Zou Muxin is the dealer of Huahao shares. He is 45 years old this year. He has a well-maintained body and looks like he is only in his 30s.When I was a banker, I had the habit of counting stocks after the market closed. Today, I counted and counted, and no matter how I counted, I felt wrong.

After deducting the purchases of retail investors, there are about 10,000+ lots and I don’t know where to go.

10,000+ lots of at least [-] to [-] million funds, such a large amount of money, it is impossible for retail investors to buy, retail investors do not have that energy, but the flow of funds cannot be seen from the disk.Zou Muxin calculated over and over again, checking the transaction records displayed by the stock trading software over and over again, the more he calculated, the more he searched, the more he searched.

Until the office is dark, only the light from the screen.

He got up and turned on the light, then grabbed the cigarette case on the table, half-lyed on the sofa and smoked a cigarette.After smoking a cigarette, the irritable mood has calmed down.

In the past six months, more than a dozen stocks suddenly closed the list continuously, and suddenly their stock prices fell from a high level like a free fall. Shouqi Automobile even fell to the limit at the opening three times.

Most of these stocks have dealers, and two or three of them knew him well. They all mentioned that there were a large number of buying orders during the day, which affected the stock trend and forced them to change their operating procedures.

Compared with retail investors, they have abundant funds and can manipulate stock prices. Who wants someone to override them?


The peers hate this kind of behavior, but they can't find the person behind the scenes.

Needless to say, now they are eyeing Huahao shares.

How to do?

Before they found their traces, they could only follow the trend.Zou Muxin planned to control 60% of the market, but now it is only 50%, which is 10% short. If it is confirmed that he has really been recruited, it is impossible to say, and he can only ship early.

Thinking of a good stock being made like this by someone hiding behind the scenes, I was so irritable that I had to light another cigarette.

My stomach growled. It was past eight o'clock and I hadn't had dinner yet.

Forget it, let's eat first.Zou Muxin locked the door on the computer and went downstairs, then drove to a five-star hotel he frequented frequently to have a buffet.At this point, even if it is a five-star hotel, there is not much food left.There is nothing left of what he likes to eat.

While fetching the food, he thought, who the hell is going to attack these bankers continuously?Even the banker has become a prey, this person is too much.

Let's take a look at the opening of the market tomorrow. If the stock price continues to rise, it is basically certain that the move will be made, and only shipments will be made.

Silent all night.

In the early morning, Zou Muxin walked into the office on time at 08:30, looking as usual.Afterwards, the traders arrived one after another, and the morning meeting began.

He said: "Listen to my instructions today. Dismiss the meeting."

Zou Muxin is a boss who plans well in advance. Usually, how much to buy for each account and what price will be clearly assigned in the morning meeting, and there has never been a situation of impromptu command.what is it today?The employees were a little strange, but no one asked aloud.


Lan Jia got up and turned on the computer to log in to Penguin, and there were many people chatting in the group.He flipped through the chat records, thinking, are these people night owls, are there still people chatting at three or four in the morning?

The topic of the chat was to guess at what price Huahao shares will open today, and the most people guessed at a higher opening price, and some even said that the opening price would be daily limit.Lan Jia looked at it for a while, and then sent a message: "Open low and buy and then pull up to earn a few more points."

"That's right, you can earn more than ten points in this way."

"It's profit maximization."

"I hope that the daily limit will be opened. Although I only earn 10% a day, I can earn many days."


After sending out the message, Lan Jia went to wash up and have breakfast, and then looked at the group. The topic continued. Someone proposed to open the trading limit and then close the trading limit, but someone actually agreed, thinking that this would earn 20%.

Lan Jia shook his head. They must be too brainy. How could it be possible that the stocks recommended by peek-a-boo didn’t go up before opening the limit?If this is the case, he will not be a well-deserved stock god.

At 9:30, Huahao shares opened at a flat price of 40.79 yuan.Lan Jia bought it quickly, and then looked at the group, many people said that they waited for the fall, but it was counterproductive, the stock price did not fall, but rose rapidly, 40.81 yuan, 40.85 yuan, 40.96 yuan...

It rushed to 41 yuan in the blink of an eye. Not only did the rally not stop, but it became faster and faster.

Those members who shouted to sit and wait for the decline suddenly turned pale with fright, and regretted not buying immediately after the market opened.

If you have the time to type, you don't have to type.Lan Jia was speechless.


If it was said that this group of people quietly sucked up goods yesterday, it has become blatant today.

Zou Muxin became more and more angry as he looked at it, and his face became more and more ugly.

His executive desk faces the employees' desks, and the employees can look up to see his monitor.The stock price rose by 5% in just 5 minutes, and the transaction price was 42.83 yuan. The employees almost glanced at the screen to see where he was.

The trend of Hua Hao's muscle mass today is too strange, what kind of medicine does the boss sell in the gourd?

43 yuan.

The employees looked puzzled. They didn't operate, but the stock price rose fiercely. The white line of the time-sharing trend went straight up. What's going on?

44 yuan.No, it's 44.87 yuan.

A single order from 44 yuan simply closed the daily limit, and the daily limit price was 44.87 yuan.What surprised the employees was that there were only 2 lots in this transaction. 200 shares.

Use 2 hands to seal the daily limit list, who will believe it.

"Mr. Zou..." The employee Xiao Yuan couldn't help but say something, but felt that it was inappropriate.

"Huh?" Zou Muxin poked out half of his face from the monitor, and said, "I saw it."

The atmosphere in the office is much more relaxed.

Zou Muxin felt it, and said with a smile, "You think I'm blind?"

How dare you.Xiao Yuan said shyly, "No."

Zou Muxin didn't say anything, his face retracted, his smiling face turned livid.Now it is certain that Huahao shares have been recruited. No matter what purpose those people have, they must follow the trend and strive for the greatest benefit.


In Room 288, all the colleagues were smiling, and He Dajiang even expressed his feelings: "I like the daily limit list the most."

Shi Bainian clenched his right fist and lightly punched in the air. No one wanted to make money more than him. Only the daily daily limit and continuous compound interest could earn the money to buy a villa as soon as possible.

Su Xing sensed their strangeness, and calmly said: "It's not the banker who won the list, but our members."

"Not the banker?"

"Boss, do members have so much energy?"

Su Xing said: "I'm afraid you don't know how many members we have. Do you really think that investing 100 million a year in advertising costs has not been heard?"

The advertising fees of "Securities Journal" and Dongfeng Satellite TV are just 100 million.

The influence of Dongfeng Satellite TV is greater, and the TV commercials are dynamic, and the retail investors who watch this program follow the trend blindly. Most of the readers of "Securities Journal" are educated and have their own ideas, and they are not willing to follow suit in stock trading.

In just one and a half months, the number of members increased by 2, with [-] ordinary members and nearly [-] senior members.

With so many people scrambling to buy, what's so strange about pulling the stock price to the daily limit?

What Su Xing cares about is, what will the dealer do with such an obvious buying behavior, will it continue to rise or suppress it backhandedly?

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