Zhao Mingyang has not been in a hurry to touch this part of the live broadcast, why?Because this piece of Zhao Mingyang wants to make an industrial chain, not rush to make money.To put it bluntly, live streaming may be the only point where Zhao Mingyang can guarantee profitability in the next ten years, and Zhao Mingyang can no longer see the rest of the market, because he has entered the bottleneck period of the entire industry.Whether it is games, social communications, online shopping and other Internet industries, including offline real estate, hotels, catering, etc., this period has basically formed a monopoly market in various fields in the past one or two years.Some monopolies cannot be broken. If this cannot be broken, the money Zhao Mingyang earns now will be exhausted very quickly. Don't look at Zhao Mingyang's current projects that are very profitable. Earn some to make up for the borrowing and corporate consumption and losses in the previous field.Zhao Mingyang seems to have made a lot of money from doing wechat business, but the money he invested in the early stage was from Jifeng Automobile, Madou Clothing, and the 271 million li from the Xu family. , The offline layout also includes the factory's pre-order deposit advance.The money earned by micro-businesses has to fill the holes in the previous capital chain. This is why giant companies can go bankrupt in an instant. They must continue to operate and cannot stop. If an industry continues to lose money, if a project occupies cash If the flow is too large, it can drag down the entire enterprise in an instant.Later, everyone also saw that some seemingly awesome companies can go bankrupt for this reason. The most direct one is Boss Jia’s company. At the beginning, his idea of ​​the ecological chain was not wrong at all. Later, everyone also saw that someone Said he hated cattle and thought ahead.However, there have been companies doing this for a long time, but there are few domestic ones, and some foreign companies have been doing it all the time, but they have a continuous supply of small-scale trial and error, and there is a trial and error rate.To put it simply, the fruit mobile phone has been in the ecological chain, but its model is to ensure that the mobile phone has reached the leading position, and then slowly make earphones, TVs, and wearable products. These are industries with small investment, and they are used by themselves The system is to continuously optimize the system to be compatible with more products, and it has not left the Ontology business.Fruit Phone has never dared to step up its pace to make some products across fields. They have been working on cars for many years, but they only invest a small part of it every year to ensure that most of the funds are invested in existing industries. If the mobile phone wants to surpass, it must come up with something practical to stabilize its market position.I found that everyone in the market is almost the same, and there is no opponent who can subvert the industry, so I squeeze toothpaste and release it bit by bit. I don’t take out the good things first, and keep it for the future mobile phone market. I will invest a little bit in other fields. Testing the waters.This model is also used by Ah Xing. Ah Xing has produced many products. The ecological chain of Moumi is actually the same as Ah Xing. He can do everything, try it first, and cut it off if it doesn’t work, but it will not affect the main industry. .But Boss Jia collapsed. His main industry is video websites, but his company is neither the leader nor the only choice for users, and can only occupy a quarter or even a fifth of the market share of domestic video websites.But you have to know that those video websites of his opponents are just a branch business of Dachang, such as Goose Factory Video, Du Niang’s 30.00, Ali’s Youtu, etc.Boss Jia’s mistake is that he didn’t do a solid job in the main industry. All the money was invested in the ecological chain, mobile phones, and TVs. For 100 units, if you order 30.00 million units from the foundry, even a [-]% deposit will ruin the company.Not to mention building cars, even though this is the investor's money, the money here is also the money of his own business. In this way, all the money is put in other industries. Quickly surpassing and replacing the share, it collapsed instantly.

