The money Zhao Mingyang spent this time was real gold and silver. In fact, the two fields of ar and vr have existed for a long time. In the later stage, all the research directions are ar technology, and the naked eye 3d virtual projection is just like our winter olympics The light and shadow imaging of the opening ceremony.

In fact, our Olympic opening ceremony in 08 also used virtual imaging, but at that time it was done by a foreign team, and the Winter Olympics was basically completed independently by our domestic company.

There are still many things that can be developed in the field of virtual imaging projection, and there are many application scenarios, but there are also great limitations, that is, the sense of immersion is very poor.

Wearing 3D glasses to watch 3D movies is to combine AR and VR to add more sense of reality, but it still lacks the sense of reality. Wearing VR glasses, the whole vision is in an effective space, and the experience is better. But it's still unsatisfactory, visually immersive at best.

So in the later stage, various companies postponed the research and development of vr, because there is a fatal flaw here, which is still a sense of reality, and dizziness or even vomiting will occur after wearing it for a long time.

how to solve this problem?This requires not only science, but also the blessing of medicine. Simply put, it will be difficult to break through in the next three to fifty years.

Brain-computer interface is one direction, but it is also a very immature technology and the risk is extremely high, but the money invested in VR technology in the early stage of each company cannot be wasted, it must be realized.

The technology itself is losing money, and the game has not been developed. The only profit is some foreign xx live broadcasts, which provide some customized performances for some old pornographic batches.

The advantage of vr is that it can provide customized service content, which is also what Zhao Mingyang did this time. In his previous life, Zhao Mingyang saw many psychiatrists in foreign countries use this to help patients get out of the shadows in their hearts, especially those who lost their loved ones.

VR has finally moved towards high-end customized services. This service requires environmental cooperation, such as installing an odor sensor in a fixed room. The odor is modulated by some additives to produce various odors and blown into the fixed room from the ventilation pipe.

In addition to the scent system, there must be very good surround sound, and the entire room must be equipped with sponge walls, which is similar to the environment of a sound engineer. In addition to these, some scene props are also needed.

In this way, VR can achieve the greatest sense of reality and the best experience, but the cost is too high. If a product cannot be used by the general public, it is of no value.

For example, Rolls-Royce is a car first, and it is a high-end car based on the car, instead of directly producing a multi-million-dollar car that can only be used by a few people.

For example, smart phones, if ordinary people cannot use them, then any brand of mobile phone brand will not be able to make a profit.

Major companies found that VR was not profitable, but invested a lot of research and development in the early stage and needed to realize it. The well-known Metaverse appeared. It doesn’t need any sense of experience, as long as you can see it, visual immersion is enough. So I desperately started to work on this area, using the research and development technology I invested in before. If I want to make a breakthrough in VR technology in the short term, it is better to develop unmanned driving and AR fields to get quick results.

Ren Jiani is now wearing a VR helmet, which is more effective than glasses. The helmet is also made of carbon fiber, which ensures absolute weight.

Someone led Ren Jiani into a room, and connected several cables to the top of the helmet, including video transmission cables and audio cables.

The Ren Jiani I saw at this time was wearing a helmet with many threads on it, and she was standing in the middle of a room.

"Start." A staff member yelled with a walkie-talkie, and the sound of ocean waves came from the room where Ren Jiani was staying and from her helmet.

Some dry ice sprayed out all around, making Ren Jiani feel a cool breeze and tide.

What Ren Jiani saw at this time was the beach, the waves, the familiar beach. A smiling boy stood on the beach and said to her with a smile: "Sister, you have grown up, you are so beautiful, do you listen to grandma?" If so..."

Ren Jiani burst into tears instantly, and wanted to hug her. In order to achieve the most authentic reduction, a child appeared in the room and hugged Ren Jiani.

This is also the maximum reduction degree that can be achieved at the current technological level plus the artificial layout in the later stage. .Κanδhu5.iá

Zhao Mingyang found someone to customize a set of psychological counseling plans and implanted them into the virtual brother's language, asking him to enlighten Ren Jiani.

In fact, this is not a perfect set of customized services, because the time is limited, but it is the best so far, because this set of templates was purchased, and a rich man abroad asked someone to develop and customize it to meet his deceased relatives.

On Zhao Mingyang's side, he bought someone else's ready-made plan and then modified it, so he had to make molds, make AI face changes, and do various adaptations. The speed is really fast, but he can't do too much interaction and scene conversion.

If it is a private order, it is best for a team to go to Ren Jiani's hometown to record the material, restore it one by one, and even find those old neighbors to shoot video and sound recording material, but the project is too large and the time is limited.

Now the scene that Ren Jiani sees is infinitely close to reality, and there is also a video of the old lady of the Ren family in it, which was recorded by the old lady herself.

The dialogue between three people is actually a dialogue between two people plus a virtual elder brother with a psychological counseling plan.

Zhao Mingyang and the old lady were playing the video, and the old lady kept observing Ren Jiani's condition. An hour later, Ren Jiani was helped out of the room by the staff and took off her helmet.

At this time, she understood what it means to bring the dead back to life. Strictly speaking, Zhao Mingyang did it, and many of Ren Jiani's knots were also solved here, but it needed a course of treatment, and later she would wear a helmet and enter the virtual world for treatment.

