, rebirth to buy a real estate certificate for a few hundred catties

The senior management of Lingshi Palace directly made appointments with various platforms, and the location was in a hotel in the imperial capital.

This time, it also reminded Lingshi Palace that everyone is already very dissatisfied with Lingshi Palace.

Because of the existence of the monopoly of Empty Bottle Media, other companies can't get in, so they can only pay Empty Bottle Media's protection fee.

After all, Lingshi Palace is a unicorn company, so it quickly came up with a plan.

I came up with a plan to split shares into stock replacement, and reached an agreement with various platforms. Empty Bottle Media released shares, and released 49% of the shares to other companies for purchase at one time.

But in contrast, other companies have to release a certain amount of shares to Empty Bottle Media. In this way, everyone is a community, and there is no other choice, or continue to fight.

At most, Lingshi Palace will re-create an empty bottle media, and empty bottle media is only an industrial chain of Lingshi Palace, and if the various media platforms are gone, it will be difficult to think about it.

However, behind these media platforms, there are other unicorn companies who have invested in shares. Now that several unicorns are talking, they can also support several platforms again.

These media platforms only became bargaining chips in the end, and other companies did not want to follow the practice of empty bottle media.

Because of this, in the end Empty Media continues to be the leader, and other unicorn companies still have no say. Other unicorn companies let Empty Media give up 70.00% of the shares instead of 40.00%.

As long as Empty Bottle Media releases 70.00% of its shares, Lingshi Palace is indeed not the largest shareholder, and other companies can unite.

And these unicorn companies are all Internet companies, and they did have money during this period, such as dog factories, cat factories, goose factories, fox factories, pig farms, bear paw factories, etc.

These Internet companies all know how important the right to speak on the Internet is to them, because their ultimate goal is to build an Internet empire. .

After a few discussions, they decided to purchase the shares of Empty Bottle Media at 5000 million shares. Empty Bottle Media would definitely not agree, as the price offered was too low.

Moreover, these companies want to use equity replacement, that is, to replace with some of their industrial equity and empty bottle media, but this kind of thing is too watery, it is okay to fool people who do not know how to do it, but Lingshi Palace does not take this kind of thing.

For example, the pig farm spins off one of its subsidiaries to go public. Before the listing, the data must be done beautifully. After the listing, the market value may easily exceed [-] billion. Breaking [-] billion is not difficult for these Internet giants and some behind-the-scenes meal operators. .

The difficulty is that a company with a market value of over [-] billion, or trillion, trades some junk stocks for Empty Bottle Media?Today's market value of tens of billions may be cut in half tomorrow.

Empty Bottle Media is a real industry, belonging to a complex of multiple media, and has been in operation for nearly 20 years, with a very large initial investment.

How could Empty Bottle Media not know about the calculations of these companies? If Empty Bottle Media can be listed, the market value will exceed 600 billion in minutes, and the market value of [-] billion will not be difficult, or even [-] billion.

Because the scope of business and business benefits, market prospects, and competitive advantages are not lower than a company with a market value of [-] billion yuan.

Because of the industry monopoly of empty bottle media, as well as its prospects and sustainable profitability, these are all its value.Gu Kou

Fearing that a company is worthless, Lingshigong originally wanted to sell 6000 shares for 49 million shares. This was the biggest concession, but what Lingshigong wanted was real cash purchases.

Just kidding, buying in cash, others definitely disagree,

So if you don’t agree, don’t talk if you don’t agree. Others also know that Empty Bottle Media doesn’t want to decentralize power at all, so they block it and limit its flow.

Raise the platform advertising promotion fee to see who can spend more in the end.

That is to say, Empty Bottle Media will find these platforms for promotion in the future, and the price will be much higher than before. It is likely that the price will be similar to that of some individuals looking for platform promotion. The platforms are ready to fight on their own and cultivate their own marketing companies.

In addition, the accounts of Empty Bottle Media will be restricted, and some marketing accounts may be banned and restricted from publishing information on these platforms.

This is a catastrophe for Empty Bottle Media. Of course, Lingshi Palace also has its own other cards, which is to bypass the platform and find some individual accounts to cooperate with. Some of these platforms dare not block accounts that they dare not offend.

Most of these accounts are former TV stations and newspapers, and they all have great backgrounds. They just want to use their accounts to help promote something, and give them the money that was previously given to the platform.

But this is not a good choice, unless it is a last resort, Lingshi Palace does not want to do this, so it is completely stuck in the neck.

If Lingshigong was so easily destroyed, it would not be a unicorn company, and Empty Bottle Media would not be a leading company in this industry if it was so easily destroyed.

Zhao Mingyang knew that Lingshi Palace already had a backup, but she didn't expect that the backup would choose him.

Li Manni called Zhao Mingyang and asked him and Gu Man to go to the imperial capital tomorrow.

Zhao Mingyang was very confused. He knew that his performance this time would definitely attract the attention of the company's senior management, but he didn't expect to go to the headquarters, which was beyond his expectation.

This matter was resolved in two hours, not because Zhao Mingyang is so good, but because the capital behind it reached an agreement, a temporary ceasefire, and in the future, it is estimated that they will work on their own, and the empty bottle media can't think of any benefits, but the disadvantage is that each The traffic of the home will be reduced, and the price for manufacturers to find operations in the future will be higher than before, because they need to be launched on one platform by one.

Gu Man was overjoyed when he heard the news that Zhao Mingyang said. The two were in Gu Man's office. Gu Man hugged Zhao Mingyang and said happily: "I made the right bet, and I knew you would be able to do it. If you It’s not good at this age, and it’s basically not going to be good in the future.”

"What do you mean? You haven't tried whether I can do it or not." Zhao Mingyang said.

"What I'm saying is that if you want to get to the top quickly, you must take advantage of your youth. The elites in Lingshi Palace have basically reached financial freedom at the age of 30. Many of them go to university at the age of 16. It is not uncommon for them to graduate at the age of 23. There is a 25-year-old Ph.D., there is a gathering of talents. If you don’t study in graduate school or Ph.D., those people must have super high business ability. I know a woman who got a 21 million business order at the age of 2000. , and then all the way to hang up, at the age of 27, he has already become the general manager of a subsidiary company.

Unlike me, it is still a branch of a subsidiary company. The gap is too big. You are as good as them. Support and decentralization, but I want to remind you, don't think you are awesome now.

There are 80 or 20 people in the headquarters of Lingshi Palace like yours. There are [-] people, all of whom are not much different in age from you and come from all over the world, so don’t be embarrassed when you go there. "

"I didn't say I was going to work there. I'll go and have a look tomorrow. People might criticize me for taking actions without authorization. In short, don't worry, I won't forget to give you happiness when I have money to buy a set. We are on the same ship," Zhao Mingyang said.

"You speak really well. Your Chinese teacher must be very pleased to have a student like you who can use words and make sentences so well. How about you be happy now?" Gu Man looked at her with affectionate eyes and didn't pay attention. She really did Glad, she knew what it meant this time, it meant that she was going to break through the bottleneck.

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