Di Linaza has been very popular recently, especially male fans. She already has a support club. The number of fans of the support club members has exceeded 3, and more than a dozen QQ groups are all filled.

They have been opening new groups. In order to facilitate management and communication, Zhao Mingyang asked Li Yanqing to set up multiple websites, which are dedicated to the operation of Dilinaza.

For example, Dilinaza's news is updated every day, and Dilinaza's airborne fan group interaction, all fans can chat in a super large group, similar to the previous chat room, which is also a common method used by many idols.

How to enter the support club, in order to prevent the entry of the prostitute party, you need to buy an electronic poster of Dilinaza, which is worth ten yuan a copy, and the ten yuan is the admission fee. These 3 people bought ten yuan for real. Yuan Electronic Poster is an exclusive dynamic screen saver.

Mobile phone and computer ports are universal, this is also the way of wealth researched by Zhao Mingyang, fans are so easy to earn money, why invest in some physical products to cash in, just buy this kind of electronic dynamic map, and sell it in a package.

Zhao Mingyang also asked Di Linaza to record the sound of the alarm clock to wake up fans every day, and it only cost [-] yuan to get it.

The money from male fans is also easy to earn, just not so blatantly. The receiving account has been transferred to a card of Zhao Mingyang, which belongs to Zhao Mingyang's pocket money. Thanks to these male fans for their efforts, Zhao Mingyang can Frequent spending to buy a house will only make more and more money in the future, Zhao Mingyang plans to sell electronic posters every now and then.

As a reward for fan feedback, Zhao Mingyang plans to let Di Linaza live broadcast on his exclusive website, but without setting a reward, he just broadcasts the live broadcast and chats with fans, so that the group of people who pay to enter the venue can feel a little bit of happiness , not visible to other platforms.

Give the fans a meme when there is nothing to do during the live broadcast. I guess they have sweet dreams. When the time comes, they will produce a pendant exclusive to fans, and let the obligatory side produce it. The production price is 9 yuan, and Zhao Mingyang plans to sell it at 9 yuan.

In addition to Di Linaza's profit, Wang Chenbo is also about to make a profit.

Wang Chenbo's [Wang Fan]'s movie was also screened on Hong Kong Island. This kind of movie is released very quickly after filming, because it doesn't need too much publicity and preheating, just to make quick money.

Although it cannot be released in domestic theaters, many netizens have seen this masterpiece on the Internet.

His popularity has increased very quickly, especially in many groups, there are pictures of Wang Chenbo doing a hip twist dance, and then throwing off his shirt to reveal his abs with a silver smile.

Everyone called him the King of Ducks, and some called him Lord of the Rings, etc. In short, Wang Chenbo became popular, and his parents called him to scold him for embarrassment. His family is unfortunate and insulting to the family tradition. Don’t recognize him as a son. .

The classmates talked about him behind his back, and his friends asked him if he really went into battle by himself?

All this made Wang Chenbo want to go for plastic surgery and start a new life, especially when he saw people spreading his GIFs in several of his game friend groups, especially the expression of a GIF, which has surpassed Jin Jiang's teacher Hot Wheels expression.

Wang Chenbo, who first became popular with emoticons, now doesn't know whether he is a star or not.

All of the following on my social account are: See Duck King.

Some were even more exaggerated, the content of the comment was: Who doesn't know the Lord of the Rings, a pair of skillful hands lead the waves.

This Nima is too much, I took a bit of a scale, but it's not that big.

Why do you say this about yourself? He has a lot of male and female fans now, and a public relations company asked him if he would take private orders. A wealthy woman wanted to see if he was as powerful as in the movie, so she directly offered 50 Ten thousand.

To be honest, Wang Chenbo was moved, 50, this is really 50 a day.

But he can't, he wants to be an actor. There is a saying that you can't make money without a bottom line, but you can earn more without a bottom line. The main reason is that Wang Chenbo made some inquiries. It is said that the actor who promised the rich woman, Several oral cavity ulcers, this damn, dare not make money, it is poisonous.

After thinking about it, Wang Chenbo felt that he should stick to the bottom line.

Now he dare not meet people from the past, he is afraid that others will look at him strangely.

Even his ex-girlfriend sent messages to scold him. It was unlucky to have dated him. Now we all know that her ex-boyfriend is a duck, a new generation of duck king.

Wang Chenbo is really entangled, what should he do, won't he be the same as Mr. Jin Jiang in the future?Is everything played by the character of Invincible Hot Wheels?

Soon, Zhao Mingyang helped Wang Chenbo run an operation, gave him some dignity and came back, and for Mr. Art's Wang Chenbo, these few were posted everywhere on various platforms.

But most people don’t like this at all. You’re just making a small movie, but how can you say that Wang Chenbo is now an adjective, are you stronger than Wang Chenbo?Have you been coquettish, have you ever been coquettish with Wang Chenbo?Anyone who doesn't know Lord of the Rings dares to turn the Yellow River upside down.

Seeing the popularity, Zhao Mingyang hurriedly struck while the iron was hot. Taking advantage of the fact that Tanmei dramas were still allowed to be filmed, he let him shoot them directly. In the end, Wang Chenbo asked someone to give him the nickname Wang Jin, because such dramas would basically be removed from the shelves after all. After all, they did not conform to the values. Why did the boy's brotherhood change, and they miss each other's body.

No matter what, with the traffic, he has more traffic than many people. Zhao Mingyang asked him to update the social platform every day and post photos every day. It was a random photo with a paragraph of text.

Zhao Mingyang hired a professional copywriting team to help him write the copywriting. Let people know that he still has literary talents, which will help him break away from his previous personality, but it will take a cycle. Everyone thinks he is pretending in a day or two, but three or five month, insisting on it every day.

