The Myth of Fortune Through Time

Chapter 317 The Price of Freedom

Although he was trading stocks at home, Lan Jia did not relax and stayed in front of the computer during trading hours.Last Friday, he saw that the number of closed lists of Teidu Securities decreased sharply. Obviously, someone withdrew the orders, and the daily limit list was about to open, so he immediately sold it.

Then patiently wait for the recovery to recommend stocks, and there has been no operation for the past two days.

After receiving the email, he immediately placed an order, waited in line for half an hour, and refreshed the trading system to display a buy.Then, he opened the file and started writing stock reviews.

Huake Entrepreneurship has been trading sideways in the bull market environment, and today's sudden closure of the daily limit list must be a compensatory increase in the market.

He wrote [-] words eloquently and sent it to Editor Miao's mailbox.In fact, he knew in his heart that the reason and trend were not important. If peek-a-boo recommended this stock, this stock would definitely go up.This is enough.

After the market closed at noon, he was cooking. Editor Miao chased the phone and asked him, "Is it the stock recommended by peek-a-boo again?"

Lan Jia smiled knowingly, and said: "Yes, it is the stock recommended by Peekaboo, and the daily limit list has been closed. If you want to buy it, hurry up and queue up, or you will have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe the daily limit will open tomorrow, even if there is no daily limit, no Do you want to catch up a few points?"

Editor Miao understood, and said, "Okay, I'll go to the sales department right now."

"Didu Daily" is 100 meters across the road and there is a sales department of Didu Securities. Ever since Lan Jia used the stocks recommended by peek-a-boo to write stock reviews, the editors ran to this sales department to open accounts and speculate in stocks, earning a lot of money Full.

Editor Miao was close to the water and had a good reputation first. After buying it, he notified his close colleagues, and then typed out Lanjia's stock review and handed it to the printing department. Only then did the stock spread to the editorial department.

The stocks recommended by Peekaboo are often closed with daily limit lists, and editors buy them no matter what price they are, and they are guaranteed to make a profit.


On the twentieth floor of Teidu Securities, the original office of the third group, the glass door was closed tightly, and there was light from inside.

Although the three groups were useless, Wu Dazhi, Tang Yusheng, and Shi Bainian still had to clock in and go to work on time.

He said he was going to work, but he had no funds and could not be a banker. He would either play games in front of the computer or read newspapers on the sofa every day.After two months of living like this, it almost didn't drive the three of them crazy.

Yesterday, Shi Bainian received a call from Fatty. The two had a meal at a high-end western restaurant, which cost more than 800 yuan.

A meal for three hours, the whole process of fat people showing off in various ways, why they resigned and followed them to wake up to become a death squad, and they have already earned millions of dollars; Huaxia Rare Earth, as well as the trendy software that shows the head and then seals five daily limit lists, are all written by Su Xing.

The more Shi Bainian heard it, the worse his mood became. It turned out that he missed the chance to become a millionaire.

After leaving the western restaurant, the fat man insisted on sending him back.

Shi Bainian felt even more uncomfortable when he got on the fat Buick.He didn't dare to move Xinchao Software after completing the shipment and getting the commission.The fat man turned around to buy a car. Now he is worth nearly 200 million and is planning to buy a house.

Fatty entered three groups on the same day as him, and the difference was only hundreds of catties of fat on Fatty's body.Fortunately, he has more than 100 million Huaxia coins in his passbook, and he has nothing.

Back at the rented complex, Shi Bainian immediately called Wu Dazhi and repeated what the fat man had shown off.Call Tang Yusheng again and repeat.

Wu Dazhi thought about it all night, and went to the third group this morning to find He Shaojun.

He Shaojun said: "Xiao Wu, Mr. Wang won't let you go, and I can't help it. You didn't know anything when you joined the company. The company has spent a lot of effort in training you. Now you resign as soon as you say, what should the company do? ? Where can I put Mr. Wang's face?"

There have been many such conversations, and every time Wu Dazhi was speechless.But now, he knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer. If he procrastinated any longer, he would not miss the opportunity to become a millionaire, but might miss the opportunity to become a multi-millionaire.

Su Xing's stock trading skills are too good, he became a billionaire in just two months, and those who followed him also became millionaires, how can we wait.

He said: "Mr. He, look, how to solve this matter?"

He Shaojun smiled and said, "It depends on Mr. Wang's intention."

Didn't Wang Yongcheng listen to you?Wu Dazhi is not stupid, how could he not understand that the three groups resigned collectively, He Shaojun lost face, and deliberately refused to let them leave?Wang Yongcheng is just a shield, it is impossible for him to leapfrog to find Wang Yongcheng.

"Mr. He, please ask Mr. Wang for instructions." Wu Dazhi said seriously: "You recruited me into the company, and you brought me out with your own hands. I will never forget your kindness to me."

According to the rules of the investment bank, He Shaojun must pass the interview to recruit employees.If he doesn't tick off the interviewer's resume, the person will be eliminated.So Wu Dazhi said so.

He Shaojun waved his hand and said, "How can I have such a great ability. You were recruited by Luo Feng, and he also brought you out."

Wu Dazhi smiled wryly, but Luo Feng refused to talk to him.

If in the past, He Shaojun pushed it cleanly, Wu Dazhi had no choice but to leave, but today he is determined to resign, saying: "Mr. He, if I compensate the company, can I leave?"

He Shaojun was startled, and said, "Compensation?"

Wu Dazhi said sincerely: "Yes. I signed a contract with the company, but now I have to resign before the deadline. You can see how much the company should be compensated for. If I can afford it, I will definitely pay."

This kind of employment contract has been signed by every employee in the establishment, and the company will not ask for compensation for employees who resign voluntarily. Only when the company dismisses employees within the contract period will they be compensated.

This is the norm.

But in fact, the contract clauses have compensation for employees who have resigned.

He Shaojun thought about it for a minute, and said, "You really want to be a death squad with Su Xing?"

Wu Dazhi met his gaze and said, "Yes."

After 2 minutes, He Shaojun said: "The last few stocks that have continuously closed the daily limit list have caused a sensation and become myths in the stock market. Are they all from him?"

He Shaojun had suspected it a long time ago, but it was never confirmed. He couldn't bear to ask Su Xing.

Wu Dazhi said: "It is said that it is."

He Shaojun stopped talking.

Wu Dazhi said: "Mr. He, it's useless for me to stay here. In this case, you will not approve the funds to let me be a dealer, and you will not approve me to recruit new people. I have become useless and a waste of company resources."

He Shaojun said: "...OK, you pay 10 yuan, and I will tell Mr. Wang that you are allowed to resign."

10 yuan!

Wu Dazhi narrowed his eyes.

What is the concept of 2000 yuan in 10, when ordinary people earn five or six hundred yuan a month?This is too much.

He Shaojun said with a half-smile: "It's only 10 yuan, you can earn it back soon after Su Xing. How much does he earn in two months?"

"I heard it's hundreds of millions." Wu Dazhi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand."

Walking out of He Shaojun's office, Wu Dazhi couldn't tell what it was like.

After calming down, he called Su Xing: "I'll be there tomorrow."

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