half a year, because most group buying websites are now spending money on PC ports and mobile ports. It is estimated that it will not be difficult to break through 13 million users in [-]. This growth is indeed too large.

We checked, and the domestic smartphone shipments from 12 to now have almost exceeded the [-] million mark. It’s hard to say how much data is mixed in here. Some are in cooperation with the three major operators, and some may be purchased by the company. More than one phone, But in any case, this is just the growth of domestic smartphones.

The data may double next year, so Tuanmei needs to seize this trend and invest fully in the functional end.

Incident [-]: The blind date guy used a group buying software to buy a package, and was ridiculed by the blind date. As a result, the guy contacted Tuanmei in a fit of anger and paid [-] million out of his own pocket to treat the user to dinner. This shocked the blind date guy. The guy refused the dinner invitation from the blind date guy, and angrily got up and drove his Bugatti leave.

Event 98: The Tuanmei system collapsed, and all travel tickets were purchased for one yuan, or a movie package worth [-] yuan was purchased for one yuan. This event is aimed at tourism and a group of movie fans. At the same time, at least a one-time subsidy of one billion yuan is required, and the cost is indeed high.

Event [-]: Tuanmei shocked foreigners. Foreigners came to China for the first time and discovered Tuanmei. They can eat, drink and live with a mobile phone...

There are also several other regular small event copybooks, all of which are listed here, and you can filter them out. As for why you want to buy them for one yuan, besides what Mr. Song said yesterday to find a bank to cooperate with and earn bank advertising fees.

You can also see which users have the highest frequency of use, and you can bypass these users by promoting some promotional activities in the later stage. They are already sticky, and there is no need to subsidize them. "

Empty Bottle Media's plan made Tuanmei feel for the first time what value for money is, and the online and offline arrangements are clear and clear.

After bidding farewell to Tuanmei, Zhao Mingyang ran to Liu Bingbing's side again, and something happened there.

The cover of Liu Bingbing’s shooting caused a dispute between Ma Chunzhen and Tuanmei’s operation department. Tuanmei wanted to highlight food, text, and event content. As a result, the hamburger blocked half of Liu Bingbing’s face, only showing a pair of eyes .

This is different from what I said before, Ma Chunzhen must be in a hurry, so I asked Zhao Mingyang to see how to deal with it.

Zhao Mingyang drove Qian Jinduo and the others to Liu Bingbing's side. Qian Jinduo and the others admired Zhao Mingyang now.

The main thing is that after seeing Zhao Mingyang's independently completed operation plan in the past few days, they all recognized his ability and wanted to learn from him.

When Zhao Mingyang came to the shooting location, he saw that they were all old acquaintances. Good guy, Fang Shuo, the boss of Tuanmei's operation department, was also here.

"What's going on?" Zhao Mingyang entered the studio and asked.

"Originally, we all took good pictures. After these people from the operation department of Tuanmei came to see it, they insisted on adjusting it. They said that Bingbing took up too much space and needed to highlight the content of Tuanmei's activities so that Bingbing could eat hamburgers." Ma Chunzhen said.

Zhao Mingyang looked at Liu Bingbing sitting aside without speaking, and then looked at the picture on the designer's computer screen. Liu Bingbing indeed only had half of his face left.

After reading it, Zhao Mingyang said to the designer: "The offline advertisement will keep the whole face according to the previous one, match the old man's set meal below the neck, highlight the words "buy for one yuan", or shrink Liu Bingbing's face and upper body to the side. Above, the large section is reserved for content copywriting.

You don’t need to change anything else, let’s start shooting the promotional video, I’m in charge of the operation, you just do what I do, I pay you your fee, if you don’t follow what I do, I’ll replace you. "

Upon hearing this, the designer quickly changed it according to what Zhao Mingyang said.

Fang Shuo turned livid and said, "What do you mean? Your money is also paid by our Tuanmei. Do you have something to do with this female star? Then help her?"

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