In the early morning, Yang Beichuan called Meng Junping and told him, "5 million yuan has arrived."

Meng Junping was very surprised. He didn't expect Yang Beichuan to have such a wide network of contacts, and he got [-] million in just a dozen hours.


At 9:30, Xinchao Software opened 1% higher at an opening price of 14.45 yuan.

"Trendy software is booming."

"Hurry up and limit the price. I haven't made any money in this wave of market prices, so I'm just counting on trendy software to make some money."

"That's right, even the bald head has earned 10 yuan, and I haven't solved it yet. Hey, tell me, should I buy trendy software at the expense of others?"

"How much money do you need to get rid of the set? If there is not much difference, wait until the set is resolved before buying."

"Don't listen to him, your rotten stock is going to be released, the day lily is cold, hurry up and buy trendy software, and you will earn back at a daily limit."

"That's right, I'll exchange shares now."

Similar conversations rang out from time to time. From time to time, someone in the public computer area took two steps back to give up the computer, and returned to the computer after the stockholders finished placing orders.

"I'm going, it's going up so fast? Dude, please lend me your computer again, I'll cancel the order and try again."

"What should I do if I can't even buy after chasing high prices?"

"Go up and place an order, what else can I do?"

Xinchao software has risen too fast, and the price will be one minute after the opening. It takes time to log in to the account, right?Does it take time according to the number of shares?It will take time to confirm that the current stock price is switched back to the stock trading software, right?

Well, I can't catch up.

So re-ordered.

Still can't catch up.

After four or five times, the person who placed the order was about to cry: "I can't buy it, what should I do?"

"What else can I do? Pay a few cents more."

It hurts to pay a few cents more, who wants to buy expensive if you can buy it cheaper?But after hesitating for a while, he raised another dime.

The teacher's computer was also borrowed. To avoid suspicion, he stood in the aisle with his hands behind his back and looked at the big screen. In fact, he was too far away to read a word clearly, but gestures are always necessary.

The stockholders placed orders many times and still couldn’t catch up. Seeing that Xinchao Software rose by 7%, Yiqi Juechen rushed towards the daily limit list. He was in a hurry and shouted in a crying voice: "Teacher, come and help."

The teacher turned around in surprise.

The stock buddy stomped: "Come on."

The teacher went over and saw that the order was canceled several times, but none of the transactions were successful.He canceled the order without even looking at it, and quickly pressed Enter according to the stock price displayed by the system.

Refresh again.

The purchase is successful, and there is a stock called Xinchao Software in the account.

"Okay." He looked at the stockmate with a blank expression, the meaning was obvious, you should log out of the account and return the computer to me.

The stockholder was dumbfounded, and said in a daze, "Have you bought it?"

"Look here. Earn two cents."

"Just earn 2 cents in one or two minutes? Teacher, are you kidding me?"

"Now you earn [-] cents, you can see for yourself." The teacher pointed to the screen, the bright red font was beaming, and the profit line had already become [-] cents.

It turns out that making money can be so fast.In less than 5 minutes, earn more than 600 yuan.The stockholder felt unreal, felt like a dream, and said, "Why didn't you move?"

"The daily limit is up."

At 9:47, Xinchao Software closed the daily limit list, and the daily limit price was 15.71 yuan.

In the retail hall, many people really cried: "It has not caught up since the opening of the order, and it has reached the daily limit. What should I do?"

"Let's see if we can buy it with a price limit."

"Can you buy it?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

This time there is only one price, it is not difficult to fight, and there is no need to chase, but the hearts of the people who make the order are bleeding. After chasing for a long time, they chased for a 10% increase.

Zhao Qiang's computer was also borrowed, but he quickly got it back. He was anxious to see Yi'an Technology.

Today, Yian Technology once again hit the pressure level of 97.70 yuan, with an unstoppable momentum, it rushed from 10 yuan to 94.35 yuan in 97.70 minutes, ate up the huge amount piled up at 6 yuan in 97.70 minutes, and then continued to sweep upwards.


Xinchao Software closed the daily limit list, woke up and went to the list to look around, then opened the time-sharing trend of Yian Technology, and looked at it.

Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. The bankers of Yian Technology are really rich, otherwise they would not do this, and the money would not be burned so fast.

After crossing 97.70 yuan, the stock price jumped up and soon approached the [-] yuan mark.

98.11 yuan, 98.19 yuan, 98.35 yuan, 98.48 yuan...

Su Xing was very clear that this stock not only broke through 2000 yuan, but also continued to rise, but he still felt thrilled to witness it with his own eyes.This is 20, money is really money, not [-] years later, the era of skyrocketing prices.

99.13 yuan.

The price of buying ten is 100 yuan.

As the stock price rises, the price in the buying area rises, from buying ten to buying five, buying three, and buying two.

The transaction price is 99.99 yuan.

A single order of 100 shares sweeps up, [-] yuan.

Regardless of transaction price, time-sharing trend, or securities history, this order will be recorded on this day.

Su Xing was leaning on the back of the chair, but when the transaction price jumped out of 100 yuan, he sat upright all of a sudden.


In the retail hall, Zhao Qiang's voice resounded throughout the audience: "One hundred yuan. Hahaha."

"Yian Technology is really a hundred yuan, tsk tsk tsk."

"So what, the 1 yuan is none of my business, and I didn't buy it. The money in my pocket is my own."

"So, it's still trendy software."

"Jin Guangsha is also good."

Like the old Zhou before, Zhao Qiang walked around the hall, just to tell others about the happy event, as if he was afraid that others would not know.

Someone whispered: "Don't be like Lao Zhou, who suffered a heart attack and went to the hospital."

"Has Lao Zhou been discharged from the hospital yet?"

"I heard it's coming soon."


The moment the stock price hit 100 yuan, Meng Junping slumped on the chair, his face, back, and palms were covered with sweat.

When he recovered, the stock price had already closed the daily limit list, with a daily limit price of 103.79 yuan, an increase of 10.01%, ranking No. 1 on the list of the two cities.

Yang Beichuan, on the other hand, was overjoyed and laughed so hard in the office that tears came out of his eyes.

The first hundred-yuan stock in the two cities was created by him. He is the weaver of myths. Unfortunately, he can't tell the world, but he can only be secretly happy, which is a fly in the ointment.

After rushing to 100 yuan, there was no pressure, and the daily limit was easily closed, which made him proud again.

He picked up the mobile phone on the table and called Meng Junping: "Come here."

Meng Junping wiped the sweat off his face and stood up from the chair. He felt that his feet were floating and he couldn't stand still. He could only slowly walk along the wall to the chairman's office.

"Mr. Yang."

Yang Beichuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good job."

Meng Junping forced a smile, and after a while he said, "Mr. Yang, where did you get the money from?"

"Mortgage loans. Don't the banks have mortgages?"

Oh I see.Then can I mortgage again, anyway, there is no communication between the bank and the bank, they will not know that these stocks have been mortgaged.

Meng Junping thought about the feasibility of doing so, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

Yang Beichuan was so happy that he didn't notice his abnormality at all, and told his secretary: "Call the Securities Journal and ask when they will publish my interview. If they don't publish it, I'll find someone else to publish it."

The first [-]-yuan stock in the two cities is very hard-spoken.

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