Han Wuxing and the others are like birds in a cage. The wives feel that life is boring, and suddenly something interesting happens, and they are looking for fun to tease this group of people.

Why did Zhao Mingyang let Gu Man infiltrate the wives in Shencheng?It's not just those simple things, there is another layer of intention in it, for another move in the future.

If I tell you that this group of people has a deeper meaning, maybe you will understand that this group of ladies is a small United Nations, do you know?

not understand?

To put it simply, there are many rich wives here in Shencheng. You don’t know why she is so rich, because most people don’t understand their family affairs, but they are rich. Money, don't say you have power in the imperial capital.

Shencheng and the Imperial Capital are actually new and old.Expensive in two forms.

And the group of people who opened their mouths and kept their mouths shut, I am Lord Baylor and Ge Ge have already been kicked out.

Don't talk about the imperial capital, just talk about Shencheng, what is the price of Shencheng?

It was the nobles of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in the early days, such as the nobles of Suzhou City, the nobles of Hangzhou, and the nobles of Jiangsu and Zhejiang gathered in Shanghai. This group of people can be traced back to the late Qing Dynasty.

This group of people was a group of businessmen in the late Qing Dynasty, and earned tens of thousands of money in the early Republic of China. This group of people was also the first group of people to communicate with foreign countries, and the first group of people to send their children to study abroad.

During this period, this group of people broke free from the shackles of the feudal dynasty system, came into contact with the game of capital, and quickly adapted to the arrival of the new era.

Once a person who has been locked in a cage for a long time breaks free from the cage, no one knows what will be released. Whether it is a scourge or a docile lamb is a matter of thought.

This group of people is a group of scourges that came out of the cage. They have grasped a few key points in time. First of all, they are married. History has also confirmed this point. Many families have a large number of people.

For example, many well-known figures, in the end, the public discovered that they were actually members of a big family.

This is the first breakthrough that year, that is, the breakthrough of the right family at that time.

In ancient times, there was a theory of the four peoples, namely scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen. Who was considered the most noble in ancient times?

Ranked first is the scholar. The scholar refers to the group of people above the court and inside the yamen and scholars. This kind of person has the highest status because they have mastered knowledge and are managers and wise men.

The second highest ranking is the peasants, who provide food, drink and clothing, so peasants have been ranked very high since ancient times.

The third-ranked craftsmen are craftsmen, shoe repairers, masons, blacksmiths, etc., that is, craftsmen with special skills, which are also of high social value.

And the bottom of the ranking is the businessman, who is the most looked down upon by people. In ancient times, people like businessmen were considered too bad, and it was not advisable to be opportunistic. What did businessmen pay special attention to?Businessmen pay attention to interests, so many industries directly do not allow businessmen and their descendants to be eligible to join.

For example, in ancient times, businessmen and merchants were not allowed to take the imperial examination. Li Bai could not take the imperial examination because of this, because he was a businessman, and taking the examination was in violation of the law.

So at that time, the right family refers to the right family of the scholar class. It is difficult for ordinary businessmen to leapfrog, but this model is basically the same in Europe, America and even other monarchy regions. Don’t think that only our businessmen are like this, and other regions are also like this. Doing it in such a way.

Especially in Europe and the United States, there are various kings, queens, princes and princesses, many royal families, and various titles. This group of people was the most noble at that time, and businessmen were still considered to be glib, opportunistic, and only seeking profit.

What was the period when businessmen really broke the rules?It was a hundred years ago that businessmen all over the world really bypassed many rules and restrictions during this period, because many monarchy dynasties caused by the two wars were shattered.

In the past, many businessmen in Europe and the United States were actually only rich, and their status was still not recognized. Wealth and social status are two different things.

And a hundred years ago, it was just a word chaos at that time, but this chaos gave businessmen a chance to break through the class, marriage!

That's right, it was a marriage. In that era, warlords fought in melee. Many military strategists in modern times were rarely royal nobles. Most of them were born from grassroots and families that were better than ordinary people.

Simply put, history has been reshuffled and entered a new era, an era that has never existed before.

This gives the businessman a chance, why didn't he have this chance before?What was lacking in the past is the interoperability of the world. The interoperability of the world is as if you were playing in one game service area, and there was only one area. No matter how you play, you can only play here.

It suddenly tells you that there are dozens of service areas, and you can re-register your account to play in any service area. This is an opportunity, dozens of opportunities, without being trapped by a service area.

This is everything that history has created, and no one can change it. Thousands of years of history have been broken at this point in time.

Where is the node that breaks this history?It's America.

The United States has only a history of more than 200 years, and before that, apart from the aborigines, the largest group was a group of people who had fled there, and there was also a group of slaves who were forced to work at a very low level.

To put it simply, there was no monarchy in the United States before, and most of them were the back garden of a group of British nobles. Afterwards, because of the continuous increase in taxes, these people in the United States couldn't bear it and quit.

As for Hua Zi, who had served in the army, everyone is familiar with it, and the country of America has also changed because of him. He is also the key figure who led the country out of British control, and the first president of the country of America.

But this is a turning point in history and a turning point for businessmen.