As long as there is a copywriting sentence or paragraph of text that becomes popular, he can transform into a male artist with knowledge, depth and literary talent.

There will also be new topics, vulgarity is elegance, such a talented person makes that kind of film, either he really wants to break through himself and try art, or he has hidden secrets, or he has no other choice, and it will arouse people's daydream.

Wang Chenbo is now concentrating on reading the script that Zhao Mingyang gave him every day. Now he needs another actor to act opposite him, and also to join Meng Xiaoxian. Zhao Mingyang decided to invest in this film himself, and take the route of online drama, called "A Little Addiction".

Originally, I wanted to follow the ancient style route, but the ancient style route was not popular at this time, and I was afraid that the investment would be in vain. Urban dramas, especially urban school dramas, were popular during this period. Zhao Mingyang decided to make an urban drama for stability.

It tells about the super friendship between two college students, all relying on their eyes to show indescribable things, that kind of forbearing love will definitely attract many girls fans, in fact, fans of danmei dramas are basically female fans, just like if a The drama is full of girls giving each other glances, and boys also like to watch it...


Early the next morning, Zhao Mingyang drove to the shooting location early.

Zhao Mingyang was wearing a pair of sunglasses, a white three-quarter-sleeved shirt, the Patek Philippe watch that Liu Bingbing gave him, and a pair of blue jeans with a pair of white sneakers on his lower body.

It looks like a casual business style. Fortunately, I am wearing a shirt. The seaside is still very cold in the morning.

But in a shirt, it feels just right.I called Di Linaza's agent, and the other party quickly ran over to help Zhao Mingyang carry things, and led Zhao Mingyang into the shooting location. There was a fenced area guarded by special personnel. A group of security guards looked like big and three rough , very sturdy.

The main reason is that I am afraid that fans will come over, which will affect the progress of the filming.

You must know that if you miss a state, you need to take multiple reshoots to find the best state. What is wasted is not the time of one person, but the time of a group of people.

Lighting engineer, prop artist, costume artist, make-up artist, photographer, general manager, etc., so many people really hate celebrities who play big names and are late and leave early. Wait a few hours.

"Mr. Zhao, are you thirsty? I'll get you a bottle of water." The manager said flatteringly.

She had already inquired about it. Ning Dongsheng was the boss, but this Zhao Mingyang was probably the big boss, because every time he went to Daotian Entertainment, Ning Dongsheng would usually meet him in person. He might be a child of a certain family.

"No, I'll just take a look at Di Linaza's current situation. I just found you here when I came here, so I came to visit the class." Zhao Mingyang and the female manager said as they walked,

The female manager personally held an umbrella for Zhao Mingyang, but Zhao Mingyang was a head taller than her, so she struggled very hard and walked with her hands raised.

"No need, I'm not a girl, nor a big star, it's weird for you to hold an umbrella for me." Zhao Mingyang said holding two big plastic bags, and asked the female agent to put away the umbrella, this guy has a way of flattering of.

"Okay Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, you just came here. After the shooting, Nana and I invite you to eat local special snacks. They taste delicious."

"Let's talk about it, what is Di Linaza's main business recently?" Zhao Mingyang asked.

"It's mainly about make-up, clothing, games and other endorsement shooting. It's still mainly endorsement, but this is not a long-term development. If you can participate in film and television dramas and produce music, you can also increase commercial performances.

Now it is impossible to participate in commercial performances, because there are no works. "The female manager Zhao Mingyang understands, and wants to help Di Linaza get some resources. After all, she can get a commission on Di Linaza's income.

Accepting advertising endorsements, this is actually a one-time income, which is only a few a year, and the company helped to pick it up in the early stage, so there is basically no commission for this female agent. The commission is high, especially the announcement she introduced to Di Linaza, the commission is even higher.

But Di Linazha has no work now, so she can't accept any commercial performances. There must be a film and television drama or a song, and she can also accept more commercial performances. She and Ning Dongsheng have reflected on this matter, but Ning Dongsheng Said that there is no suitable opportunity at present, so I can only wait.

Zhao Mingyang saw Di Linaza, she was wearing a pink bikini running on the beach, Zhao Mingyang seemed to see the scene of two planets shaking, her white and tender jade feet were running on the beach, and her pair of long white jade-like legs The legs can reflect the light.

With this body proportion, Zhao Mingyang had to say, why would someone give up everything for a beauty.

It just looks like a blessing, she is really suitable for modern clothes, and she takes the international route, and the male staff next to her are all about to cry.

Zhao Mingyang looked at Di Linaza, and what he saw was not beauty at all, but money.

A walking money printing machine, as long as she works hard, Zhao Mingyang can struggle less.

She can make hundreds of millions, even more than a billion, for Zhao Mingyang, this is money, and Meng Xiaoxian, they will make money for themselves like Qiu Shuhong sooner or later.

After all, they are all their own migrant workers. What kind of boss do migrant workers love most?It must be close, unassuming, and give them happiness. Zhao Mingyang thinks that he can meet the standards of a good boss and give employees unlimited happiness...

Di Linaza suddenly saw Zhao Mingyang, and she stopped running instantly.

That's really looking back and smiling and really pouring all sentient beings, she was smiling at Zhao Mingyang.

Both the photographer and the director were dumbfounded, this is so fucking beautiful, it's amazing the beauty of time.

The director was not willing to stop, because she looked back and smiled beautifully, and it was the finishing touch, a just-right pause.

"Okay! Rest meeting, thank you Nana, I came here early in the morning to step on the spot, take a break, and we are filming one to protect one." The director shouted with a loudspeaker.

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