Including Mou Ning, who wants to do both offline and online, and wants to engage in sports and build cars and houses, but Mou Ning is not the only one offline, and has not achieved industry monopoly. What he faces online is cats and dogs. Home, most of the money is used to invest in other industries. Once dispersed, the basic market is actually weakened by self-play.Zhao Mingyang is actually a bubble right now. What he wants to learn from is Lao Wang. Make a framework for the product project and sell it quickly. It is his own to return the funds. Otherwise, Zhao Mingyang will die miserably. He thought that with so much money, no one would Will you trouble him?He has to build the frame first, like that unicorn doll, sell them all and find another buyer to take over. It has nothing to do with him whether the next buyer dies or not, he has to preserve his strength first.Including Madou, the Ye family wanted to acquire several times, and Zhao Mingyang continued to expand, just to sell at a high price, and soon, Zhao Mingyang's Madou clothing would also be sold.There is also Jifeng Automobile, at a high position, Zhao Mingyang will not hesitate to sell it, including the n online celebrity products operated by Weishang, Zhao Mingyang will first raise funds, and then continue to sell, in fact, Zhao Mingyang does not miss any of such a big stall , he knew that these futures might drag him to death, so he might as well make a move first.What companies need to learn is to reduce holdings and do subtraction. If a company keeps adding projects and doing additions, the only purpose is to show investors, shareholders and the market, such companies are more dangerous, and they will increase risks for themselves .Zhao Mingyang is a reborn person. Of course he knows that more industries have the advantages of more industries, but the blood supply chain must be strong. Find a continuous blood supply chain. From the current point of view, it is a live broadcast.This is the general trend of the next ten years, but live broadcasting, if you want to do it for a long time, you have to make it commercialized.At the beginning, Zhao Mingyang planned to be an m-net celebrity company, but then he thought, no, it would be too risky for him to do that, and he had to treat this as his own business.This is also the first time that Zhao Mingyang has personally started his own company. Daotian Entertainment still relies on the experience and foundation of Empty Bottle Media and Longqing Entertainment.He was the first to enter the game. During this period, there were no companies to do some things. Instead of corporatization, he did business. The gap between the two is not small.Zhao Mingyang hired a large number of staff, all of whom are not live broadcasters, but data analysts. Many of them are graduates of data analysis majors, and some of them are graduates of law majors.Zhao Mingyang gave them enough preferential treatment, such as including food and housing, and their monthly salary was 30.00% higher than that of the same industry.After Zhao Mingyang found this group of people, he gave them a task. As an anchor, you have to be clear before doing it, otherwise it may be difficult for you to do it. That is to figure out the rules of the platform.Many people don't know why no one watches their own live broadcast?The first point is the violation. If you violate the rules of the platform, the platform will automatically limit your traffic. For example, you can’t say more or even say some words. If you say it once, your traffic will automatically decrease.It means that the platform will reduce the pushes for you to be seen by others, so Zhao Mingyang will sort out all the illegal vocabulary on each platform, and then tell the anchor, let the anchor memorize, which words cannot appear, and even arrange a live broadcast team to give reminders.There is another point that many anchors don’t know, that is, those manufacturers that cooperate with the platform, you can’t say bad things about the cooperative manufacturers. I can see it, even being temporarily blocked for seven days, this information is only available after the anchors know it, otherwise there will be no traffic.Because only by ensuring that the flow is not limited, can the maximum benefit of live broadcast be achieved.There is also the issue of scale. Zhao Mingyang has also studied this issue. It is based on the number of fans of the anchor, not all the anchors have the same scale, and Super Management basically cannot directly deal with a big anchor, unless it is automatically judged by the system, otherwise When Chaoguan sees that the big anchor has violated the regulations, it will remind it first, and if the reminder fails, it will be upgraded and reported for processing.The third and most important point is that the host

There are two types of direct income for streamers, online rewards, depending on how each platform divides, it is generally 500% or [-]%, but if it is a big streamer, then you can negotiate with the platform about the percentage.Another way is to bring goods. Generally, anchors don’t bring whatever they want to bring. They must give priority to merchants who cooperate with the platform. The platform will have an internal group that will give anchors martial arts. How much is the commission for an order? Depending on the amount of fans, some small anchors can only get commission income, while big anchors will pay [-] or even hundreds of thousands of labor fees plus commissions for a product.Zhao Mingyang had to figure out the rules in the early stage, and the market is relatively large and stable. The game market is stable, but the probability of rewards from Shenhao is low.And the place where Shenhao haunts is basically inseparable from a key point, "vindictiveness".And