The new issue of "Forbes" is published as soon as possible, and Hu Run's 17 rich list is published on page No.[-].

Hu Run received the notification email, and the attachment was a scanned copy of the Rich List.

He stared blankly at the scanned document for a while, and cursed: "You stupid jerk! (Stupid pig!)"

What's the point of being listed on the [-] Rich List now?The wealth list published by China's local newspaper "Securities Journal" has become popular all over the country, and the media began to use the wealth list to measure the status of entrepreneurs.The wealth list has become a business card that people talk about every day, and the rich carry it with them.

The rich list that has lost its opportunity is nothing.

The scanned copy on the screen is like a child's mischievous graffiti, full of mockery of him.

We can't leave it alone.

How to seek justice?Tear with "Forbes"?That's like hitting an egg against a rock, he can't handle him, and besides, he published the rich list as agreed, and he didn't violate the contract.

He gritted his teeth for a long time, replied to the email, and begged the editor-in-chief to send him some magazines.

The package sent from the United States to China has traveled across the ocean, and I am afraid that it will not be received until after the Spring Festival.He resolutely left the Internet cafe, went back to the rental house and found a 3-inch disk, went back to the Internet cafe, clicked on the email, copied the scanned copy, and then faxed it to major newspapers and magazines.

He didn't believe that the Chinese media would ignore the list released by "Forbes". As long as they reposted it, they would be able to suppress the limelight of the wealth list. At that time, people would only remember the [-] rich list, and who would mention the wealth list?


This is why the moon in foreign countries is rounder than in China.

Unexpectedly, after the fax was sent, Hu Run only received two or three calls.This is very different from what he estimated before the major media rushed to reprint it, and he was extremely frustrated.

Could it be that the prints are too moldy?Then wait until you receive Forbes.

No, it is necessary to invite a heavyweight figure to come out on the platform to be a gimmick and attract the attention of the media.

Who will you please?

Hu Run thought hard.


The shipment went smoothly in the morning, and Tao Xinyue was in a good mood. He walked out of the elevator while chatting and laughing with a few of his subordinates, and came to the lobby. He saw four or five girls from the business department putting up posters, and he casually glanced at them.

The posters of the new fund are all the same, and so is this one, but one sentence caught Tao Xinyue's attention: "The annual rate of return is 50%!

! ”

A fund with an annual rate of return of 20% is worthy of Christians. The fund manager is very conscientious and can issue a good person card.The publicity of Jingyang Fund has always been 20%, but this one actually prints 50%. Did he read it wrong?Tao Xinyue read it again, yes, it was indeed 50%.

He said: "You must have a sick mind!"

A girl with a ponytail passed by him, turned her head and smiled and said, "Manager Tao, you don't know, our fund has a very powerful fund manager, who is also a celebrity. Shi Shiyi, have you heard of it?"

Shi Shiyi is famous, and countless shareholders are his fans. His name is so appealing, let alone a 50% yield, even if the yield is 0, the fund will not worry about selling.The girl happily finished speaking and ran away.

Tao Xinyue was stunned, then flew into a rage, and without even thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone number, and just as soon as the call was connected, she said, "No wonder the retail investors say you are a liar, and you go to Dongfeng Satellite TV to pull banners every day. They read it right, you Liar indeed."

Tao Xinyue's incoming call was displayed on the mobile phone, Shi Shiyi didn't want to answer it, and felt that she would work in the same company in the future, so she couldn't make the relationship too rigid, and she still had to do superficial work.

She didn't expect Tao Xinyue to hurt others.

Shi Shi exploded in anger.He has been a public figure for several years, and he is on TV every day. He can control his mouth. Although his tone is cold, there is still some leeway for his words: "Old Tao, pay attention to your words."

"Pay attention to you, Mom." Tao Xinyue really didn't care about his temper.

Shi Shiyi wanted to strangle him to death, but now was not the time to quarrel, Zhou Shuli was sitting opposite him, refusing to break up, if he quarreled with Tao Xinyue on the phone, it would only make Zhou Shuli laugh.

He hung up the phone without saying a word, Bai Zhe's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Tao Xinyue called again, it rang twice, and then it was cut off.

Call again, just connected, cut off.

If he doesn't let out the bad breath in his chest, he will explode and die.He pressed the button of the phone so hard that his subordinates thought he would dent the button.This time, a gentle female voice came from the microphone: "The call you dialed cannot be connected."


Along with the scolding, more than a dozen people present heard the sound of "Peng".Manager Tao slammed it hard, and the new flip phone worth 5000 yuan broke into four pieces, one of which fell on the side of the ponytail girl's shoe.

Everyone is sluggish.

The girl was so frightened that she jumped up.

Tao Xinyue didn't look at the wreckage of the phone, rushed out of the gate, strode to the parking lot, and drove away.

A few minutes later, the salesmen picked up the pieces of the mobile phone and handed them to the people in the third department.


The 3G mobile phone brand "Glory" launched by Xinchao Software Branch has an estimated advertising cost of 8000 million. In addition to CCTV and Dongfeng Satellite TV, local stations in first-tier cities also place 30-second advertisements during prime time. Put huge billboards in prime locations.

Only there are no major portals.

At this stage, only the website advertises on TV stations. How can anyone advertise on the website?This is Wang Jianguo's idea.

There is still 50 yuan left in the budget, let's see the effect and add more.Wang Jianguo was a little bit uncertain. If he messed up his debut in Glory, it would be a real joke.

There is a knock on the door.He said, "Come in."

A tall and thin young man pushed the door in and said, "Mr. Wang, I am Zheng Chen'an, CEO of, and this is my business card."

Zheng Chenan took out a business card from the exquisite business card holder and handed it over with both hands.

If it was someone else, Wang Jianguo would immediately call the security guard, or, so Su Su must be given some face.He took the business card and said with a smile, "Sit down."

Zheng Chenan sat down opposite the executive desk, and said straight to the point: "I heard from Mr. Su that Glory will launch an advertisement. Mr. Wang, why don't you consider"

Why should I consider, I didn't consider either site.Wang Jianguo said, "Xiao Su asked you to come?"

When this matter was brought up, Zheng Chen'an became discouraged. He didn't believe that Su Xing didn't know about it, so he only told him at Penguin at noon.

Su Xing is the boss of, and the major shareholder of Xinchao Software Branch, which accounts for 51% of the shares. He has put his right pocket on the left pocket and put it on the list, as if it would be troublesome to even mention it.

Zheng Chen'an saw the news in Penguin, and rushed over immediately without notifying Jiang Yuanshan.

Based on his sober relationship, if he can't talk, it doesn't matter if the CEO is wrong.

Wang Jianguo started from scratch, and he was not angry and pretentious. Zheng Chenan dared not lie under his gaze, and said, "Mr. Su inform me."

Got it, Su Xing took this opportunity to investigate him.Wang Jianguo decided to do business.


Su Xing took the time to visit Lu Jingxian at noon, with nothing in his hands.

Lu Jingxian's blood pressure dropped to a normal value, and the doctor suggested that he could be discharged after two days of observation.Thinking of what happened the day before yesterday, he was a little embarrassed, but he was very enthusiastic about Su Xing.

The chair was not warm enough, so he woke up and left.Open soon, we have to watch the market.

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