The Myth of Fortune Through Time

Chapter 460 Set off towards the destination

At noon, after cooking half a pot of noodles, Lan Jia sat down in front of the computer and clicked on the group.

The announcement issued a risk reminder, and the group was very lively. Some friends in the group questioned and reminded that it was not done by hide-and-seek; I believe in hide-and-seek, but I am reluctant to sell it.

Although it has only risen four times in a row, Aerospace Zhenhua opened low and went high. If you are lucky, you can buy it in the green market and earn 40%.

Lan Jia is a die-hard fan of peek-a-boo. He received an email at noon on Tuesday and immediately placed an order. He couldn’t buy it before the market closed. On Wednesday, he bought it at a -5% drop, with two daily limits plus compound interest, earning 40%.

Lan Jia watched the screen silently, and no matter what others said, she would make an order immediately at 13:5.There are a lot of closed lists, and the transaction takes [-] minutes.When he looked at the questioning voices in the group, it was like looking at self-righteous fools.

Lan Jia switched back to the stock trading software to look at the K-line chart of Aerospace Zhenhua for 10 minutes, and then called Editor Miao: "Did you buy Aerospace Zhenhua? Sell it."

Editor Miao was taken aback and asked, "What happened?"

Lan Jia didn't explain, and said, "Don't be greedy, just make a little money and run away."

There is only one possibility for a sudden call to sell stocks.Editor Miao tentatively asked: "...Will the stock god let you sell?"


Editor Miao lost his voice: "Do you know the stock god?"

During the lunch break, there were not many people in the office, only a few colleagues who were napping at the table, woke up by her voice, looked at her sleepily, and someone said: "Xiao Miao, who is the stock god you know?"

The editorial department has spread the news, and Editor Miao has inside information.As an editor who often solicits manuscripts for stock reviews, it is normal to have inside information, but it is too much to know the stock gods.

Can editors like them recognize the existence of a stock god?

As it was a matter of making money, editor Miao completely ignored his colleagues and listened attentively to the voice coming from the microphone.

Reminder that selling is a premium member's benefit, it costs 380 yuan a year to buy, how can I give it to editor Miao for nothing?Lan Jia didn't hesitate, and said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

Editor Miao wanted to ask again, but Lan Jia hung up the phone.

The discussion among the group friends continued, Lan Jia closed the group and went to the Fortune Forum.Most of the bullet screens speculated that Aerospace Zhenhua would close a few daily limit lists, and some people even bet that many netizens booed.

Lan Jia really wanted them to sell, but in the end they didn’t type a single word. People who are reluctant to spend 380 yuan have nothing to sympathize with.


Hu Run once worked in Forfus for a period of time, and stayed after studying in Huaxia a few years ago.Last year, I checked information in the library and released the first issue of Hu Run's [-] Rich List, which had little impact.

He is a Caucasian and has natural advantages, but unfortunately, because he is unknown and lacks credibility, the list he made has no influence.After thinking about it, he still had to borrow Forfus' name.

Two months ago, he contacted his former boss and passed on the idea of ​​cooperating with his old club to make a China list, but was rejected.Forfus believes that there are no real rich people in China.

Hu Run had no choice but to fly to the headquarters of Forfors, and after repeated persuasion, he finally persuaded the editor-in-chief to agree to release this year's list in the name of Forfors.

Fortunately, the trip was worthwhile.

Hu Run happily boarded the plane back to China, firmly convinced that with the promotion of Fufusi by the Chinese people, as long as the three words "Fufusi" were put on the front of the list, all the media would definitely reprint it, and he would become a blockbuster.

After the plane landed, he walked out of the airport with his suitcase and took a taxi back to the rental house.

He rents a one-story house outside the second ring road of the imperial capital. The area is small, the rent is cheap, and the transportation is fairly convenient.

Pushing open the iron door of the rental house, newspapers and magazines were piled up on the ground, on the table, and on the bed, with no place to stay.He often goes to the drawing library to check information, and will pay for it when needed.

He folded the newspapers on the bed, lay down to sleep, and it was midnight after finishing jet lag.

This year's list has been released, and with the approval of Forfus, it can be released after proofreading again.

It was first released by Fufus, and then reproduced by Huaxia Media.

Whether it can be done or not is up to this.


Early Saturday morning, there were nearly ten cars parked downstairs, one of which was a red Ferrari, and the other seven or eight were either BMWs or Buicks.Soon, a large group of people surrounded the convoy.

There are two worlds inside and outside the car.

The Ferrari was eye-catching, and the curious citizens commented on it. Lu Jingxian in the car became more and more uncomfortable, and always felt that he was being treated like a monkey.

An old man stood close, spitting on the car window.

Are luxury cars with millions of dollars just for you to spit on?Lu Jingxian was furious, he opened the car door and rushed out and yelled at the old man: "Get away, get away!"

The old man took two steps back and accidentally stepped on the foot of the middle-aged aunt behind, who yelled like killing a pig: "No, Li!"

"!" The old man's face turned green.

The onlookers roared with laughter, and some people made fun of the aunt: "Aren't your feet particularly beautiful?"

In late autumn, who doesn't wear shoes and socks, where can they see their feet?Even if it is stepped on, it is not intentional, and it will not hurt very much.Do you have shoes and socks?

The aunt gave the man a white look, and said, "My shoes are new and cost more than 50 yuan."

"Understood, right and wrong, gift shoes."

The laughter grew louder.

was ignored.Lu Jingxian was very angry, and Lu Siying quickly got out of the car and whispered: "Dad, Su woke up, get in the car quickly."

Lu Jingxian looked up, the glass door of the apartment was pushed open, Su Xing walked in front carrying a big bag, followed by a middle-aged man and woman, the man's facial features were five or six points similar to Su Xing.It should be the awakened parents.

Lu Jingxian got into the car and sat upright.

There were too many people, so he didn't wake up, so he turned and went to the parking lot.

Behind, Su Jinhua whispered: "It's all your fault, you insist on steaming the buns, are you late?"

Luo Suqin bowed her head and said nothing.She felt that the barbecued food was not enough to eat, she was not really hungry, and the buns were still good, so she got up early in the morning to steam the buns, and then went out after the buns were cooled and bagged.

Wake up and said: "It's okay, let them wait."

"How can I do it?" Su Jinhua felt apologetic, and looked back as he walked, thinking whether he should go and explain, so his pace slowed down.

Su Xing thought they were not going to the parking lot, and said, "Dad, Mom, wait for me here, and I'll drive."

As soon as Su Jinhua turned his head, his son quickened his pace and walked into the gate of the parking lot.He said to his wife, "It's all your fault."

A few minutes later, a Land Rover stopped beside the two of them, woke up and rolled down the window, saying, "Dad, Mom, get in the car."

Su Jinhua looked at the dark crowd and said uncertainly, "Should I call them?"

"No need. Get in the car." Su Xing took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The horn sounded, and the onlookers retreated to the sidewalk one after another. The Land Rover was in front, followed by BMW, Ferrari, and Buick, and drove towards Changping.

"They are following up." Su Jinhua kept looking back, and was relieved to find the car behind.

Luo Suqin said: "Can you be awkward?"

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