Because Ren Jiani would not listen to what the doctor said, and would reject it, but she would listen to what her brother in the virtual world said, and she would not resist or refuse.

"Will brother always exist?" Ren Jiani looked at Zhao Mingyang weakly and asked.

"Yes, this can be done. At present, many companies are investing in the ai virtual robot. We are also developing this. AI virtual robot, strictly speaking, it is not data, but also a kind of life, which can move on its own. Learn and grow." A staff member came over and handed Ren Jiani a glass of water and said.

Zhao Mingyang didn't say anything, he could actually fool Ren Jiani into investing hundreds of millions or even more than one billion in this area. Κánδnu5.ζá

Regarding virtual robots, many companies and units later used AI to exchange faces to cheat subsidies and investment. In fact, it is similar to the chip scam back then, and many companies did not invest in research and development at all.

To be like AlphaGo, at present, there is only AlphaGo. AlphaGo can continue to learn and enhance, but it also requires continuous maintenance and upgrading. The final form is to create a one-to-one real-life model implantation chip.

This piece of r has been researching, and the cost price has dropped from the initial hundreds of thousands to 10,000+, and this type of robot is also defined as a companion robot, similar to the reality of virtual characters.

If Zhao Mingyang wanted to cheat Ren Jiani, he would set up a technology company himself, and then act as a comprador, get funds from Ren Jiani, and then find several top technology companies in the world to do outsourcing services to earn the middle price difference. customary means.

Zhao Mingyang can even take the road of virtual robots to cheat subsidies and investment now, but this is not the road Zhao Mingyang wants, as long as he goes this road, all his escape routes will be blocked.

Sometimes a lot of money is often easier to cheat than everyone thinks, but this kind of cheating will be done and who will die in the next few years. The main reason is that the whole people participated in the supervision. Many netizens stare at these scammers every day. The virtual robot ai The face-changing project was also a fraud discovered by netizens, and it was a project of a famous school. As a result, the subsidy in the later period was gone, but the subsidy in the early stage was at least astronomical.

This group of people still wants to use this method to continue defrauding subsidies, but unfortunately times have changed, and their deception has not changed.

Zhao Mingyang got up to leave, Ren Jiani's mother came, Zhao Mingyang and her looked at each other and nodded before leaving.

She came to take Ren Jiani home to see her grandma, and now what Ren Jiani needs more is the company of her family.

Zhao Mingyang sent a message to Ye Chuan. Ye Chuan did disclose Zhao Mingyang's information to Ren Jiani, but Zhao Mingyang also knew about it. He hesitated to choose Zhao Mingyang, after all Zhao Mingyang could give him actual benefits.

Zhao Mingyang deliberately asked Ye Chuan to disclose the news to Ren Jiani, where exactly on which day, Zhao Mingyang found someone to do this matter after contacting the old lady, and because of his rebirth, Zhao Mingyang knew that he could use VR technology to cooperate with psychological treatment. There were indeed people doing it during the period, but the cost was too high for ordinary people to bear, but Zhao Mingyang felt that the several million dollars was worth it.

These several million dollars were spent on the ten days of the domestic team. This group of people are basically serving this project. These people have an annual salary of several hundred million or tens of millions. Zhao Mingyang can accept a higher service fee, as long as the effect is good. That's fine.

Neither the old lady of the Ren family nor the Ren family would treat Zhao Mingyang badly. The most feared thing about this kind of big family is to owe favors, because their debts are too expensive. If they can pay back quickly, they will definitely pay Zhao Mingyang back quickly.

However, Zhao Mingyang will not take it lightly. The debt of favor must be used properly once, only once. Zhao Mingyang does not need it now, so he refuses all the care of the Ren family. This clothing cooperation is also a cooperation, not Zhao Mingyang's initiative. Zhao Mingyang It is very clear that the favor of the Ren family will definitely be used in the future, and this hole card cannot be used indiscriminately.

Looking at the time, it was already evening. Go home, take a shower and sleep. This day is really exhausting and exhausting. What seems to be going smoothly is due to Zhao Mingyang's preparations in advance.

Early the next morning, Zhao Mingyang got up early. He drove to the hospital to see Bu Fenjin and Gu Peng. After all, they were under his command. There was a conflict. Gu Man would not handle this matter, and Zhao Mingyang had to deal with it himself. deal with.

The two have been in the hospital for almost a week, and neither of them wants to be discharged. I am afraid that whoever is discharged first will bear the main responsibility. The police uncle can't mediate. I suggest that the two go to the judicial process to sue each other.

But they haven't been hospitalized yet, so it's not a big deal. The projects of the second group need people to do it, and the first group still has a lot of things to deal with. .kanδhu five.lá

The two did not meet the conditions for dismissal, which is a personal grievance, and the company can only come out for a second mediation and settlement. This is not considered a work-related injury, nor is it a conflict between the company and the employee. If they do not go to work, they meet the conditions for dismissal up.

Zhao Mingyang came to the hospital, carrying two fruit baskets in his hands, and was about to conduct a mediation on the company's side. Standing downstairs in the hospital's inpatient department, Zhao Mingyang suddenly remembered the past.

It is estimated that 90.00% of nine men do not know this secret. You know what I say next, so don't let other people know it.

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