The Myth of Fortune Through Time

Chapter 103 The treatment due to a genius

Seeing that He Shaojun lost his composure in shock, Wu Dazhi felt apprehensive, but sooner or later the Investment Banking Department will discover Su Zui's talent, and it is better to admit it frankly than to be exposed by others.

In this way, Su Xing has the favor of recommending him, and Su Xing must accept this love.

It was very quiet in the office.

After a while, He Shaojun said: "Xiao Wu, the company has a system for recommending talents, so you don't need to belittle yourself like this."

He has been a manager for half his life, and he has never seen anyone do this.

Wu Dazhi smiled wryly and said, "Mr. He, Xinchao Software is indeed operated by Xiao Su. If you don't believe me, ask the other members of the three groups."

How is it possible, He Shaojun said: "Are you sure?"


He Shaojun said: "Are the team members off work?"

Without further ado, Wu Dazhi dug out the address book of the Nokia phone and said, "Mr. He, you can call me."

He Shaojun nodded.

Wu Dazhi started to dial the phone, and when the call was connected, he pressed the speakerphone.At first, the team members thought that Wu Dazhi had temporarily lost his memory, but at Wu Dazhi's request, they still answered in the affirmative: "Yes."

When the fifth call was made, He Shaojun's expression changed, becoming unbelievable. After making all nine calls, he looked at Su Xing seriously and said, "You just joined the group not long ago, right?"

If he hadn't remembered that Wu Dazhi asked him to apply for an account more than a month ago, then his memory was too bad.

Su Xing said: "It's been eight months since I joined the group, and it's been less than two months since I've been in the real game."

"Then how did you become the commander? How did Xiao Wu trust you?" He Shaojun believed in Wu Dazhi's job integrity. What he couldn't figure out was how Wu Dazhi would hand over the command power to a newcomer, and the newcomer was not responsible. Hope.

Su Xing said: "Mr. He, can I borrow your computer for a while?"

"no problem."

He Shaojun worked on the desk first, and then called the two of them over.

Of the five monitors on the super-large desktop, only one is on, showing the trend of trendy software.It is not difficult to guess that He Shaojun always pays attention to the stocks made by his five groups.It was inconvenient for the other four groups to peek at what stocks to do, so He Shaojun went over and turned off the monitors ahead of time.

Older monitors have a switch below the screen.

Su Xing explained to He Shaojun step by step with the K-line chart, how to build a warehouse, how to wash the dish, and now it is the stage of promoting shipments.What he talks about most is the psychology of retail investors, why there is five consecutive rises;

The K-lines seem to be strung together by an invisible line. This line is the psychology of retail investors. It is precisely because of the familiarity with the psychology of retail investors that it is possible to complete the washing of goods in just over a month.

He Shaojun was too shocked to speak.

Wu Dazhi looked at his expression carefully, and said, "Mr. He, Xiao Su's command is good, and the effect is very good."

Of course I know that the effect is very good. The question is, how does he, a newcomer who has been in the company for eight months, understand this?He Shaojun said: "It's also your handwriting to become the leading stock?"

Su Xing said: "I didn't expect this to happen either. Being too high-profile is not conducive to the decline, so it's better to keep a low profile."

"You are very low-key. If Xiao Wu hadn't repeatedly emphasized, I really would not have thought that our company has such a talent. No, a genius." He Shaojun smiled and pointed to the sofa, and said, "Sit over there."

Mineral water was poured into the ancient small tea stove, He Shaojun said: "I like to drink tea, especially Gongfu tea."

Woke up and said: "Guan Gong is patrolling the city, Han Xin ordered troops?"

This is the highest state of brewing Gongfu tea. In Su Xing's previous life, a classmate was very familiar with this method, so he has heard of it to some extent.

He Shaojun was overjoyed and said, "Not bad. Do you like it too?"

Su Xing shook his head, and said: "Gongfu tea is really fragrant at the beginning, but if you drink too much, you will get hungry."

In his memory, every time he drank that classmate's Gongfu tea, he had to eat snacks at the end, otherwise he would feel really hungry.Of course, Gongfu tea also has the effect of relieving greasy, drinking two cups of Gongfu tea after a big meal, you will feel that this is life.

"Hahaha." He Shaojun laughed, pointed at Su Xing and said to Wu Dazhi, "Xiao Su is very interesting."

I can't understand a word of what you say.Wu Dazhi was stunned, and forced a smile.

He Shaojun said: "Before joining the company, which securities company did you practice in?"

Teito Securities will go to 985 or 211 schools to recruit every year. Students in the finance department will go to banks for internships in their junior year, but it is not ruled out that very few go to securities companies.He thought that waking up was a very rare case.

Su Xing understood the past of the young man, and said, "Internship at Donghai Bank for half a year."

"A bank?" He Shaojun was surprised, and said, "Then how did you understand stock knowledge, and how did you get familiar with the psychology of retail investors?"

Yes, I want to know too.Wu Dazhi muttered to himself silently.

Su Xing said: "I am very interested in stock trading. When I was in college, I used lucky money to speculate in stocks. Whenever I have free time, I go to the business hall and know many retail investors."

One sentence perfectly answers two questions.

Wu Dazhi expressed his feelings: "Perhaps talent must be added. Xiao Su is indeed talented in stock trading."

This is what he feels the most these days. Su Xing is simply a genius in business and marketing. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make trendy software into a leading stock.

He Shaojun closed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about how true or false his words of waking up were.

The water boiled, and white smoke came out of the small tea stove.Su Xing reminded him, He Shaojun picked up boiling water to rinse the tea set, then took out a beautiful jar from the second floor of the coffee table, opened it, and filled the gaiwan with tea leaves with a mahogany spoon.

Wake up and look at the tea leaves in the gaiwan, the thin leaves are rolled into strips, the color is black and shiny, it is not ordinary at first glance.He said, "Isn't this tea cheap?"

He Shaojun said: "Xiaosu knows the goods. This is Song tea. Because of the age, the original plant has withered. Seven or eight hundred years ago, the local tea farmers cut off a tea branch from the original plant and inoculated it on another tea tree. It has survived until now. The annual production of tea is less than ten catties. I entrusted many talents to buy two taels."

Wu Dazhi was speechless: "Song Cha?!"

Such a precious tea, one less time to eat, you actually make it for me to drink?Su Xing's heart moved slightly, and said: "Boss He is too polite."

I usually don't want to drink this tea. If it weren't for your ability to make trendy software into a leading stock, I would brew it for you?He Shaojun said meaningfully: "I have always been polite to talented people."

The boiling water was poured into the gaiwan, and the rich mellow aroma filled the whole office. People couldn't help but take a deep breath, wanting to inhale the mellow aroma into their lungs.

Wash the tea first, pour it out after brewing.Wu Dazhi didn't know how to brew Gongfu tea, so when he saw the good tea was poured out, he couldn't help but let out an "ah".

The second brew is the tea you drink.Exactly three cups, one cup per person.

Su Xing picked up the small teacup and didn't drink it first, so he put it on his nose and smelled it, the aroma of the tea became more intense and intoxicating.

The hot tea in your throat makes you feel like a fairy, and you can't help but sigh that it's worthwhile to walk in the world, and the gods are nothing more than that.

Wake up and said: "Good tea."

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