Hua Zi's ancestors were the first batch of businessmen who ran from England to the United States to do business, and they really made money. They became slave owners of large manors in the United States. Their family owned up to tens of thousands of acres of land.

At that time, Huazi really wanted to go to Daying to get a part-time job, but at that time there was a lot of carrots and pits in Daying, and there was no place for him, so he couldn't get in with his status. But then his brother passed away unfortunately, and he inherited the family inheritance and During his brother's military post, Huazi actively participated in many battles, and it can be said that he has been defeated repeatedly. In other words, the battles he participated in have been defeated repeatedly.

After the war, Hua Zi used to use his years of work experience to get a regular worker and become a decent regular worker in Great Britain. Although he inherited his brother's position before, it was equivalent to labor dispatch without any real value. Rejecting his application again, saying he has a record of surrender, is a bit ugly.

In a fit of anger, Huazi returned to his own manor and became his master at ease. At a ball, Huazi met a single mother who had two children and her husband passed away. Later they got together, and the single mother passed away. In the end, only more than 7000 acres of land were left for the three of them. What is the concept?A football field is about 1.7 acres, equivalent to 1 football fields.

Someone said that Huazi fell in love with each other because of his wealth, Huazi vetoed it on the spot, this is love, it is love!

Huazi’s values ​​have changed during this period. If you have more than 2 acres of land, maybe you will also change. How many slaves do you have?This is much better than trying to get a regular job before.

The [-] mu of fertile land left by his family and the huge land of his newlywed wife, everything in the [-] football fields belongs to him, everywhere he sees, including female labor slaves. Some of the lace past.

Hua Zi in this period is already considered a small lord. It can be said that he really understands what is happiness and what is the pinnacle of life. Small difference is much stronger.

But the economy in Daying is not good, and there is no money. Over there, I found that Huazi, you are living a good life, very good. You have money, and you have to increase taxes by ten times.

Huazi saw it, I'll fuck it, it's fine if I don't give me a regular job quota, are you still thinking about my wealth?

No, if I give it to you, my happiness will be gone.

Huazi discussed with rich people from thirteen states in the United States. We have money and people, and we can buy what we lack. I have been a military officer. Anyway, I don’t want to be the same as before. Take it away, what do you think?

Others think, Huazi, you are a cowhide, you take the lead first, you are the only person here who has actual combat experience, you go first, we support you spiritually, supply you financially, and give you people if you need them, but Let's wait and see.

As soon as Huazi heard it, it’s ok, just go up, but he didn’t expect it to be done, so he led people to fight with Daying. It can be said that he has been defeated repeatedly, and he has a surrender history. One can imagine his record at the beginning.

But history is full of variables. When Huazi was about to fail, businessmen from other regions brought people here. Many European businessmen joined to support Huazi, and some warlords also joined to support him. This group of people mainly Look at Hua Zimeng, you are about to succeed, don't we group of businessmen and those who have no background to start their own businesses are going to change history.

There is also a group of people who want to leave the UK. At that time, they basically had to do things according to Ying’s face. If they want to get rich and take the risky road, Huazi took the lead anyway. We all arranged for the militia to go out.

Unexpectedly, there are more and more people joining here. Huazi saw that it would be unscientific if I didn't win this wave.

As a result, Huazi turned around. Before, businessmen from other states in the United States only paid money and people. Seeing Huazi’s wave of 666, hurry up and stud, and advance and retreat with Huazi, betting on Huazi. This is another Let Huazi become even more powerful.

This time, it was actually a group of what everyone called a group of money-smelling businessmen and big landlords. Apart from being rich, they also had people in their hands.

But this group of people also worked for them because of money, not obeying their assignments, let alone being loyal to them, which is the most typical employment relationship, you give me money, I will fight for you, no one is fighting for, purely For money, how much money is given, how much effort is given, a typical group of people who work in troubled times and wars in prosperous times.

The United States has won, what is behind the victory?It is this land, this land is not owned by Huazi alone, it was established by a group of rich people in Europe and America, and each state has its own group of landowners.

No one is the boss here, there are benefits, you can buy what you don’t have, anyway, if you have money, you are afraid that the royal family of other emperors will miss this place in the future, so hurry up and buy some sense of security, what is the most important thing?talent.

Then give money to cultivate talents and spend money to buy them. During this period, changes have taken place again. What changes?There are too many immigrants, and most of them are businessmen, so there will be conflicts of interests. There are only so many interests, how to get the most benefits?popular support.

It has already left the earliest era of labor slaves, so each family began to package, first packaged itself as a good person, and then started various packaging, after several changes.

The United States has formed a real capitalist country, which is actually completely different from the royal family in the past.

This is why the United States was denounced as a warmonger in the end, making war money. This place is ruled by unprofitable businessmen who can do anything for the sake of profit. This is also the reason why the United States became notorious later. No feelings for family and country, no empathy, double standards, extreme egoism, ugly food...

In fact, the United States has never changed. For example, Gates, who bought land like crazy, is said to be a big landlord. He is a group of big landlords, but he can package himself.

And during this period, some businessmen on our side also noticed signs of it.

Among the group of people who returned from studying abroad in the late Qing Dynasty were descendants of businessmen, they learned how to play capital, and the world broke a barrier a hundred years ago, that is marriage.


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