this vindictiveness is most likely driven by the anchor. Playing PK is one kind, and the other is jealousy in the beauty live broadcast room. What kind of beauty will make big brothers jealous?It must be different from other female anchors, in addition to being coquettish and cute, she also needs to be able to drive the atmosphere and have memory points. Zhao Mingyang has marked all these homework.This time he was going to try it out first. There was a professional photography team, a lighting team, and a reminder team. This reminder team tried to remind Zhao Mingyang not to say anything, and reminded him how to respond.What Zhao Mingyang wants to create is a stable live broadcast room, similar to a TV station's screening room, to create a few IPs, and work out a whole set of plans that will make people spend money.After these were formulated, Zhao Mingyang began to organize his work.He first needs to create an account, which is skillful. The platform that Zhao Mingyang chose is relatively popular, and it was also the first to do online and offline. Later, many anchors jumped over from this platform.This platform is a mixed bag at this time, and the main business is still games, but it has already left the game. In fact, it is funny to say that the anchors who have not risen on this platform have become popular on other platforms.In fact, the popularity of these anchors is not low at this time, and the viewing volume is very high, but the platform cannot give them more traffic, because the platform positioning is the game, but soon their sponsor father found them for them. way out.A certain hand appeared, and a certain hand, a certain fish, and a certain tooth all had a golden father, yes, it was the fat goose. This goose can be said to be the richest animal in the animal world today.Zhao Mingyang aimed at a live broadcast room, a live broadcast room of a social elder brother. Don't underestimate this kind of social elder brother's live broadcast room. It is very easy to attract people. It is easy to have more than [-] people in the live broadcast room. It's no less than the existence of a beauty studio.The main reason why Zhao Mingyang aimed at this live broadcast room was that Zhao Mingyang had observed it. The anchor had more than [-] fans, and what Zhao Mingyang aimed at was the person's dress and conversation, including the background of the live broadcast and the style of the daily live broadcast. He's a braggart, ready to attack him.A blogger named [Black Triangle Dragon Brother] is live broadcasting in the live broadcast room. There are more than [-] viewers watching in the live broadcast room. I don’t know the exact number of people, because many live broadcast platforms click to enter And come out, such repeated clicks are counted as the number of viewers and times.There are those who specialize in counting the number of viewers and times for anchors, and those who specialize in counting likes and comments.In fact, live broadcasting is text and video, but the requirement is lower than that of text creators. The low point is that there is no need for too many rhetorical techniques and language organization, because if text creators do not write well, they will not even have a chance to stand out.This is the advantage of live broadcasting, because there are never as many people who read books as those who like to watch movies and TV dramas. Movies and TV dramas are intuitive feelings, so you don’t need to think too much, and you won’t encounter uncommon words or fail to understand the meaning of words. Directly give the audience the first feedback, the language is direct and the meaning is clear, so the rise of live broadcast and short video is inevitable

It is inevitable that the income of short video bloggers can reach tens of billions, because they are the entertainment stars of the new era.The income of celebrities has always been high. The main reason is that there are many consumer groups. Consumers buy it, and money owners like it, because celebrities are the most direct and intuitive existence, and are the easiest to be directly understood by the public.The second is athletes. Don’t think that scholars and scientists also have such income and attention. It’s impossible. If you like a person and follow a project, you can only like it if you know it. The most simple and direct understanding of stars is that they look good and sing well.Concerned about science and literature?It requires long-term accumulation and learning to understand the surface. The audience is small, and it is impossible to earn the same income as the large audience. Unless scientists develop something that can be used by the public, they can make a lot of money. , Otherwise, it is impossible for celebrities to make huge profits.Just like the current man with a fierce face, his facial features look like a social person, with a big head and a thick neck, wearing a big gold chain, a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, and a row of tattoos on his neck. The live broadcast is not so strict, and many people with tattoos can be exposed.This big social brother is talking about his glorious fighters, how he singled out a dozen people, let a dozen people kneel down and sing conquest to him, and talked about how he was in the past. His name is no one in the black triangle. I don't know that everyone knows it, from 99 to just walking, no one doesn't know his name, Brother Long.He also told how thrilling it was that he took a hundred people to fight with Qiao Laosi from the next province. In short, he bragged himself to the sky, even if Huaqiang met him, he would sing Conquer to him. When Haonan saw him You have to obediently light a cigarette for him. (

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