Lan Jia has never bought a newspaper since launched. In terms of the speed of information disclosure of listed companies, ranks second, and no one dares to admit that it is the first.To understand the situation of listed companies, just go to not only has comprehensive information, but also has wonderful interviews with the chairman of listed companies.Who doesn't yearn for the life of the rich?If you want to know what the rich think and how to make a fortune from scratch, just browse

Lan Jia woke up naturally, finished breakfast and lunch once, then turned on the computer, and just clicked on, a string of virtual fireworks rose into the sky, and a line of rotating 3D red characters came into view: "Congratulations to Mr. Su Xing, Chairman, for being selected into the Fortune List !"

Lan Jia was stunned for a moment before realizing: the big boss of is called Su Xing. He is very rich and has been selected into the Fortune List.

The fireworks dissipated, the 3D fonts receded, and the headline on the home page was a congratulatory post, only a few short lines, which could be read at a glance.

"It turns out that the chairman of the Fortune List is so powerful, it's no wonder he can find someone who can recommend stocks like peek-a-boo." Lan Jia said to herself, thinking that the members only know how to hide-and-seek and don't know the boss. , This kind of mind is unmatched.

The group has exploded.

"Is our wealth website so powerful? The chairman's personal wealth ranks No. 11?"

"It's not awesome. You kept losing money in stocks before you bought the membership, but you kept making money after you bought the membership?"

"It seems very reasonable. I want to know how much the stock god's personal wealth ranks."

"Yeah, why isn't the stock god on the list?"

"It goes without saying that the stock god serves the big boss."

"Or a partnership?"

"No matter what the relationship is, today is a good day, and we will add food tonight."

"Yes, yes, it's just the weekend, so we must have a good meal to celebrate."

Similar chats are staged in every group. The members of the group are very happy. leads members to make a fortune, and the business of is their business. has broadband, free of charge.On weekends and weekends, employees who live nearby will come to browse the Internet, and Xiang Shaowen is no exception.When she turned on the computer to prepare the water group, she smiled knowingly when she saw the discussion among netizens.

The fact that Mr. Su will be on the list has been spread throughout the company, and everyone is proud of it. However, apart from adding some special features on the website by the technical department, I have not heard of any activities.

Manager Tao said that Mr. Su didn't take being on the list seriously at all.


Last Saturday, the "Securities Journal" announced that today's wealth list will be released. Ding Youquan is very concerned about it. He eats a bowl of journalists and is naturally sensitive to current events. As a financial reporter, the word "wealth" always touches his nerves.

Early this morning, he went out to buy newspapers.

When he got the newspaper, he couldn't wait to read it. Some names were familiar to him, such as Rong Yiren, such as Wang Jianguo, and some names were unfamiliar to him, such as Su Xing.

It is indeed a pity to rank No.12 with a wealth of 11 billion, which is only 10 million away from No.0.5.But when he read the interview at a glance and learned that the rich man was too young, only 22 years old, he was dumbfounded.

I've been living on dogs all my life.

He has a silent feeling, has lived for 35 years, and has been working hard to get food and clothing. At the age of 22, his personal wealth is as high as 12 billion.How can this embarrass him?

Feelings are all feelings, work still has to be done.He hurried back to Langhu's office, turned on the computer and browsed, and saw the virtual fireworks on the homepage, and felt sore. Why did he want to be a reporter and not start a business?'s homepage didn't have any introduction about Su Xing, but reprinted the fortune list instead.

Ding Youquan smiled wryly, "This rich man is very low-key."

The youngest rich man is definitely a gimmick to attract readers. He picked up the microphone on the table and dialed the contact number on the fortune website.

"Hello." The call was connected quickly, and the environment over there was very quiet.

Ding Youquan was a little surprised. Why are the employees so calm when the chairman is on the list?He was silent for two seconds, and said: "Congratulations to Mr. Su on the list of personal wealth. I am Ding Youquan, a reporter from Langhu, and I want to interview Mr. Su."

"Leave your contact information, and I will pass it on to you."

Rich people are very busy, and Ding Youquan was surprised that the other party didn't refuse immediately, so he hurriedly reported his mobile phone number.


Su Xing really didn't take being on the list seriously, and stayed in bed for half an hour after being woken up by Yan Du, and didn't get up from the bed until he was hungry.

There was warm soy milk in the pot, and two steamed buns on the coffee table, which were cold.He picked up a bun and took a bite, the phone rang, and his colleagues called one after another as if they had made an appointment.

Su Xing replied uniformly: "It's not the richest man, it's boring."

The colleagues smiled knowingly.In the third group, Su Xing once said that his goal is to become the richest man.Nobody takes it seriously.Unexpectedly, just a few months later, the "Securities Journal" made a wealth list, and he was not only on the list, but also ranked No. 11.

It's amazing.

His ability to speculate in stocks is so strong and he makes money so fast, his colleagues have no doubt that he will become the richest man in a few years.Tao Keqin spoke bluntly, and said, "Boss, one day we will be on the list as well."

He Dajiang also said: "Boss, we agreed to be on the list together."

Now that you are on the list, my net worth is only a few million, the gap is too big.

Su Xing said: "There will be bread, and there will be wealth. What's the rush?"

Wu Dazhi called his colleagues and wanted to go to the Capital Hotel to celebrate him.Woke up and said, "Let's talk about the richest man."

Less than 3 minutes after hanging up Wu Dazhi's phone, Su Xing received nine text messages with the same content: "The richest man, don't forget each other."

Su Xing smiled, put down the phone, and continued eating buns.

He believes that when the mobile phone is launched, his personal wealth will increase exponentially, and maybe in a few years, he will really become the richest man in China.

After taking two bites of the steamed stuffed bun, the phone rang again, and Zheng Chen'an called: "Boss, the reporter from Langhu wants to interview you."

This sentence passed through several people before it reached Su Xing.

Langhu is the only two portal websites in China. They are comprehensive websites, unlike, which only report news related to the securities industry.

He said, "Tell him to go to Fortune Internet Cafe at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

This is promised.


A train slowly entered the Imperial Capital North Station, the doors of the carriages opened, and the passengers got off one after another.

Ma Yun carried the suitcase, followed the flow of people out of the Imperial Capital North Station, hailed a taxi, and reported the name of a hotel.

A few years ago, after failing to start a business in the imperial capital, he brought his employees who were willing to continue to follow him back to Lin'an, and established Huaxia Yellow Pages Technology Company.He is very familiar with Di.

After settling down in the hotel, he immediately put on clean clothes, took materials, and went straight to the commercial building not far away.

Chose this hotel because it is very close to the building, 10 minutes walk.

On weekends, employees can rest, but the boss does not.He wanted to try his luck, maybe he would find that legendary boss.

The name of this boss is Yang Chuanqi, he is the head of a well-known domestic computer brand, and he is well-received in the industry. If he is willing to invest in Ababa, Abababa will be able to survive.

------off topic-----

Will put it up, correct the typo immediately.

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